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Hello everyone. Glad to hear some had a great weekend and sorry for the ones who didn't, including me. Found out Friday from dr. that mom is anemic and low on vitamin B-12. He thinks that is what is causing her to act this way so she is getting shots of B-12 every week and then once every month. Hope it works. My weekend with mom was fine, it was other crap going on here that made it bad. Susan, you are right. You can only take one day at a time. Judy, glad things are out in the open with your parents. Marylynne, hope u had a good time. Cindi, I hope things are going better for u. Donna, what a great feeling to see your son! Hope you get to enjoy those moments more often. Sha, your fortune cookie is right. How do u feel when u feel all the hate? I feel bitter and sick. Since I don't want to feel that way, I chose to feel happy even if it kills me. Hope u can too. Take care everyone.

Hi Friends,
Hope you had a good weekend.
Cathy, I feel for your Dad. My Dad is in a nursing home with Dementia and sometimes he says he wishes he could come home. So sad. We just found out today he has MRSA. Swell, just what he needs.
Judy, don't you just love it when parents reveal themselves? Kind of saves you the trouble.....
Susan, I'll say a prayer for your Mom and one for you to remain strong.
Marylynne, I hope you had a great time last night and were able to forget your troubles if only for a little while.
Donna, I'm so happy your son stopped by. What a lift! I hope he comes by again real soon.
Cindi, I'll pray things get better for your sister. You have enough on your plate.
Maria, I know what you are going through. Since my mother moved in, I have to answer to her all over again. I hate it.
Tonight I went to a Chinese Buffett for supper and here's what my fortune cookie said:

"The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter"

Yeah, right. Somebody tell me the secret on how to make that work. Tell me how not to feel hate, because I feel it everyday. I feel bitter everyday. How do you make it stop?

Marylynne my brother in law and his wife and daughter were in the hurricane too and moved to Tennessee thats where we went on vacation. They showed us pictures of the house they had there and it was awful. My sister in law still has a brother that lives there and she is moving her mom in with them in December. Her mom is not like our moms she sews and gets along well with my brother in law. I warned my sister in law and told her to make sure that her mom has people her own age to visit with.
They were not able to retrieve much from the hurricane and had help from strangers and people that the family contacted. My brother in law didn't ask for government help they did it on their own.
Had the graduation party yesterday it went well only a few didn't show. My son was happy with it.
After everyone seeing my parents at the party now I think they have a better perspective on what I am dealing with.
Tomorrow I will have another thing to deal with I will explain more later oxoxox Judy

Hey Ladies,

Exsuce any mistakes I make in this. I am completly emty right now.

Hope everyone is doing something for themselves to help releve the stress of all of this that has been handed to us.

I got my pain block in my neck Friday 18th. Got mom into the hospital for her surgery to take out the invasive cancer. Thank God we believe it is all gone!!! I stayed at the hospital from 6:30am Monday with my Courtney (12 year old daughter) til Wed. when I broke. I was in the bath room crying and the nurse told me I had to go home. Courtney had been with her sister, thank God Tue. and Wed. night. So my neice Julee, when I called her at the last minitue, pack and came to stay with mom. Mom, has called me her mom, the doctor, the stealing help from the hospital. It seem to get worse at night. Nurses said it is called twilight or sundown. Last night my oldest daughter was to stay with mother, I had taken two day and night shifts again. She never showed. I have my cousin that has always been like a sister to me going in tonight.

I have never felt so helpless in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We got the cancer, now we have to recover. One day at a time.

I love all of you, thank you for giving me a safe place to put out what I am feeling,
Susan Myers

You know Donna, you are right. It does only hurt me and I know it. I also know about feeling sorry for when our Mom's are sick. For some reason when my Mom is sick, I want to baby her and nurse her and get along with her so much better. When she feels well, she is such a b*tch and pushes every button I have.

Tonite, I came in from picking my 12 year old up from a friends house. My mom told me I really need to leave a light on in my den so she can see from her addition into the den of my house. I said Why? She said what if I got sick and needed to call an ambulance, that's the front entrance of the house. Her entrance of the house is right in the driveway, so I told her the ambulance would come straight to your entrance, not mine.

She use to sleep with the big light on in her bedroom at home, now since we live here the light comes through her window and lights up the entire room. Now she is complaining there is too much light in her room. My husband changed the blinds twice and she still is not satisfied. She is just totally nuts. How do you go from sleeping with the lights on, to not wanting the day light to come through your windows. She is never happy unless she is complaining.

I intend to get all her curtains up before I do mine, just so she will shut up and leave me alone. There will be a big fight this weekend. Going to a dance tomorrow night for the people who were in Hurricane Katrina. Its a meet and greet kinda of find out what happened to your friends and where they are now. I have my 12 year old staying home to babysit the old people. Sure I will get 100 phone calls.

I do promise one thing for tomorrow night. Anyone who asks, how my mother and father are and how is my new house, the answer is going to be fine, fine, fine. Because when they see me coming they know its doom and gloom, so from now on I am going to act like a happy camper.


marylynne so so sad that you are feeling so angry, i know how that feels. Actually i was reading a book a year or so ago that had a line in it that stuck with me, said, Hatred only hurts the one who is hating, not the one who is hated. i try to remember that when i feel so angry. and think, wow, i am the one who is suffering here, let it go. Doesnt always work for me, but it is a thought. My mom has been very ill for the past couple of days, and i look at her when she is like this and remember the good mom that i had a few years ago, and of course, feel sad. Cindi, sounds like a good idea just to get away from it all occassionally. Wish i could, but very seldom do i. I was pleasantly surprised this afternoon when my next to the youngest son dropped by for a visit. He didnt stay long, but i was so happy to see him. I love those boys so much and miss them terribly. i have nothing else, love all you girls,Donna

Cindi good to hear that you are going to pamper yourself, I have never had a pedicure or my nails done. I use my hands alot so it would be a waste of money to polish them. I have thought about getting my toes done though. We have alot of nail places here.
Sha, I can relate your mom is just like mine. Not a nice word to say and puts on a front when other people are around. I would like her to show her real side and she would shock alot of people.
Marylynne, just think of the terrific person you are as a mother, wife and daughter don't give your power away to the old people thats what they want, they wouldn't be the same without you.
Donna how's everything? oxoxooxJudy

Oh my God Sha,

You are just like me....I think the same thoughts. I too, have two brothers, who do totally nothing. One of them calls everyday to ask how I am doing. Why does he care, he wants nothing to do with my parents and does not want to help. My other brother, who I was very close to as a child, doesn't help either.

Last year I wanted to take a three day vacation and he promised to take them and changed his mind on the last day. An aunt saved me and stayed with them.

I, my mother and my brother all lost our homes in Hurricane Katrina, but who got both mom and dad, me..........How lucky can you get.

I think all the suicidal thoughts too, I know I won't act on them because I love my kids and wouldn't do that to them, but....If I die in an accident or something I want them all to know how miserable they made me, including my husband who is a good man but picks on me on the weekends, due to alcohol. If you know what I mean. He is wonderful Monday thru Thursday, but come Friday, Saturday and Sunday a real ahole. Has been like this 25 years of my life.

So lets recap, B*tch of a Mom, Very Sick Stubborn Father, Weekend Drunk husband and 21 year old daughter who has been giving me trouble since she is 2. My 12 year old is a blessing. Thank God for something.

Judy, I love you for being so confident. Wish I were like you. My brothers say I have a puppy dog face that even when I'm trying to be a b*tch it don't work for me. And remember they say I did this to myself.

When I write my letters to all who have hurt me they will get one also. I will say, yes I did this to myself, but it sure would have been alot easier with a little help from family. I so resent that they have their own lives and can do what they want. How nice it would be to get up and only take care of yourself and your own family.


Hi Girls!
Marylynne, honey, I read your letter about staying up late and I identified with you right away, only I'm the opposite, I go to bed at 8:00 so I can avoid her. I get home at 5:30, eat, visit with her so she can b*tch about her day with my father at the nursing home. Then I go take a bath and go to bed. That's the one place I know she won't bother me. Sometimes I hear her coming down the hall and I pretend I'm asleep. How bad is that? I just know I'm going to Hell for all the bad thoughts I have. She makes my life miserable. I haven't been happy since she moved in nearly 3 years ago. I'm very bitter. I have feelings of hate towards my brothers because they do nothing. Except my oldest brother, he lives 2 hours away in another state and he will take her to his house for a week from time to time. He's the only one I can count on. I can talk to him and he understands. But he can't be a big help because of the distance. So mom belongs to me and me alone. The other 2 guys can't stand her. But I blame her for being such a b*tch, her childern don't want to be around her. However, my cousins all think she's the best. And that's because she's different with them. I told one cousin, "The woman you know as your aunt is not the same woman I know as my mother." My cousin didn't know what to say. I don't think she ever realised there was another side to her. There is another very dark side to her that many people don't know about and I have to live with it every day and it sucks the life out of me. I've thought about getting counsuling to help me deal with my own anger but I wonder if it would help at all. So I just spend a lot of time in my room. At least there I know she will leave me alone. I'll give you an idea how bad I want to get away from her....last July I had surgery for breast cancer. It was a lumpectomy and I was able to go home the same day. The surgery was on a Thursday, I went back to work on Monday because I couldn't stand to be home another day with her. How's that one?
I sometimes wonder if she even realises what she's doing. Or does she think everything she says and does is just fine? There have been days I've thought of slitting my wrists and I would leave the most telling suicide note....everything would come out and I hope my mother would be miserable for the rest of her life knowing she was the reason for me taking my life.
Why is God punishing me?
Love to all,

Hi Girls
Feeling overwhelmed because of sister. Yet, Mom asks me if I can please be patient til she is in her own apartment and gets medical help. It is taking a toll on all of us. Husband said this am that he is a prisoner in his own house. It made me feel real bad. Thing is she sees us everday or night. I don't want to hurt her and I know she is not okay but looks like I am going to do bondaries again. She has nowhere to go but to the condo she shares with ex fiancee. So, I do understand how she wants to away from there. Also, she is not cooking so she can get a hot meal here with family instead of eating out alone or grabbing something unhealthy. Even irritates my mom to have her here cause sister acts weird. So my mom just closes her door. My sister is not getting the hint so..guess I have to be a meanie (even though I know I'm not) and start telling her no more.
Today I am taking a day away. Haven't done it for a few weeks and I can feel it. Going to treat myself to a pedicure and told sister I would treat her to one for her upcoming birthday. Suppose to be a reasonable place according to a gf. Sister tried to rope me in to going to lunch, tea or a movie with her too. I said no. My day away is my day away from all family and even friends. Although sometimes I will go someplace with a friend. Told her I give and give all the time that I get dried up. This is the time where I do what I like and want and move freely. Don't have to consider anyone else. So, she then asks me to lunch tomorrow. Asked hubby if I could go and he got mad. He said she is trying to monopolize my time. HELP! Runaway...
Will read all your postings and respond later...til then...keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars...
and hang on .......

Hugs and have a smooth day...

Marylynne hold your head up high for all you have accomplished in your life. We as caregivers have taken on many tasks that other ppl have turned away, especially other family members. We are the strongest ppl around to handle many roles. Walk tall I do and that is what bugs my mom so much because I have confidence and I am proud to be me. you are dear to me and I hope I am a help to you, Judy

Marylynne, I feel for you. I stay awake cause I am used to it, but there have been nights when I go to bed thinking about mom and other things. Are u taking any medication? You sound so depressed and with good reason. But you have to take care of yourself too. Somehow deep in yourself, there has to be another Marylynne that wants to help herself. We all know the cliche about easier said than done but u have to look out for yourself. I was so used to taking care of my family that I didn't realize what harm I was doing to myself. I have become selfish and they don't like it. They say that I am a b*tch but u know what? I really don't care. If I don't look out for myself, they sure as hell won't. I am not the perfect mother or daughter but I have always made sure they came first. That got me nowhere. Now that I am older and have been independent for more than 22 yrs, it is hard for me to live under the same roof with my youngest daughter. We have seperate living quarters but still are in the same house. All of a sudden, I'm no longer the mother but the daughter, so it seems. We argue constantly and my son wants to know where I am or going. I always tell them that I don't have a husband to tell me what to do so why the hell do they want to know? I put myself in my mom's shoes and understand that she too must have struggled with losing her independence. Now I have lost it to her and to my children. One day I will move out of here. They are not going to like it but who cares. Right now I am tied with mom and the house since we bought it together. I refuse to depend on somebody else and I will fight until I can. Yes, there are many things I can't do that I used to do because of a bad back. I still do them even if it kills me. I go to bed in pain and wake up in pain. They don't know since the times that I have said that I don't feel good I am ignored. My dad used to say that I was a stubborn mule and I guess he was right. The best thing is that I have my friends to talk to. Mom doesn't care if I go out but my kids do. I had them, I raised them, now it is my turn. May God forgive me but like I said, when my mom is gone, so am I. You have done so much for your parents, u deserve something for yourself too. Being selfish isn't so bad once you make up your mind. Take care Marylynne and may God give you strength to keep on going.

Dear Girls,

Do you find yourself staying up later and later at night just to be alone with your own thoughts. I am having a very hard time going to sleep, because I don't want to wake up in the morning.

How do parents become so selfish? My mom was always kind of selfish and mean, but was truly a good mother, until I left the nest. Then she started ruling me. First it was, please come see me every day. Then it was call 5 or 6 times a day. Then only after being married 4 years my dad had a major cerebral bleed that paralyzed him on his left side. Then she really became dependent on me.

I have done for them for 21 years, longer than I lived at home and fear that I will be doing this till they are 100 or my worst fear is dying before them or being to old to enjoy being without them when they die. My husband always told me that there would come a day that I would resent all I do for them and I used to say oh no...., I am doing this out of the goodness of my heart. I feel good doing this. He was soooo right.

I know this sounds horribly selfish, but I am becoming selfish. I know if I don't do for them, I will be miserable and I am miserable doing for them. There is no win in this game. I just want some sort of peace. God please let all of us have some kind of peace of mind.

Love you all and I really mean that,

Good for you Sharon! I wish I could go out to dinner and have a few margaritas, but I can't. But damn, that sounds so good that I am going to make some later on tonight. I am sorry that some of you had a bad day. Mine wasn't so bad but it is still not over. Cindi, how are u doing? I think about you and all the other girls too. Right now my house is a wreck, have all grandkids here. I am going to put them to work. I need my kitchen cabinets cleaned so I can paint them, so guess what they will be doing? Of course my daughter was very accommadating in leaving them here. "Sure, mom, they can help u so I'll just leave them here." Yeah right. Night out for her. Her turn will come when she has to take my "kid" overnight. See how she likes it. I wish I could go to Texas and really enjoy myself. One can only dream. Well, gotta go and be a slave driver to my grandkids. Have a good night.

Hi girls,
I went out tonight with a friend and had a couple of drinks and please believe me, I was thinking of all of you and hoping you were having a good evening. At least an evening that was peaceful with no confrontations.
Mom was in a pretty good mood tonight, for that I am thankful. I sat with her for about a half hour and told her about my evening. She didn't say anything tonight that went up my ass. I consider this a good day! Tomorrow is another day and who knows what it will bring. But for now I am thankful for any good day the Lord can give me.
Marylynne, everytime I read your letters it could sound like it's coming from me. We sure do have the same emotions. The more I pray for God to take her the longer she'll live, I'm sure. I just want my life back, like it was before she came to live with me. I don't want to be treated like I'm 15 and I have to answer to her. I don't want anyone criticizing everything I do and everyone in my life. As God as my witness, I'll never do this to my daughter. I'll go into a home before I burden her.
I wish all of you a pleasant evening and a better day tomorrow. Remember, we have each other. There is strenght in numbers and we are an Army! God Bless us all and I will have you all in my heart and in my prayers.
Love and hugs,

Her favorite is" Don't you understand you can't do anything anymore" at least he tries and wants to show some effort instead fo being a dictator. Here I just get home from a vacation, the next day I am in the hospital for 6 hours, have to catch up on the grocery shopping , get ready for a graduation party, and she tells me" the stairs need vacuuming" in my mind I scream at her.
My dad seems to be better today even started walking around the great room with his walker, he was seeing things though a bus of army men go past the window and trees in his room on the ceiling and horses. I don't know what that means maybe its the antibiotic.
marylynne Cheer up we are with you always :) Judy

I had to laugh at all of your postings. Today I woke up super depressed just that I have to talk to her at all. I try to be nice and answer her nicely, but I am so miserable.

I, too, am like you sharon, I will die and she and my dad will go right after me. I told my husband if anything happens to me, to give them back their money for their addition and tell them to go. I don't even want them at my funeral and I am going to put it in writing. And before I go I intend to write some nasty letters to them so that when I go, they don't have a clear conscience. Although their dementia will be where they won't understand it.


i WANT MY OWN LIFE WITHOUT THEM and just time to be by myself with my husband and child.

Love to all,

Oh, Judy, I'm so sorry for what you are dealing with. I know what you're going through. Before my poor father went into the nursing home all my mother did was yell at him. She wasn't accepting his illness (dementia) and when he didn't respond to a simple command like; "move your foot" she flipped out on him, yelling as if it was going to make him obey. All I wanted to do was go in my room and close the door. It was actually a blessing for him to go to the home. At least there's no more yelling, just general b*tching about everything.
I wish I could hug you all.

Hi everyone, well i had a blow out with mom yesterday, I to, like Sharon, usually walk away but I was trying to help my dad into the bathroom with his walker, he was feeling weak, and she started on the damage he could do with the walker on the door frame. I lost it I told her that this man is worth more then this house.
And when he is gone you can't replace him but you can have more houses.
She said who's going to fix the damage mind you there was none. All she is worried about is getting her money out of the house and its not even for sale.
She just doesn't get it. i told her she should be ashamed of the way she speaks to him and all she did was talk about the house.
I too wish I could have time alone with my dad without her around and that he could have peace in his last moments here. Glad to see that we have more people to share our stories with and there is strength in numbers. oxoxox Judy

Donna, sometimes I feel that the best way to deal with a difficult situation is to have a sense of humor. I really do try to keep my spirits up the best way I know how. When I am out of the house I am a different person. I joke, I laugh, I have a good time. But when I'm home it all goes away. If I try to be funny in front of my mother I can tell she is not at all amused. But if someone else did it she would laugh. What's the difference?
Every Friday night my boyfriend and I go out to a little local diner and we vent to each other about our mothers and it make us feel good and sometimes we can even laugh about it because what they do is so stunningly ridiculous that you HAVE to laugh.
In reading your story about the police being at your son's, and the milk, could it be your mother is hallucinating? Maybe if you talked to her doctor about her meds. Tell her/him what's going on. The Dr. may be able to help you. It's worth a shot. Maybe the doc can up the dosage....know what I mean? wink, wink. :o) See?....humor. It's what keeps me going!
Love ya,

Sharon, laughing as i read your last line, because i feel exactly the same way. and you brought up something that i havent talked about before, but my house has always been a gathering place for friends. mine, my kids. no more. My mother resents anyone being here, and resents every morsel of food that they may eat. she actually doesnt say anything to my guests, but in doing so, makes them feel very uncomfortable. there fore, i have very little company. My kids dont even come very often, because of this, coupled with gas prices.
Cathy, think long and hard before you bring him home with the bathroom problems. and dementia, that will only get worse. hooray for you having some private time, to get things done that you wanted done.
need to take a nap while the beast sleeps talk later Donna

Cathy, good luck with your Dad and enjoy your time alone until tomorrow. And don't feel guilty about your thoughts;we all have them but don't bring ourselves to admit it.
Donna, you and I have more in common than you know. I, too, have wished the same thing you wish every day. I get up in the morning and I hear her moving about downstairs and I say, "Oh God, it lives!" I keep hoping I'll come home and find she passed away during the day or in her sleep at night. Have I mentioned that I used to love to have parties but I don't anymore because she insults my guests? I can't tell you how humiliated I've been at times. She comes out with mean and hurtful things and I can't fathom how anyone can be so cruel. When I do have a gathering I usually warn my guests ahead of time that my mother can be vicious and unkind and I'd like to apologize in advance if she insults you in any way.
It is a terrible way to live. I'm on pins and needles everytime I have company because I know something is coming....eventually. I swear, when she does die, and she'll will live to 100, I'm convinced of that, I will throw the biggest party and have the best time! I'm also convinced that she will outlive me and I'll no sooner die and she'll die right after me.
love to all,

Hello Ladies,
Well its thursday, not sure how I got this far onto the week. I feel like I have missed a few days. My son has been away since tuesday(my in-laws) he will be back tomorrow. I have gotten so much done with no one in the house. Things I have wanted to do for literally years. I feel like a liberated person right now. It is only going to last a little longer though. Ok big guilty thoughts going thru my head now.
Dad is more stable now. He hates where he is, I keep telling him it would be no different anywhere else. I think I am finally at the point where I want him to stay there. Hi shot term memory is gone. He is not really gaining anything from therapy because he can't build on what he did the day before. His bathroom skills are getting worse. I don't think I can handle that at home.
I promised him that even if he staied there I would continue to be there for him.
I know we are in different situations, but I can relate to all of you. I have come to count on you all as my friends. You help me through difficilt times and I wish I couild do the same for you. I think of you all often. I hope you all have a good day.

Hugs, Cathy

Sharon, you are so lucky to be able to vacation without being made to feel guilty and unfit. I went to pennsylvania last september to visit friends, and had my stepsister who lives 250 miles away to stay with my mother. the sad thing is, i was afraid to tell her i was leaving. I waited til the night before i left to tell her, because i didnt want to hear any more griping than i had to. and it was a battle. i was so glad to leave her mean old ass. then in february, my bf and i went to nashville for a few days. I hired a friend to come and stay with her while i was gone. when she heard about this, she had a fit like i have never seen before. she cursed me and yelled and said she didnt like my friend who was staying. (who is an angel,by the way, a church going, forgiving sweet angel)
Now, last night, i was in bed nearly asleep, when she came barging in my room and told me that there were cops at my sons apartment and i needed to get up and go out there. I looked out the window and didnt see anything unusual, so told her it was ok.. she said, you had better go out there RIGHT NOW. so i did, and there were no cops, he was in bed asleep. just this kind of bs is driving me to the nuthouse. today she said that my bf left the refridgerator door open and the milk got hot i have no clue who did, but i would imagine it was her. she is so negative so negative and,,,,,, i am so sorry to say this, never admitted it before, but each morning i wake up, and hope that she has died in her sleep, and i will not have to face another day with her. I think that this is wrong, but cant help my feelings.
Cindi, so sorry that you are down. and i can tell you are. Marylynne my dear friend, hope the day is treating you as well as can be expected. Judy, hope dad is doing better and mom is being nice for a change. maria, you have a better attitude than i do, keep it up, i need your reassurance. love you girls, Donna

Hi Maria,
I'll pray for you, me, Cindi, Donna, Marylynne and all the others who are in our prediciment. I only hope it gets easier for all of us. I keep hoping my mother will mellow out as she gets older but it seems like she's getting worse. She's always been an argumentive person and loves to start one. But I'm just like my father, I walk away from an arguement. It's just not worth it. I have learned to pick my battles. I remember my Dad would say, "That woman loves to argue." He wasn't kidding. He used to spend most of his time in the garage puttering around just so he could avoid her. I find myself doing the same thing. I have taken non-credit class at my local community college just to get out of the house and avoid talking to her because most times our conversations head right into an arguement because she always has some comment about my friends or my boyfriend. She always has to put in that little "dig".
On the upside, I do get to go on vacations with my boyfriend without having to hear any grief from Mom. Last year we went to Disney in Florida and this year we are going to Vegas. My mother is happy for me and does not expect that I take her along. So that is one thing in my favor. Thank God for the little things, right?
I feel so close to all of you already. Keep the Faith!

Sharon, Cindi, Donna, Marylynne, I pray that we have a good day today. That we don't lose our patience very bad and are able to control ourselves if we do. It is terrible to live our lives this way but I keep praying and hoping that things will get better. Yesterday I saw one of my friends and I told her we need to go on vacation but not until mom is gone. I know that sounds horrible but it is the truth, can't go anywhere because , nobody to take care of her and I would be worried too. So, lets try to keep our chins up and enjoy something today. Take care. Maria

Cindi, Donna, Ply and Marylynne,
It's so good to hear from all of you. Your experiences and feelings about your parents are exactly the same as mine. And it is comforting to know I am not alone. I too feel like God will punish me for my thoughts of wishing she would die. But I can't help these thoughts because she has such a terrible disposition that she makes me think them. Every day when I drive up my driveway I'm hoping when I go inside I'll find her dead. My poor father, who was a great guy, is lying in a nursing home with dementia, and I pray for God every day to come for him for 2 reasons, 1. He'll be out of his misery and 2. My mother will visit her sister in Florida several times a year and I can have my house to my self for a little while.
I have at times screamed at the top of my lungs when I am alone in the house and I ask God, "Why did You do this to me? Why do I have this burden? Why do I have to suffer and my brothers don't? Why does she have to be such a b*tch? When the F**K is she going to die?" Then I pray for the strength to deal with it, I pray to hold my tongue when I really want to scream at her.
I don't know what it is with that generation that they feel they can still control their children even though we are in our 40's, 50's and 60's. My boyfriend's mother is a real pain-in-the-ass too. If she's not up her daughter's ass all day, she's not happy. She pisses and moans everytime her daughter goes out with a friend. They are just never happy.
My mother is always complaining that she is lonely. I'm sure she expects me to be her friend, but it's not gonna happen. So I told my mother last night she should join the senior center and she might make a friend. Her comment was, "No, I don't want to join anything because then everybody asks questions and wants to know where I've been. I'm 84 yeras old and I don't feel I should have to answer to anybody." So I turned to her and said, "Yeah, I know the feeling." I wonder if she got it?
I love being part of this forum...It feels so good to vent my frustrations to others who know exactly what I'm going through and putting up with.
Love to you all,

Love you girls...
Ply hope my parents esp mother stops complaining.
Sad we are in this.....



You are in such good company here. I wish I were dead every morning when I wake up and have to face my mom and my poor dad who was very sweet and now is a pain in my ass.

I know my parents will outlive me and just replace me like a job when I die. I can't stand the site of them and when I drop my mom off in front of a store or wherever we are going, I wish her dead when she gets out of the car. I fear for my life that God is going to punish me with all of the illl will I wish on these people. But, they have sucked the life out of me in these last 20 years. They have only lived with me 3 years, but 20 of it was doing whatever else I had to do.

My mom tries to tell me where I can go, what I can do. If I just walk out of the house to talk to a neighbor, she comes yelling for me, like I disappeared from the face of the earth. I got myself into this and now can't get myself out of this. Their death or my death is the only way out.

Dear God, help all of us girls who are trying to do the right thing by our parents and get nothing but shit and no life for doing it. I scream at God sometimes when I am by myself. Why doesn't he hear me and help me, even if its just to let me tolerate it a little better.

I never thought I would hate my parents. I will never do this to my children.

Love to all of my girls

Bittersweet, I understand what you are going thru. My mom used to tell what to do and not to do. Now that she has dementia, it is different. It used to drive me crazy because I couldn't do anything without her making a comment about it. How I dressed, what I ate, where I was going. For some reason that has stopped and to be honest, I don't remember when. Nothing would please her either. I wanted to pull my hair out. So vent all you want and we will "listen." We might not know each other in person, but we can find comfort with one another. Please don't think about death. We have all thought about it, but that is not the answer. Keep writing and we will be here for you. Despair is so horrible but something will change for the best for you. Take care.

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