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Mom wants a motorized wheelchair. She pitched a fit until we moved her favorite recliner from the livingroom to her bedroom. She sleeps in that recliner, has a port a potty in her bedroom. So now she rarely has to leave her room. I'm afraid it's more from something like agoraphobia, than anything else. But, she won't admit it. Her father did the same thing, he barely moved from a chair in the living room for 10 years.

Not father, grandfather...

got a good drenching rain here, so no watering for another day...

Hi to everyone, and stay sane. or not...I mean really...Jen

Wow Meanwhile. I thought I lived remotely once but nothing like that! Happy the pump is working.

Went with Indio today to see the diabetic specialist, and get his new insulin pump checked out. Left at 9 this morning didn't get home until after 8 pm. One of the draw backs of living where it's so remote. Think it's going to be worth it though. The pump does seem to be keeping his blood sugar down.

Jen your aunt is right it too shall pass. But it may not be when it is convenient, probably when you are on your dream cruise half way round the world.
Look forward to aunties visit and plan some fun things to d o other than visiting dad.

he's not dead yet...

Know what everyone is saying about chewing, spitting, coughing etc. Glad I am well out of it...All I have to do is visit, watch him, watching me, make some weird comment, be excited I am there, but ignore or snap at my mother and it is all over again...Just keep sucking that inheritance up old man, it means you ARE NOT HERE!!!
He goes on about imaginary conversations of nurses and Doc's saying your 93 wow I wouldn't believe it! Right , right...Please just die...

Sunny, rainy, nice late Spring weather here. Preparing for house guest early June, know what be crazy convenient... If he dies while my aunt is here...No extra air fare, she got to see her father one last time...The End!

My heart goes out to the people in the South, too much rain after too much drought gonna ruin a lot of peoples lives, for a while anyhow!

I checked out all the Hardy Boy's books at the library, just went in and pulled a row off the shelf....Escape.....

Hang in there everyone...As my aunt is fond of saying...This too shall pass....
Yes, unless it kills us first... Jen

Oh, I know what you mean. My step dad's dentures are always coming loose, and he can't half chew. I work for a dentist, and my boss keeps trying to make dad a better denture, but dad doesn't want the one with the plate up over the roof of his mouth. Anyway, I took someone else's advice years ago, and put a big center piece in the middle of the table. One of the potted plants if I don't have any flowers. It helps hide my step dad while he is eating.

Hang in there Glad. I know what you mean. Everything getting on your last nerve. My dad sucks the food out of his teeth. We were in the car and I ended up yelling at him to stop. He said stop what? I told him and he didn't even know he was doing it. Still does it. :)) Gets on my nerves but at least now I just grip the wheel a little harder. My husband will take him someplace and it just tickles him. I don't know how but it does. Just 4 more days. We will count them down with you.

Hang in there glad it is only four days to go. I know what you mean about the skins of apples. i actually peel mine but if I don't I am not able to swallow the skin, same applies to grapes. if the first one has tough skin I don't eat anymore and i really like grapes. Does Mom have difficulty swallowing other food?
Coughing and spitting i can't help you with, grosses me out too! Time will heal.

Now, everything is grossing me out! Been at this nearly four years, now have four days remaining. Mom off to facility on Saturday. I am tired worn out, and it drives me nutty to hear her blow her nose, or the constant coughimg and spitting.

The way fruit is eaten is gross. Mom does not eatpeels of apples, if I don't cut them off she will chew it off, and then naturally put the discarded material on her plate. The kicker was when she started this disgusting behavior with grapes! UGH!

Maybe short timers attitude with burn out contributing!

We had a great day also Shirley. Have a good week Hugs
luvCuz (aka Harv)

I had a great Memorial day. Indio came over and grilled orange chicken, steaks, sausage, sweet potatoes, and corn. My sister and I got to saddle up the horses and go for a short ride. All I had to make was a salad, and iced tea. OK I cleaned up the kitchen, but most of the mess was the grill. My parents didn't want to bother coming down. I'll take them some leftovers tomorrow. Hope everyone else had a good day. Love Shirley

Mike is back home today. Blood pressure is back to normal 119/54. They changed some of his meds so hopefully this will work for awhile. Hugs to all

So sorry to hear Mike is back in the hospital. Hope he is home soon.

Eye's are still doing great but, My brother Mike is back in the hospital. His blood pressure has been high for the last week. 180 over 110 but his nurse the comes to his house every day was keeping a close eye on the situation. They changed his blood pressure pill and last night when he checked it, it was 44 over 30. His son who lives with him rushed him to the er and they stabilized the blood pressure but said he was dehydrated even though he drinks 2 liters of water a day. They kept him over night and he might be able to come home Saturday.
Glad Indio has the insulin back working. I know some people on the pump that have all kinds of problems. Then again the next one loves it. Modern technology.
Hugs to all tonight.

Cuz, glad to hear your cataract surgery went well.
Indio is finally hooked up the insulin pump. It's going to take some getting used to. The training nurse stuck the catheter in his back where he couldn't reach it. We tried to move it around to the front on his stomach (after 3 days). Got a blocked line, and had to call the help line to figure out what was wrong. In the meantime his blood glucose levels got up over 500.

Lucky! that is great vision cuz!

Cuz I am glad you are doing well with your eyes

cuz, your eyes are making me so jealous that I want to go have mine done. And I don't have to worry about the sex part. :-(

Glad that it all went so well.

Hey everyone. I had the cataract surgery Wednesday. Got the patch off today and I now have 20/15 vision in both eyes. Thanks to all for the good wishes etc. For the next week I cannot lift anything over 25 pounds and can't even bend over. I had the young nurse just blushing something fierce yesterday when we were done with the surgery. She was going over the discharge papers and was telling us the do's and don'ts she also said no sexual activities for a week either. I asked her to show me what she was talking about. You can't imagine how red she got. I told her three weeks ago when I had the right eye done they never told me that. So now I got another boring week to look forward to. I can't stand to sit around that much. Holy cow I'm retired I've got more work going on now than I did when I was employed. Anyway thanks again Hugs to all.

Deefer, how did it go leaving B? I hope it went well for ;you and are getting some rest.

Hey Cuz hope you're resting your eyes!

Jen! How did the upper GI go? Hope you and your mom are doing ok.

Tonight is the Last Letterman. Wow. Ya, it really did go by that fast…..


Cuz hope the sugery went well. hubby had it a couple of years ago. he just came home with dark glasses. it is in my future but don't know when. the eys Dr said between 70-80 nd i am half way there come back next year. can't say i am looking forward to it.

good luck and heal fast cuz! 20/15 is insane? I'm like 20 / 100 or something in my left...

Well I go in for cataract surgery tomorrow for my left eye. I might not be on here tomorrow night but rest assured I will keep up on whats going on and will let you gals know how the surgery went. The patch comes off Thursday less than 24 hours after it was put on. I have 20/15 in my right eye which is fantastic, so after tomorrow, no more contacts just a pair of cheap readings glasses. I have worn glasses for close to 60 years. Modern technology. Its great. Hugs to all.
luv Harv (akaCuz)

Well, a few more hours and I'll be leaving B at the nursing home. I'm so tired and worn out! As much as I'm looking forward to freedom after all these years, I really can't stand tge thought of taking her out of her home and placing her with strangers. I kept mom home to the end, but she's my bil's mom and I need to start thinking about myself!
So i just fed her eggs and sausage and I'm finishing getting her clothes together, then we'll be off to her new home!
Been falling asleep in the middle of things the last few days, so it's time. Besides, i need to get my garden plantex rhis week!!
Keep your fingets crossed for me, that all goes well. Talk to you soon,

Sorry to hear about Snuffy. Hopefully he just has a bug. Hugs your way.

Oh, Jen, Hope ;the GI goes without a hitch. Snuffy, still sleeping in the living room. I just couldn't do anything. He still wags his tail when I look at him. Tries to get up when he has to go outside. Takes my sister and I both to carry him outside, but he waits until we get him out to pee on the grass or take a dump. He is still better house trained than my mother.

Good Luck tomorrow at least you don't have to drink a gallon of poison for that one.

Going in for an Upper GI tomorrow. I've had worse...the other end...

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