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I take care of my NaNa and if she eats without her teeth, I have to leave the room. Besides the sound, she was always an open mouth eater and needless to say that the pets eat more than she does. She just softens it up for them. And she still doesnt understand why she is hungry all the time. And Pamela, mizunderstood10 is right, Im sure they had things they thought were gross about us too :) Nasty diapers, nose picking, dirt eating etc. We still love them as much as they love us no matter how gross, that will never change. So dont worry about venting...we would all go crazy if we didnt. Imagine the stuff they vented to friends and family about that we will never know lol

love you Jen.
I know I've been saying this for all the time we have been on this thread:
It's got to end soon. And still it has not ended. So sorry you are still dealing with the crazy of all of this.
Sure wish your mom would realize that money is for making all of your lives easier and suffering for some kind of 'principle' of keep her dad's money just for him is so misguided. I am so so sorry that you have to deal with all of this on all of these levels. Jaysus why can't she just buy a f**king stove!?!
The old man owes you all for years of caregiving and yes, it costs $$ to care for another human being and I don't give a sh!t about whether it's a parent who provided for a child and now needs help, it all costs money and if the parent has some they need to pay for their own care.
With all of the added insanity of the abuse in your background that you cope with on a minute to minute basis and who knows what your mom dealt with that old geezer owes owes owes.
Just because you're related it doesn't mean you're a slave.
Forgive the personalized rant…..

Love those jokes and hope that you all are doing ok up there.


z3melanie! Welcome to the Grossed thread. Vent and Live!
Keep writing it out and trust me it will help.


Austin! Linda! Mame! and RIP! Parag and everybody!


Mom got back from visiting Daaadddeee at the nursing home and once again was almost in tears...Great, great, turn movie off and listen for twenty minutes, the new hah hah "new" crap he is pulling, please God let it lead to his death...He is starting to not only NOT take his medication but hide them in drawers and the Kleenex box etc... Wonderful. So they offered toput it in applesauce, he yelled at them. Mom told him once again he has to take his medication, he yelled at her he "Can't drink water cause it makes him have to pee and then he has to go at night and all kind of trouble!!!!" They tell him over again THAT is what they are here for to help him.Well HE DOESN'T WANT HELP, HE WANTS TO BE LEFT ALONE AND NOT DO THE SHIT HE IS SUPPOSED TO DO FOR HYGIENE AND HEALTH! Good God, why won't they just let him know he may stop taking all his pills but his health may suffer and let it go!? Oh and his latest room mate: DIED last night. He was there three weeks!
He now complains his shits don't fit, so mom is buying him yes, more clothes.
I wonder if he would be more inclined to die if someone told him this is costing $12,000 a month?...I just don't know...
People's kids graduating, getting jobs, going on vacation...I think about things I'd like to cook or bake but as we won't be replacing the broken stove anytime soon, it is a moot, and annoying point.
Weather is nice, cooled off quite a bit, which is good, the idiot lad lord next door, Finally got around to dealing with the Locust tree the tenants complained about 5 years ago...We just lost our last bit of shade from 8 to 2...Gonna be a hot summer, but if we get a storm or something we can see better, or when planes take off from Felts field...Find the good, focus on it....You know the end of the complaining paragraph...
Post titles to right..."Is it wrong to hope someone dies, Am I being selfish?" You know, I don't care anymore! He has had his life, he hit 94 three Decades longer than his parents, he has one sibling left, has lived to see a Greta Great Grandchild...Give up the ghost already!
Did I mention this yet? My abuser brother was here, uncomfortably yes, but he had just come from therapy so he was "Ready for it!" "Family issues don't "Bother" him anymore.." Pahahaha. any how, he thanked me for telling him about the pervy stuff Grandpa was engaging in, both of my childhood and his pornography etc. He said: "That he now wonders if he was abusing his daughters, (our Mothers) and that this abuse must go back a long time." "We'll yeah, it doesn't just happen, it probably goes back centuries..." This is annoying in one way, when I told him about it and I wondered if he had been abusing mom, he was denial and dismissive and in his usual snotty, disregarding anything I had the temerity to say way. "You think that do you?" He said last time... Now, apparently, it is a big deal, cause he believes it...
Did I mention the weather is nice. Tomatoes well up, trying to keep stuff alive and not upset mom over water usage...Nope, can't pull it back to positive, another groused grossed from Jen. have good weekend everyone! Hi to Deef and bobbie,rip, Linda, cuz, mame, parag,austin, and newbies, drive bys and all- alonger's...

WOW are on a roll! :)) Good ones...

Cold ambiguity

Wife texts husband at work on a cold winter's morning;
"Windows frozen, won't open."

Husband texts back;

"Gently pour some lukewarm water over it."

Wife texts back 5 minutes later;

"Computer really knackered now."

Humor for a week


The mother of a 17-year-old girl was concerned that
her daughter was having sex...
Worried the girl might become pregnant and adversely impact the family’s status, she consulted the family doctor.
The doctor told her that teenagers today were very willful and any attempt to stop the girl would probably result in rebellion. He then told her to arrange for her daughter to be put on birth control and until then, talk to her and give her a box of condoms.
Later that evening, as her daughter was preparing for a date, the mother told her about the situation and handed her a box of condoms.
The girl burst out laughing and reached over to hug her mother, saying,
'Oh Mom! You don't have to worry about that! I'm dating Susan!'


A man went to church one day and afterward he stopped to shake the preacher's hand. He said, 'Preacher, I’ll tell you, that was a damned fine sermon.
Damned good!'
The preacher said, 'Thank you sir, but I'd rather you didn't use profanity.'
The man said, 'I was so damned impressed with that sermon I put five thousand dollars in the offering plate!'
The preacher said, 'No shit?'


Brenda and Steve took their six-year-old son to the doctor.
With some hesitation, they explained that although their little angel appeared to be in good health, they were concerned about his rather small penis.
After examining the child, the doctor confidently declared, 'Just feed him pancakes. That should solve the problem.'
The next morning when the boy arrived at breakfast, there was a large stack of warm pancakes in the middle of the table.
'Gee, Mom,' he exclaimed, 'for me?'
'Just take two,' Brenda replied. 'The rest are for your father.'


One night, an 87-year-old woman came home from Bingo to find her 92-year-old husband in bed with another woman. She became violent and ended up pushing him off the balcony of their 20th floor apartment, killing him instantly. Brought before the court on the charge of murder, she was asked if she had anything to say in her own defense.

‘Your Honor,' she began coolly, 'I figured that at 92, if he could screw, he could fly.'


A Doctor was addressing a large audience in Tampa .
'The material we put into our stomachs is enough to have killed most of us sitting here, years ago.
Red meat is awful. Soft drinks corrode your stomach lining. Chinese food is loaded with MSG.
High fat diets can be disastrous, and none of us realizes the long-term harm caused by the germs in our drinking water. However, there is one thing that is the most dangerous of all and we all have eaten, or will eat it. Can anyone here tell me what food it is that causes the most grief and suffering for years after eating it?'

After several seconds of quiet, a 75-year-old man in the front row raised his hand, and softly said, ‘Wedding Cake.'


Bob, a 70-year-old, extremely wealthy widower, shows up at the Country Club with a breathtakingly beautiful and very sexy 25-year-old blonde-haired woman who knocks everyone's socks off with her youthful sex appeal and charm and who hangs over Bob’s arm and listens intently to his every word.
His buddies at the club are all aghast. At the very first chance, they corner him and ask, 'Bob, how’d you get the trophy girlfriend?' Bob replies, ‘Girlfriend? She's my wife!' They are knocked over, but continue to ask. 'So, how'd you persuade her to marry you?' 'I lied about my age,' Bob replies. 'What, did you tell her you were only 50?'

Bob smiles and says, 'No, I told her I was 90.'


Groups of Americans were traveling by tour bus through Switzerland . As they stopped at a cheese farm, a young guide led them through the process of cheese making, explaining that goat's milk was used. She showed the group a lovely hillside where many goats were grazing.
'These,' she explained, 'are the older goats put out to pasture when they no longer produce.' She then asked, 'What do you do in America with your old goats?'

A spry old gentleman answered, 'They send us on bus tours!'

Wish we could all share one big alz.dining area for our loved ones!

My dad has to put his fingers in every food we have and it os driving me crazy OCDish because we see his fecal issues and lack of handwashing. Ive labeled a Pop melvin shelf and children are hiding food..ok ive ranted. My whine moment is also posted. That's 2 sets of teeth gone in a month. Best of luck to everyone here

Mom and I took aunt to airport last night... and after five days of her constant yacking and loud behavior which had me so upset I wanted to run out of the house to get away from it...I was so upset she left I started crying...jeeze metal illness is soo much fun...Brother stopped by, I watched him gird his loins to come into the house of sorrow and despair...He had just come from therapy himself so he said it was no problem...anyway, he thanked me for telling him about grandpas porn and creepy behavior towards me as it is making him think there is far more to the abuse in our family than "Just Dad"... Which is interesting (read annoying) because when I first told him about it last year, he acted like; whats the big deal and "Oh really, you think so do you?" And said: "What would it matter now any how..?" Make up your mind Doofus! Anyhow I hugged him and cried and upset everybody who were desperate to stop raw emotion from seeping out while they were taking pictures...that will be a good shot...have not seen a photographs of me crying since age 6...

Anyhow...nice sunny not too hot day, run some errands, yes more of his banking...pick up more Hardy Boy's at the library...watered my veggies before it hits 75...

How are you plants and kitties doing deef? Neighbor cat tried to get into our house again this morning...No, I'm sorry you are just going to have to live with derik and the yellersons...

I left me glasses in the bathroom so i go around doing stuff squinting, thinking of cuz and what it must be like to have 20/15 vision....!

Anyhow, back to it...

Oh and on grossed, before she left, she insisted on "washing your hands Daddy and giving you a "hand massage..." you know, get the poop off before he licks his fingers at the table...what ever... "Oh, do you think I need that?" he grumbles...

Stay cool and sane everyone, you know the opposite of here...Jen

Yeah, we need the laughs or we will cry or end up on the news for going ballistic...
Aunt going home tomorrow... We went and had cake at nursing home for G bday, I sat as far away from them as possible I mean I sat in a chair on the other side of the room and watched people get uncomfortable. And then I hugged my great aunt too long because I miss my grandmother and she is her younger sister...That and at every B day for fp, she has made the comment everyone expected him to die before grandma, and are surprised that he is still here...
one of these days I am gonna start laughing and NOT be able to stop!
Broke a record for heat today lovely...I ran some errands. Borrowed a buck fifty for bus fare and went and used the 16 dollars I had in credit at Aunties. Any day you buy books is a good day...AND I cashed out my stupid bank accounts. I have no income to invest I write no checks and I need the fifty dollars sitting in the savings! So just end it! Pointless!
Beh. sat there eating cake listening to people say how young he looked how happy they were he is 94, wishing him well, talking about people who have lived to be 97...FINE OLDDD MAN! Live to be 97, use up all you money at $12,000 a month, leave us nothing, live like a vegetable, eat shit off your hands which you never wash, argue with everyone, bitch about the shoes, the floors, the pants, the neuropathy when all it is is you have lived too long! F-ing pervert, room full of relatives, he is still staring creepy at me! Just die already! God please let this end...Oh, we are going back at 7, you know, for a private b day party and pie...

Cuz always love your jokes-I use to tell them at our Cancer pad sewing group

No, no....if you don't keep your sense of humor you are a goner. We all need as much laughter as we can get! :)) Glad everyone's eyes are seeing clearly now. Wouldn't want any flies behinds to have any fleas on them....

meanwhile. I just had both eyes done and have 20/15 in both now. Still need reading glasses but least I can see a flea on a flies behind at 1000 yrds. Hugs

Sorry if I have offended you pargirl. I have been posting jokes on here for close to 5 years now trying to put a little laughter and light from the darkness of the tunnel some of the gals are in. My cousin bobbie is thew one that started this site. Hugs to you that you are willing to care for your mother when nobody else cares. We have all been somewhere in the caregiving aspect.
bobbie the eyes are doing great. We are heading out with the boat for three days of small mouth fishing up in grand traverse bay. Leaving 5:30 am Monday.

Cuz, is good to keep us in jokes. My stepfather, my biological father, and my late husband were all engineers. So I can appreciate engineer jokes. Thanks Cuz.
Oh, Indio is only 57. His cataract is due to an injury, and he has lost over 75 % of the vision in that eye. So I hope this Dr in Lubbock can help him.

Good Grief!! Are we going into the joke business now?? :)))

Three engineering students were gathered together discussing who must have designed the human body.
One said, "It was a mechanical engineer. Just look at all the joints."
Another said, "No, it was an electrical engineer. The nervous system has many thousands of electrical connections."
The last one said, "No, actually it had to have been a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area?"

Understanding Engineers #1

Two engineering students were biking across a university campus when one said, "Where did you get such a great bike?"
The second engineer replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday, minding my own business, when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike, threw it to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, "Take what you want."
The first engineer nodded approvingly and said, "Good choice: The clothes probably wouldn't have fit you anyway."
Report sorry that you had to drive that far. How old is Indio? My dad has had an opthomoligist that he has used for 20 years but wanted a second opinion on a cataract. His dr. told him he didn't need to do anything with it but he wouldn't be content with that. He said it wasn't bothering him and didn't think his dr. was taking enough time with him. soooo, off to another dr. in Dallas. Well, that dr. told him the same thing. If it wasn't bothering him don't do anything. If it is, then he would be glad to fix it. I told him I would NOT do anything since it's not bothering him that badly. He's getting ready to be 93! Don't get me wrong.....I want him to see well and healthy but there was nothing wrong with the first dr. Sooo, I got to take a whole day to take him to a second dr. Anyway, sorry you have to drive that far. HOpe they can help.

This site is great for saying what ever you feel like. People think my mother is a sweet old lady., Probably best to let them think that. But, here I can tell you guys what really goes on.
Spent 7 hours driving yesterday to go with Indio to El Paso, Tx. to see an eye specialist. The eye he injured last year has been getting worse. They looked at it yesterday, and said the cataract had gotten huge, the lens was loose,and pressure building up in the eye. They referred him to another specialist, of course this one is even farther away, but will be worth it if he can get at least some vision back in this eye.

Thanks bobbmiester, if humor is all ya got ya gotta use it...I am taking every inch I can. they are going everyday to see him, I am getting up to water at 5 Am and going back to bed...Something really sad about how much my mom engages with her sister...until she goes of on conspiracy theories and politics any how, they chat and laugh and carry on...Mom sat and talked to her for three hours in the living room WITH THE TV OFF! She won't talk to me for five minutes! The relationship is different I grant you...and being as I have told her about the abuse i suffered in the family, she really probably doesn't want to hear anything I have to say...

para,Had one of those while Grandma was alive, she left her purse in the cart and walked three isle over to find something, rather than...I don't know, take the shopping cart! yes, her wallet was stolen and yes, she was surprised...


Pargirl is hanging in there. I love this site. Very few people ask how I'm doing anymore for fear I will tell them so Thanks for asking. :)) My dad has misplaced his debit card so have been dealing with his NOT understanding of Credit VS. Debit. Many trips to the bank to straighten out what he has done. AND....his "intestinal" problems have been a lot better with the probiotics and antibiotics. Thank Goodness. My mom is progressing in her Alz/dementia facility but being well taken care of. It's just a crappy disease that she would be mortified she had. Lived through it with her mom and my MIL. I see 90 to 100 year olds running marathons or climbing Mt. Everest and I just wonder what the difference is. Why some go down one path and others are healthier than I am. Oh well, as they say.....It is what it is. Rainagedon has stopped here in Texas. Now the heat, humidity and West Nile will set it but at least our lakes are overly full which for the last 4 years we could only water once every other week. I feel sorry for California. Wish we could have sent some rain their way. Everyone have a great weekend! Thinking and praying for you all everyday.

Hot foot my a$$. Cattle prod to the walnuts.
I hope you have a square inch of peace somewhere?
I love your writing and even grousing here you are very descriptive and darkly funny. Love that.
Hard to stay creative in the middle of someone else's crazy.
You sure have an amazing amount of energy though! Wow!
I am still not up to speed but gradually getting there.

Austin! love the seasonal changes in the NE.
We've been getting thunderstorms in the afternoon. just a good 20 minute soaker and then it moves on.
Wish the West could get some of that.

Meanwhile, I hope Indio is continuing to do well on the insulin pump.
I think of you and your world and just love it.
Sorry your mom fell and I hope she keeps the shiny side up.
go around and pat all the animals for me.

Cuz! Hi to Mike and how is he doing and how is J and you and D and my Aunt H.
How's your peepers. Still working fine?

When you getting the boat out?

Mame!, Glad, Veronica, pargirl, DEEF!, JessieBelle!
How are all you guys doing?


Aunt coming today...mmmnnn here we go...And as mom has decided to liquidate some of Daaadddees stranger holding she is going to cash in the silver and not so silver dollars, so they are going back and forth about reference books and coin valuation and my aunt is insisting the library has a book it doesn't have..Oh go away...
There is also the possibility we may just die in a fiery crash on the freeway. Mom hates driving on it and my aunt NEVER SHUTS THE H*LL UP AND IS A LOUD TALKER AND IT IS VERY POSSIBLE WE WILL ALL DIE !!!!

best case scenario. she comes, he dies two days later the end! yes, that is what I am praying for.

Hey bobbie, no I don't "write" anymore. I just journal. I never got any feed back on my play and I just don't care anymore...Yes, I am that bitter... just snarly here. But I have a lot of energy. I got up at 3 AM did the weed and feed, swept out the house, cleaned the bathroom, made Tzatziki, Hummus, marinade, cleaned the car windows inside and out, give us a fighting chance...finished mom's laundry...Seriously not good there...she herself is becoming more and more incontinent...I guess here we go...for newbies I am 44, my mom is the Baby Boomer and it is her father I pray drops dead...God, we were there on Sat, he never fails to notice me, look at me, comment on me, I had my shoes off so of course he has to say something stupid.."You got a hot foot Jenny?" har har har

Oh just roll over and play dead old man.

beh, have a good day and a sane week every one...Jen

Bobbie it is so pretty this time of the year with all the trees with flowers and we have been lucky with warm temps not hot and finally getting rain which has been in short supply for a long time.

Mom fell on her face again. 2 in the morning she gets up to walk to the bathroom, rather than use her port a pot in her bedroom. Go figure. Nothing broken, just some bruises. She hit her chin on the corner of her dresser. She has been getting dizzy lately, but won't use the walker. With the warm weather she is probably getting more dehydrated, but she gets mad at me when I suggest she drink more water.

Thanks Bobbi, but we try everything to get her to move, and nothing works. She doesn't like TV, or music, or you name it. The only thing she does is read, and she has a tablet to buy books on.
Got to go riding today, Indio's insulin pump made it easier for him. One of my friends that came and rode with us today is 75. She did the whole 5 hours without a complaint. And 3 years ago she nearly died from a blood clot in her brain. At the time the Doctors gave her a 10% chance of survival, and that was supposed to be in a coma. She is such a wonderful person, I felt so lucky to get to ride with her today, and talk about everything,

Hi Cuz and Glad,

Glad, I think if your mom hasn't been symptomatic then maybe her good bugs in her intestines are keeping the bad bugs in check.

Antibiotics can really affect that balance so sometimes probiotics can help keep that in check. Been working for me.

Cuz! Congrats on being able to get on with your normal. When is the boat coming out?
Hey Cuz, think anyone would go over to the aunt's house and scrub the beejesus out of it?
The c-diff spore can live on a surface for 5 months and more in some situations.
Sure would help if she came back into an environment that won't reinfect her, giving her recurrent c-diff.
Did she get part of her colon removed due to recurrent c-diff? Ow Ow Ow poor lady.

Shirley, wow. Does she have a tv in that room? Try to inspire some incentive to get out of the chair?
I dunno, just spitballin.

Jen! Oy.
Hope you're writing.

Austin, I think of you often and know that part of the country is really beautiful, especially now in Spring. Hope you're having some fun and still want to hang out one day.


Just saw this conversation, if someone has had a portion of intestine removed due to ileitis are they more prone to c-diff? My mom had ileitis and a portion of intestine removed probably about 1965. Just curious.??

bobbie the wife found out today that her cousin who is 75 yrs old is in the hospital with c-diff. I guess she had an operation that took a lot of her colon she has ileitis. I know I killed that word on the spelling. I will find out Sunday the right word ok?
I went back to the eye dr and he said I can go back to being normal again. I can bend over and lift stuff over 25# so I have been playing catch up on all the stuff I couldn't do for the past week. Hope you are doing great. Love ya cuz. Hugs

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