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Sunny and cold here but a major breeze is a blowing. Mom is taking his to get his hair cut...I will open every door and damn window in the house and BLOW IT THROUGH TILL THEY GET BACK AND IF ANY BURGLARS TRY TO COME IN...'ll see me on the news.

"Angry, overworked care giver attempting to air the home out while her grandfather was getting a hair cut, killed three armed men attempting to enter the home and steal what ever out dated useless crap they had. The woman confronted the armed men holding a dish towel and a bottle of window the time authorities arrived, two of the assailants were dead on scene, the other man died of his injuries on route to the hospital.....The caregiver is unharmed and we have been told; still appeared to be in a foul mood when police arrived..."


So true Austin.
So true.

Love ya back Linda!


I am amazed how people know what is going on but do nothing to help- I thought because others thought I was stronger hen I really was they stayed away when I was in the trenches-and I kept my tears to myself.

This is the scariest part of taking care of someone at home. You end up in it all alone.

Yup was going to say call a cab or dial 911 . So sorry that a friend bailed out . Sometimes things happens for a reason ,, plane get loss out somewhere or there's a delay ' something ' send in u my angels to stand by u juju and for jen too . Jen I sure hope there be happy times for u n ma . Bobbie !!! Love u girl xoxo

Good Luck Jen!

I hope to God juju can get some help and I know what she is feeling! Don't stand for anymore leave and put yourself first before there is nothing left but despair!
Call 911 if you need to just don't sit with the crazy she is right the town will kill her...It is a horrible situation she is in and I can relate, that may be in my future in a few years too...

G just left on the bus me singing Swing Low Sweet Chariot coming for to carry him home...a home not our home not anymore!!! He can go perve some nurses that are not related to him...

We are going to the appt now....

Hey Everybody,
All should be ok. Juju called me and says she is getting some rest.
I know we all can relate to be being totally exhausted.

OK, just tried to talk to Juju.
She really needs some help up there and I can't help her because I am over here.

Juju is exhausted and I am not a mental health professional and she said I upset her so we hung up.

I am very pragmatic and call it like I see it. So there you have it.

I tried.


Just tried to call you twice.

I went back through my wall and I can't find it.

send me your phone number in a private message

you guys I am sorry but I am freaking out....I cannot spend one more moment in this room with her but I cant leave her.....she needs to get to Stanford and I cnt get her there....I literally cannot drive eat or sleep for days and I cant take the sounds patience is gone.

i was suppose to text someone if i needed them to stop by and i could not find my phone i don't have working clocks it is freaking me out....when i am so tired i lose everything constantly walking in circles... it is making me crazy at my worst she refuse me help..... i cant get it out of my brain i

i have never felt such exhaustion in my me i will lose ma her cuz i just cant anymore and i have no help......she is a mess.....and so am I. i don't like waiting when i am this loopy

well i guess i should have said farm be mine if i had anyone to help me get there or now it is Stanford i guess i am not going till i know she can go with me...
this is torture i hate this shittown i don't wanna be here. but i can do nothing about it...

it will kill me if i lose ma cause no one will help me....i am no longer able to care for mom and i cant stand it but i just cant something snapped and i don't want to do this one day longer, i am done i cannot stand one day longer where we have no one.... i cant get to airport cuz i have no one

i don't know what to do my friend was just the last straw today....i am broken and in a shambles and i don't even care anymore i was so greatful to have 1 person and we hate each other now....i just want help getting out this house am flipping out in here. especially after this crap.... i am literally exhausted an unable to get her to Stanford.... i just cant do it tomoro i know as i hurting so bad now!

i am delirious and leaving big chunks oout of stuff...

i am literally leaving with the shirt on my back and dogs and ma in tow and cannot do it.. i would have had a comtract today if i didn't have to beg her all day. i just don't get it. she helped me so much with my spirituallaty and said she was a good Christian woman.....why did she just abandon me knowing i was in need of help with no other choice... i am so tired now i think i am shutting down. i missed the f**king flight cuz i have no one in the world....that hospital...heres what really pisses me off...i fled last year when i realized how corrupt that hospital was...the knew i was angry so when all other times home heatlh is proper kackis and blue shirt dorks,...but when i didn't knw home heatlh and hospital were same company i complained to one bout other and then mister stud shows up and has a solution for me.... no concern for my mothers care what so ever.... he is digging for information on how come i am so angry just relax, i am like if you just busted the hospital buthchering your mother wouldn't you be angry....right in his eyes and he would not look at me... then came the pitch as i am hearing it come cuz i know i am no skip tooth inbred this is not the norm nurshing i am struggling to find something to record but not handy and so he says you know what you need, and i flirt are you offering and he says...well maybe it would lossen you up a bit, as i escorted him to my sink hole pit yard solve this problem that is what i need! and fired the home health reported it to sherriff took her south and screamed as loud as i could i have just been sexually harassed and in fear so fled and i need help again just like angel nobody belive me and then the sed mom has days to live it was a hot mess that was two years ago...nobody knows my ma but me and this system will kill us...anyway reported to sherriff and incedent nimber is non existant wtf,,,, this town is gonna kill me

god this is brutal though when they said I can do what I want legally my body just gave and this is more torture than I ever expected cause I have a plane to catch at 6am and cant make it...I begged my bff all day to help and she broke me....I am a wreck I sed you are my only chance and she blew me off again...this is why I cannot win....what did I do wrong....I offered her a home for life job just tell me what you want I need help getting on that plane mom is in her own sh*t for two days I can only feed her...and she sed I was manipulating her and have no respect for her family and cant take my drama.... I just want a f**king ride to airport and clean mom up first. I can no longer do it I can only feed I finally got enough strength up to change her and she is a mess I gotta get her somewhere fast I have reached my limit with these open wounds I give got my dream and don't even know if I have it locked in cuz no one will return my calls I told her trust me back me up and miniumin I will pay off mortage.... still nothing...she made me miss my appt cuz I cannot leave ma and I have no one..... those girls I told you about are doing more to help me than angel but they cross country....I just don't get it but hopefully I can relax again.... then sr companion comes and I say I need peace n queot and she wont stop pestering me as well so I showed her the door and nearly knocked her over....god get me out of this town....before it kills me...I will not handle ma if I am collapsing regularly and no arm strength I need to get her to a hospital but it is Stanford or Kona I just want her with pele but Stanford I trust...idk....I will not let anyone up here touch her again after what she has been thru. but I know we should not go any further than that at this time. as in a road trip, I just bought the wheelchair van and first time out she was injured....d*mmit...there is some relief in knowing I just don't have to if i don't but sad i have to get a day off from diapers by leaving her in it... i just could not do it physically at all....and could not stand that i had toodo thjat just to get a break

Jen your dream is getting closer.
Juju glad your dreams are coming through. Hugs

Jen here's hoping he's out of there in the next few days.
It has to stop.


Appt for fp nursing home (possible) tomorrow....He has to go, that is all there is to it.

Cindy S. director of risk management at Mercy Medical center will purchase it for us!!!
Thanks gang...start up the motor Bobbie it is on! I told you they had messed with the wrong chick...I busted em I know how to read control documentation the doctor who lied to me when we fled that time to south. Lied and I busted her and risk management covering it help me god that farm is mine and everything else I need.

I am building my dream. omg anse chastenet west!

ok so I don't even remember what I am tiyping where n when,,,,i have been up for 8 days and nights struggling with the dilemma I am faced with now....I must be on plane tomoro to close deal....absolutely no one will help me with ma and I will not place her I would much rather have her die on plane than in the facilityes that have wronged her not one person will help me get her on a plane cuz they don't have a clue....I have my dream a planeride away and I believe I have everything in place I don't really know here is my question: that I do need help with....
if I sent the realtor an email to halt all previous request until I have proper presentation on luana farms....write an offer get me the owner and lets get it done today. set up an offer price tbd in a non profit trust Hummingbird house and get me your owner and prop owner and lets do this. she did nothing, I contacted owner myself cut the deal and told em I would be there march 1 with is my dream practically move in I have a legal binding contract I don't know I am too tired...that is all I need to sign without flying I want to take ma to anse chastenet and new Orleans least get 2 down of bucket list or try so I am gonna put her in van drive to fla via msy and then to st lucia meet with nick and get this going....instead....she will be in Hawaii forever...

This one came from Anne out in Ireland so I thought I would pass it along.

Sister Maria

Sitting by the window of her convent, Sister Maria Franscesca opened a letter from home one evening. Inside the letter was a $100 bill her parents had sent.

Sister Maria Franscesca smiled at the gesture. As she read the letter by the window, she noticed a shabbily dressed stranger leaning against the lamp post below.

Quickly, she wrote, "Don't despair. Sister Maria Franscesca," on a piece of paper, wrapped the $100 bill in it, got the man's attention and tossed it out the window to him. The stranger picked it up, and with a puzzled expression and a tip of his hat, went off down the street.

The next day, Sister Maria Franscesca was told that a man was at her door, insisting on seeing her. She went down, and found the stranger waiting. Without a word, he handed her a huge wad of $100 bills.

"What's this?" she asked. "That's the $8,000 you have coming Sister," he replied.

"Don't Despair paid 80-to-1."

that is really funny. Love the colon and line after the sentence. I had to look for that vertical line on my keyboard and found the only key without a finger print on it.

Mom died five years ago this coming May but we keep on keeping on here on the Grossed Out thread because we all keep on getting grossed out.

Hard to believe we are well into the fifth year of this crazy thread. We have great people who post and some of us still share a fantasy of getting together one day.

Jen! Yes, that other post was about the infamous toothbrush of many moons ago.
Any news in the fp department?

I have to go to the dentist tomorrow and probably lose a molar. It's been driving me nuts for months and who knows, might be the cause of all things annoying.

I am going to end up with a giant set of store bought choppers and probably turn into that idiot we all know who will drop them into someone's beer when they're not looking.
Speaking of annoying.

Went to see American Sniper the other night. Wow.

Hope everyone is doing as well as they can with what they're dealing with.


I feel for you. bro. I dont know whats worse catching your Mom using your toothbrush as a comb or catching Mom using your tooth brush as a tooth brush.
"mom why is my tooth brush wet" : |

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