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A touching story on how men think.

As she sat by him, he whispered, eyes full of tears, "You know what?
You have been with me all through the bad times. When I got fired, you
were there to support me. When my business failed, you were there. When
I got shot, you were by my side. When we lost the house, you stayed right
When my health started failing, you were still by my side ... you know
what Martha?"
"What dear?" she gently asked, smiling as her heart began to fill with

"I'm beginning to think you're bad luck."

Glad, I don't think it will post it unless you click on one of the buttons; this site doesn't have your social media info. It's just in case you want to post it to Facebook or whatever :)

What is the purpose of the new Facebook Twitter, Pintarest and LinkedIn buttons? I don't want my posts on these forums for the world to see!

He'd first need to take his finger out of his nose... Was lovely, he dug in it in front of the lady trimming his hair, then in his room then down the hall, Mom told him to stop and use a Kleenex an he snapped "IT'S MY FINGER AND MY NOSE!"
Great great, it's your a** too...

I got this from Anne who lives in Ireland. She is part of out grossed out group.

Riddle for Seniors.....

Be patient....this takes some thought!

Riddle for seniors....
Today's riddle for seniors...Here is the situation:

You are on a horse, galloping at a constant speed.

On your right side is a sharp drop-off.

On your left side is an elephant traveling at the same speed as you.

Directly in front of you is a galloping kangaroo and your horse is unable to overtake it.

Behind you is a lion running at the same speed as you and the kangaroo.

What must you do to get out of this highly dangerous situation ?

Think logically before you scroll down for the answer

Quietly get off the merry-go-round and go home!

Jen, good luck with your writing, your such a talented writer.. Bobbi, the retreat sounds like it was great.
Mom has another UTI. She tells the Dr she drinks as much water as she can. (which is very little. ).
Report are too funny. Exaustipated. GReat word.

Seriously glad you are OK bobbie, I was getting worried!
It is smoky crazy here from wild fires in the state. Hope we get some rain.
Writing for publication now, seem to have turned a corner in my life...
Hope everyone is doing good where they are! Jen

Hello all,
I have been back from the healing retreat for a week and feel so much better and have lost 20 pounds so far. Hope I can keep it up and keep getting better.

Got to hang out with DEEF!! We had a great time and I got to see her garden which rocks and she got to come and stay at the retreat overnight. Sure was good to see you Deef and thanks for making me feel so welcome.

Jen! I didn't have email for a few weeks while I was up there but I emailed you when I got back. Hope you're doing as well as you can with the crazy. Glad you're writing!

Everybody! Check in so we can see what everyone has been up to.
Hope everybody is ok.



Grossed out= using hand towel on her butt UGH !!!!!!!!!!

A new senior word
I love this new word-I even like pronouncing it.
New word: Exaustipated

Here is a new word to add to your vocabulary.
It will be especially useful to us senior folks.

Exaustipated: meaning " Too tired to give a shit".

A funeral procession pulled into a cemetery. Several carloads of family members followed a black truck towing a boat with a coffin in it.
A passer-by remarked, "That guy must have been a very avid fisherman."
"Oh, he still is," remarked one of the mourners. As a matter of fact, he's headed off to the lake as soon as we bury his wife."

Thanks cuz! :)) Needed those today.

I just took a
leaflet out of my mailbox,
informing me that I can
have sex at 73.
I'm so happy, because I live at
number 71.
So it's not too far to walk home
it's the same side of the street.
I don't even have
to cross the road!

Answering machine
"I am not available right now, but
thank you for caring enough to call.
I am making
some changes in my life.
Please leave a message
after the beep.
If I do not return your call,
you are one of the

The irony of life is that,
by the time you're old
enough to know your way around,
you're not going

The quote of the month is
by Jay Leno:
"With hurricanes, tornados, fires out
of control,
mud slides, flooding, severe
tearing up the country from
one end
to another,
and with the threat of
bird flu and
terrorist attacks,
are we sure this is a good time
to take
God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?"

Got our first green pepper and tomato. So watering paid off eventually...
Writing a lot here, and cooled down considerably!
Sane week all...Jen
Report sorry about your mom. Before my mom was wheelchair bound I had many phone calls late at night or early mornings from her facility that she had taken nosedives. Now, like I said she's wheelchair bound from her last fall a year or so ago. Broken pelvis which is recoverable from but she's got dementia so I guess not from her. You are right.....we just do our best.

Yep, and it is his savings and when it is gone, it is gone....Medicare?
Doing OK other wise, went down today didn't go in,I walked over a long the river and stepped into the water for bit and watch the little fishies swimming around. the Spokane river is low enough in places you could almost walk across it...

Know that routine meanwhile...They do NOT see the cause and effect of anything! No food no water, pass it long enough... no breathe ....

Well, Mom took another nose dive. Nothing broken, just some bruises. She got dizzy, and passed out. So my sister and I got her up, checked her blood sugar. I think she is dehydrated, or not eating again. She is borderline anorexic. But, it does no good to try and tell her what to do.
Mame, hope your enjoying your job. Your doing great, Your doing great too Jen. All anyone of us can do is hang in there. Welcome catt.

Hide it let her brush her hair with her own its wakey yes and while your at it but her a ton of hair brushes in case she losses them

Jsomebody there is a saying, Once a man twice a child. omg, now I understand!!!

$12,000.00 a months? Seriously??

The said they cancelled the accounts and sent emails to nursing staff and aides that the prescriptions are IN HOUSE now!
Yes, getting our $12,000 a month worth of care here!

Still, it isn't 100 degrees out....

Busy and paid is pretty good for the time being Mame! I can imagine it is a major adjustment after losing your mom, I don't want to imagine it personally...
I know what you mean about days dragging into one another too! They do. No demarcation but the care needs of someone gets draining on emotional levels and just cognitive day to day levels...Days that bleed into months...
You sound like you are doing better and able to move forward. That is the best anyone can say after a loss really... To not be alone and to be able to function and look forward to new things and look back in sadness but not despair or be stuck in a know like my life:)

Doing O.K. here, he's not dead. but I only see him for a moment than leave the room and let mom visit with her father. Her comfort level with his care being out of her hands. I don't know. It would have killed us both to still have him here...I was in the room with her when a TV commercial ran showing a father trying to get his young child to eat hot mush, wouldn't do it, next scene a daughter trying to get her now elderly father to eat hot mush, same response... Mom twitched and her chair and got that quiet, tense look on her face...Oh Good God Please let it go!
Finally cut the cord on prescriptions, after too many fiascoes she realized it is worth an extra charge to insurance for the nursing home to use Their own pharmacy instead of calling and miss calling medications in for us to go get and take down there....when they didn't accidentally call in the same prescription fr the same med to two different pharmacies...

Have you made it to Mass bobbie! Hope you guys have fun there!

It finally cool off here, just a leetle rain and temps back to livable again, YAY!
Have a good weekend everyone!. Jen

Hi All! Just a quick drive by to say hello! Was trying to read and catch up on everyone! So much going on. So sorry to all of you and the sh*t you are going through! Sometimes I can't read what you are all saying cause it brings me back to those days and gets my heart racing. It was such a crazy time. It has been almost 4 months since mom died. Seems like yesterday but also seems soooo long ago! I feel for all of you and wish you good things SOON!
Life is moving on for me. Got a job-and altho it is not the most fulfilling, it keeps my mind busy and there is the whole social aspect which I had missed for 15 years! Hubby got laid off in May so I am happy to be a contributor in the finances of the house again!
It was difficult getting a job with a 15 year gap in my resume. I ended up going through a temp agency. It is a good place that I ended up and they have hired me full time.
New dynamics in the family now that we are orphans, Still talk with the 2 sibs that helped me with mom regularly... the others-not so much but that was expected. I am trying not to harbor any resentment-it only hurts me... Mom is gone, I don't need/long for their help anymore and I don't want any of those feelings anymore. They have shown me who they are and now I know... No expectations-or hopes anymore. It just is what it is...
Both my kids are around this summer so that is keeping us busy. We have a nice weekend weatherwise this weekend-there has been soooooo much rain! Hope to have a nice little fire in the backyard tonight and roast marshmallows! I am learning to appreciate weekends and days off now that I am working outside the home! Everyday just ran into the next when I cared for mom. It is a different feeling for sure!
Well, I want you all to know that I think of you often! I feel for you all and wish you all well. It is a long tough road.... Thank you for all your thoughts and wishes and shout outs!

Not having good luck here either with tomatoes, just keep getting blossom rot! excellent year FOR cantaloupe I have noticed though...

Another super hot day, mom's b day, and I think brother forgot again...what ever.

Have a good rest of the week all...

We have tons of peppers coming from the garden, not so many tomato's Put a gallon of green beans in the freezer last night.
Indio had surgery on the eye he injured last year.. It was terrible. He said it felt like they were ripping his eye ball out. Don't know why they couldn't give him better anesthesia. And he isn't a whiner, never takes pain meds,( except for a baby aspirin for his heart). Afterwards they just kicked us out of the surgery center, guess it was time for lunch. He could barely walk, was sick to his stomach, and still in pain. I finally put him to bed with a double dose of nyquil. He slept for 16 hours, except for my checking his blood sugar and making him drink some juice. It upset me more than him. But he can still just barely get that eye open.
Although the Dr's office was a nightmare. A couple of complete strangers, (sisters that had brought their mom in for cataract surgery). Helped me find a hotel room, drew out a map on how to get there. They were so kind.

It is rude but I have to say it...
Jared the now-un-fat-Subway Chain spokes person, has been dropped from corporate faster than The Donald... Jared is a suspect in an alleged internet child pornography ring...

Good to know just where I stand in the pantheon of humanity. I as a fat woman, am regarded as lower than and in need of fixing by....yes, child molesters!


A member of the anti fat kid brigade, being investigated by the FBI for ties to child pornography ring! HA!

I guess that means the little fat kids were safe. ;)

Oh, keep to topic on Aging Care...

He's not dead yet...speaking of perverts...

Happy Fourth there too deef, your garden sounds awesome! tomato good, peppers not so much this year... but it is early yet.
Thank you bobbie for all you support and encouragement. have a good tie with deef!
You deserve a Vacation! We all deserve a vacation ! What!
Hi to everyone here...Stay cool! Jen

Still crazier than ever here!! Visit to NH to see Blanche yesterday was trying to say the least. Full moon had everyone howling!!! It's usually very quiet on the unit until a few days before a full moon, then all hell breaks loose and the noise and activity are overwhelming to newcomers!
B is sort of settled in, but got a bit off the track when her son, my bil, finally got a chance to come up here for a few days and visit. She's confused as to why she can't go live with them, even though she knows they still work. The NH is not as bad as some in the fact that it's a lockdown unit and the clients are allowed to roam at will. This is good because they don't just drug them up to keep them down. There is plenty of staff on at all times and they keep a good watch on everyone. the director and head of the unit are both very easy going and very hands on with the clients. They don't baby them and treat them as the adults that they are. The fact that they don't talk down to them, but have fun and laugh with them is a big plus to me.
Wow Jen, sorry for all the crap you keep getting thrown your way! Then the oppressive heat on top of that must be just awful! Been hot days here too, but fairly cool nights. The garden is flourishing! Have already picked about 10 quarts of red and black raspberries. The black are from B's yard and will be done in about a week, but my reds will produce until November, weather permitting. I already have red cherry tomatoes, zucchini and yellow squash, peppers, cukes, and tons of fresh basil. The green and yellow beans are going to be ready to pick in a week or 2 also.
I'm still taking care of my neighbor's 3 year old also! That keeps me very busy, but fun busy! Still trying to get my huge house cleaned up, but the progress there is very slow.
Bobbie!!! Don't worry! I'll have your space ready when you get here!! Bobbie is a 1.5 hour drive from where I live, so we are planning to get together before she heads back home!!!!! It's been over 5 years since we met on this thread, so I can't wait!!! Many of you know that I traveled out to Washington State in 2011 to stay with Rip for a week. It was great!!! Unfortunately we did not make it out to Spokane to meet Jen, but I'm planning to get back out there in the near future. Beautiful state to visit. Just saying!!
I know I don't pop up too often on here anymore, seems like finding a sane minute is harder than ever. But I think of all of you, past and present!
Juju, sorry for all your recent troubles and the loss of your mom. Hope you can get things together and move on with your life soon.
All of you oldies that have lost your loved ones and all of you new Grossed out contributors, keep venting and joining in with all the caregivers here. There are many knowledgeable people with some very sound advice to help you get through this!
Off to continue cleaning my humble abode for my visitor! I won't get it all done, but a little bit is better than nothing at all!
Happy 4th everyone!
Love Deef!

Confucius said all that...?

Confucius Say...
It's ok to let a fool kiss you,
But don't let a kiss fool you.
Confucius Say....
A kiss is just shopping upstairs
For downstairs merchandise.

Confucius Say....
It is better to lose a lover
Than love a loser.

Confucius Say....
Man with a broken condom
Is called a Daddy

Confucius Say....
A drunken man's words
Are a sober man's thoughts.

Confucius Say....
Marriage is like a bank account.
You put it in, you take it out,
And you lose interest.

Confucius Say....
Viagra is like Disneyland ....
A one hour wait for a 2-minute ride.

Confucius Say....
It is much better to want the mate you do not have
Than to have the mate you do not want.

Confucius Say....
A joke is like sex.
Neither is any good if you don't get it.

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