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Really rather just think about every-bodies horsies...Jen

Wow Jen!

Meanwhile, will be thinking about you and Snuffy.

Hey all,


After everything we do for our loved ones making that decision on an old friend is almost as tough. A member of the's never easy to do. I'll be thinking of you meanwhile2. And Snuffy.

Yep, I've had to clean the sheath on my horses.
Sam's old dog Snuffy is down, can't get up. He is a big dog, almost 90 pounds. My sister and I got him on a blanket to carry him into the house. May have to make a hard decision tomorrow. The old guy is 15, people say that is old for a dog his size.

Back to the poor guy with the gummed up you know what. they may actually have to operate to clear that one up.
Susan the horses don't mind in fact some quite like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to laugh at the turn this conversation has taken. LOL

If anyone watches the show called The Incredible Dr. Pol (about a Michigan vet who treats both large and small animals), there's an episode where he does a sheath cleaning for someone. First time I ever saw that being performed. I felt bad for the horse being in all that pain, and I'm sure he felt better afterwards! I used to live just a few miles from Dr. Pol's clinic. He's a local legend.

Actually people who own horses of the male variety actually do clean the sheath on a regular basis. you just take a bucket of warm water with some soap and a sponge and put your hand up there - actually half way up to your elbow. Sometimes the big boy will oblige and drop so you just wash him up. I'd take the horse over the human any day. Have I really grossed everyone out for the day?

Maybe the same people do this as the ones that get sperm from bulls. (Might as well generalize your skill. :-)

ew ew ew. I feel *very* sorry for anyone who has to do that.

On an interesting note, I actually saw an advertisement on Facebook the other day - yes this woman has a Facebook page for this service - "sheath cleaning" for horses. Apparently they get dirt and grit inside the sheath that covers their...."man part"...and it needs to be cleaned because it can get infected. I understand there's a job for everyone, but.....ew.

It is called cleaning the foreskin. They may need a pick for that it just solidifies. Gross gross gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It just keeps getting better....You know it is a day to go back to bed...when you get a call from the nurse at the home and he says: "We think your grandfather has another UTI, but he is uncircumcised and the foreskin has sealed over the hole and we can't get a urine sample to we will keep on top of that..."

Yes, lovely. Night all...

Mr. I don't want to do the walker exercises when the aides ask me too...has come up with a brilliant idea.........He wants them to give him crutches so he can walk around.
He can't stand up on his own and pivot for two steps to transfer to the wheelchair, but his mechanical and delusional mind sees this as a possibility...
If they'd let him, I think he'd be dead in a week tops...Whatdaya think...

Linda, sorry you got sick. I know that feeling I but keep on truckin. Deefer, happy for you about her going to the home. I know that feeling too. Also know about being the one to take her. When you find out what freedom feels like write back and describe it to all of us and let us know how it feels so we can enjoy it with you! :)))

Get better soon Linda! You have enough crap on your plate, you don't need sick on top of everything else...

Linda Sorry to hear ya got sick in hospital. Go figure huh? Hope ya feel better soon. Sorry to hear about MIL
Deef thats great news. now you can get the much needed rest. Enjoy the freedom OK.
Hugs to all.

Don't know if I should laugh or cry!! Blanche is accepted for medicaid and the dementia unit syill has a bed open for her! Looks like I'll be taking her on Saturday. My sister and B's son can't come up for another 3 weeks, so I'm stuck doing the nadty deed once again! Go figure.
I'll fill you in with more details when I'm FREE!!!! Not sure i remember what thay means after all these years! Off to get laundry tape, permanent markets and more changes of clothes for B!!!

Hi Linda, Jeeze it seems like no good deed ever goes unpunished.
So sorry you are sick and that your mil is in the hospital. Awful.
Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Good to see you Meanwhile and I hope you and your family and Indio are doing ok.

DEEF! Jen! Austin, Mame, Newbies and Cuz and everybody.

Sunrise here and it's going to be a hot one. Not even June yet.

Later all,


Hello mil is in Hosp had stroke busted veins in brain day 8 - stayed at the hospital long enuf to get sick - runny nose sore throat fever .hubby kicked me out o hospital - wish I did not catch this virus - xoxo

That was my grandmothers favorite...ten years ago we would have been down at their place having Mother's Day dinner and the cake for dessert...Now a million years ago...

Naw, I think my computer caught some nasty intestinal bug, it was vomiting up garbage, and #$%^ out trash.
Anyway, made Mom an angel food cake, with strawberries on top. And, she had been wanting a haircut, so did that for her.

Was it the measles meanwhile?...tee tee...been big in the news here locally, one person had it and the news channel ran it for a solid week till some got shot or a house caught fire...If it bleeds it leads...or if it is communicable it's sell-able...?
Sunny weekend here, nothing new that I know of...Jen

Well, my computer got sick with a virus. Lost all my information. So haven't been able to post. But, getting ready for mother's day. Step dad has been sick. Seems like it's his gall bladder. But, he won't go to the Dr, thinks he is dying. Trying to get him to eat a little better. That's about the only thing he will let me do.
Sure hope you get Blanche place soon, Deef. You so need some rest. Mike good news about your cataract surgery. Glad it went so well. Jen, sorry to hear old Fartpants can still push your Mom's buttons. Hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend.

I just don't know. Mom came home crying yesterday. He is mad, sent home all his magazines and books, is in pain refuses to say so, won't take a d*mn Tylenol, crabs at mom, lies to the staff. Gets up out of the wheelchair any old time, and since he can turn off the alarm, they put it in the hall. Hardly matters, as it will still taker them 20 minutes to get to him..
Once again mom has apologized to him, yet again, for his being old and a moron...The situation would be hard all around but to be stubborn and stupid on top of it only makes things worse for him and everyone around him. He says he can't do his walking exercises because it hurts, then he gets up without telling anyone and goes into the bathroom un aided...?
Whatever! There is only death and this continued embarrassing, painful decline. That is IT! he is not going to be 70 again! Hell he won't be 80 again!
Weather beautiful. Not much else major here. No tornadoes. Pass!, amazing and scary and less amazing when it is your house. Used to have tornado nightmares.
Have a good rest of the week everyone...Deef,bobbie, cuz, newbies!

Wow Cuz!
I've been terrified of tornadoes all my life. Mom said I saw one when I was 2 or 3 but that doesn't count unless that's what made me scared to death of them.

Congrats on the eye! That has to be a relief to be getting that handled.


Also I had the right eye cataract removed last week and as of last check this morning we now have 20/15 vision. I can now see a flea on a flies butt at a 1000 yards. It is awesome. Having left eye done May 20th. Hugs to all.

I was when I was around 14 or 15. Down by Gun Lake with Uncle Jim and Aunt Nancy and the folks. I hung onto the anchor rope of the boat as it took us across the lake. Never picked us out of the water but I never let go of the rope until we hit the shore about a mile across the lake. Second time I was setting a steel building up north of Rockford when we spotted it and all slid down columns from the second floor roof and hid in a ditch as it went right over the building. Knocked one bundle of metal roofing off and that was it.

There has got to be a special pair of tongs for that.
And 6 pairs of gloves…

VTShan, welcome to the thread and yup, Deef and pargirl have the answer with some chair pads. I remember using Chux I think it was for my mom.

Jen! man oh man, when? Glad he's out of the house at least but I know it's still crazy. Any better with the air quality inside?

Watching tornado videos. Can't even imagine and I hope I never have to see that for real.
anybody here ever been in a tornado?


Gross but not close to what a lot of us here have seen and done! Chuckle!! Welcome and feel free to express yourself!
You might want to get some of the washable bed pads. You can order them online and they are pretty cheap. I have the narrow ones for chairs and the bigger squates for beds. They save on laundry and furniture for sure!
Jen, beginning of the end? At least he's not home anymore. Still in the trenches with B. NH staff tried getting her in with medicaid pending, but administrator wants a #. Hope the bed doesn't get filled in the meantime. Killing myself here working 80 hours a week at B's. Not getting any sleep and everything is going to hell at home.
Here's my grossest story yet. Weak stomachs need not read. B was calling me into the bathroom yesterday morning. I said what's the problem and of course she couldn't tell me, so she showed me. There was a huge bulge around her anus! I freaked out, but soon realized she was impacted and couldn't get tge mobster out. No amount of explaining that she need to push was understood by her. So, yes, i had to manually help force it out! If anyone had told me i would be doing tgat someday, i would have started running and never turned back!! The things i did for mom and now B, over the last 8 years have changed my ourlook on the " golden years" for sure!!! I'll soon be 64 and have no desire to do this ever again, but i sure would like to enjoy some of those years while I still can!!!
B is driving me crazy right now, so i decided to check out the thread for a little bit of sanity. She's usually in bed by now, but is refusing to go tonight. It's beautiful outside, but if i try to go out to get some air, she gets mad at me for leaving her alone. Doesn't matter that I'm right in front of her face in tge doorway!!
I want to eat dinner, but I don't want her staring at me and taking food off my plate! I hate that! I never know her hands have been.
My brain is too addled and tired to reach out to everyone by name, but know that I think of each of you as I'm sitting here quietly going CRAZY!!!!!
Love Deef!!

If it is her pride and not something else that's causing her to be obstinate, I start putting towels or sheets down when she visits (or if she lives with you) and when she asks why I would tell her. Might sound cruel but if she is going to do this out of pride instead of dementia then she is not being fair to you or your belongings. Fortunately my dad does know and will wear them. 2 accidents and he was mortified (92 1/2). But I do feel your pain since I had to clean up after him. Good Luck.....God Bless

Gross at out house is watching my MIL from the rear and trying to avoid seeing the wet stain in the back of her pants. At 90, her pride and denial support her refusal of any type of adult diapers so she wears pads instead and changes them when she senses they're totally full. We suggest that she may have "sat in something damp" which sends her scurrying for a change. I try not to think about the upholstered recliner.....

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