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I'm on the naughty list because I gave a month's notice to my three sisters, and their husbands and adult children, that I will no longer be our Alzheimer mother's full time (24 hours/7 days a week) caregiver. Six years is six years too long. I was told that "Family helps family and I'm not helping the family." Apparently, you don't get any credit for past good deeds. The help has to be immediate and ongoing and never ceasing or they hit the NAUGHTY button.

Love this!


Omg I needed a laugh today ! Weed socks…. Awesome gift ! Lol lol

I did two naughty things last week.
My mother couldn't lift her leg to go into the house when we drove her to the door one day , so as she she stood outside, she wanted me to immediately build a brick step for her to step on before the patio step into the house.
I picked up a brick on the outside lounge chair cover ( holding down the cover i guess) and she screamed "Not those brocks....those bricks" ( the ones buried under dirt and ivy beside the patio) and proceeded to yell the whole time on which brick were not ok to use. Apparently she is an expert brick mason .......
Then because she couldn't get up her basement steps anymore, she wanted the car driven up the hill and over the grass and parked in her yard " in case she needed it." Nope didn't do it. Did other chores and said bye and drove off. Car still in garage.

A friend mine is very naughty. Her husband was a pastor until an automobile accident left him with a major TBI twenty years ago and she transitioned from pastor's wife to caregiver. This past Sunday she wore a new Christmas shirt to church and out to lunch. At some point in the afternoon, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and her jaw dropped. The shirt she had worn to church and to a restaurant had a pair of mating reindeer front and center, big as can be. She posted a picture to FB and oh my, there was no question about what those reindeer were doing.

The weed socks!! Omg im rollin….that is so cute….

I'm on the naughty list for making mom take a shower. She screams and yells at me, says she hates me and wishes she had never given birth to me.

Sendhelp: I guess that my mother thought I was a worst human imaginable because I moved into her house to take care of her, even saying so with name calling. I am a good person! To my late mother, I am not "Hitler, so say you."

I'm on the Naughty List for wanting a Peaceful, Tranquil evening, so I let my mother's phone call go to voicemail. It wasn't important, had it been an emergency she would have dialed 911 not me. I decided not to speak to her or more like listen to her after a certain time in the evenings. When I did "listen" to a bunch of nonsense, delusional rants I found it boosted my adrenalin and anxiety thus unable to sleep....Put me on, and Keep me on the Naughty list, this adult man sleeps well at night (for the past two days)

Reply to Ptreyesbunny;

"I was told that "Family helps family and I'm not helping the family." Apparently, you don't get any credit for past good deeds. The help has to be immediate and ongoing and never ceasing.." 

How very dare they!!!!!

Wow that just hit my nerve & the memory of being told exactly the same thing. Family helps family... 😤😤😤😤
I asked for clarification of *who* family was in that statement... not the speaker (male), not his wife (not too keen), nor the older people, nor the under 18s, nor my husband.. leaving little old me. Only me. WTF

Same as you. Been in the trenches long enough. Had climbed out. You said "immediate, ongoing & neverending". That is SLAVERY is it not?

I mustered a polite but firm reply somehow...

This year same set up already planned. Someone with high mobility & incontinence needs will be present without bringing their own help - I will be appointed by default as above. I have said a clear No to that person. Have advised them to BYO help (ignored). Have advised equipment to make tasks easier & less help required (ignored). Can't lead that horse to water or make it drink.

I can however, walk out the door.

My heartbeat is racing at the thought but it is the only way.

I hope you can stand up the bullies as I must. As bullies they certainly are.

I'm on the naughty list because my mother saw something on the news about major storm damage in Tennessee, and I won't pick her up and take her to my sister's house to survey the damage.

My sister lives in the southeast, far from the storms. She's over 10 hours away by car. And she's coming up to visit in a few days. Doesn't matter.

Dh received some coal in his stocking. Always one to be positive, he is looking for someone who got the same so they can get together and maybe grill something later in the week. 🥉

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