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LL- It is nice to listen to the owls. They make me a little scared. We have some screech owls and they get to going and it sounds like a jungle. I hope you have a great weekend and a wonderful Mothers Day. Arent we blessed that the Lord's love never ceases and that HIS mercies endure forever. Much love and prayers.

Real- So lovely to read your post. You are also an encouragement to me, thank you. What love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that through Jesus Christ we have that way. You are so right that we should all be thankful that we have a righteous judge. Happy Mother's Day to you also, and May God bless you as well. Much love and prayers for you.
I bought some magnesium today, will let you know the results of it. Do you know how long it takes to show that its working?


I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope. Psalms 130:5

You should sleep better the 1st night and a diminishing of any symptoms right away, improving as your levels stabalize.

Real: Those are lovely words. Thank you for sharing them.

Dear smeshque: Yes, I find the sound of owls soothing, but I've never heard the screeching kind. That would be too loud.
Hope you have a great Mother's Day.

Glad that you got the magnesium. I'm "late to the party on that one, e.g. haven't  purchased it."  We've just had some scary tornadic activity here with large hail and I just made it inside my home, but pretty drenched.

Proverbs 4:6-7, "Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." guardian angel

Thanks Real- I will keep you posted as soon as I notice. I will pay attention if I sleep better tonight. I do feel like I am getting sleepy which is rare, maybe the magnesium? Have a blessed Lord's Day and Mothers Day.

Ll- I do not like tornadic weather. I hope you all are ok. I hope you have a happy Mothers Day. Today I did my Mothers Day for Mom. As Sundays are always full with services . So I always celebrate with her on Saturday. We took her on a day trip, to sate park and had a picnic. She had a good time. I am now wore out.
Wisdom is a pearl

Much love and prayers for you all.

“I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”
Psalms 16:8

Dear Smeshque: Oh, I am glad that you had a wonderful day with your mom. Now of course you are worn out so please dear, rest well. We went to a rather fancy restaurant, Carrabba's and it was actually way too buttery and rich for my digestive tract. Would you believe that I've got gone to McDonald's and got myself 2 egg mcmuffins and a large orange juice to enjoy in a minute? LOL
Your mom must have so loved the picnic at the beautiful state park!

Love is patient; love is kind. Love is not jealous; is not proud; is not conceited; does not act foolishly; is not selfish; is not easily provoked to anger; keeps no record of wrongs; takes no pleasure in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth; love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. ~ I Corinthians 13:4-7.

LL- I am sorry about your dinner. Hope the company made up fpr it. I understand about Mcdonalds for you, as I would rather go to taco bell than most places and be perfectly happy with a 7 layer burrito. :) I was very tired last night. But am recovering.
We had good sermons today. One on Praying and one on Love.
So it was fitting your scripture on love. I actually memorized 1 Corinthians 13, the whole chapter. So I can repeat it to myself oft.
Mom did enjoy her day, and only one brother called her and did a quick 1 minute call. But, several of the people that DH and I know, sent her a Happy Mothers Day text. I was so blessed that they did that, it made her day that they thought about her. And worship service is always edifying to all of us.
so again, I hope your Day was as sweet as you are to me.

Isaiah 26:3
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Smeshque: I ate just a tad of the rich food that did not agree with my system, but I was able to get to routine ear doctor okay today. Actually at the dinner I got a chance to help my daughter's mother-in-law.
I am glad for your mother and those who celebrated her by texting or calling.
Personally, I enjoy sending cards. Something I rarely receive, BUT that doesn't stop me! I will still be the same person. Another twist of irony-I also love 7 layer burrito.
Just about ready to head home....have a good one & glad that you rested. Oh thank you!

LL- Sending cards is a great thing. It is something special to receive in the mail a card because you were remembered. So keep it up. It is a very nice thing, and most people do not take the time anymore to show love in such ways. Glad you do, I also do as well.
7 layer burritos are my favorite fast food. Well, next to Fazzolis.
Hope you had a good day.

Real- I started taking the magnesium and then stopped for fear that it was lowering my BP and making me feel run down. Not sure but it was the only new thing I had done and then started feeling bad. I don't know....

Much love and prayers for all of you.

Isaiah 42:6
I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee...................

smeshque: Yes, sending greeting cards was also my mom's favorite thing to do. I am glad that you also enjoy sending them. Most, but not all, of my recipients do not even bother to let me know if the card was received. But I still am me. I am not familiar with Fazzolis, but I'll bet that if you like it that I would, too. I am glad that you realized something new added to your regimen (Magnesium) may have caused you to feel unwell. That's what I experienced with the Bilberry, gave it a rest and then continued with it. I will have to wrap up bedtime early tonight as we have to travel actually an over 2-hour total drive time tomorrow to go to my cousin's High School graduation party. We have had rain every day this week--Monday through Saturday and some creeks are at flood stage and many roads. The Bay Bridge that goes over to the Eastern Shore of Maryland was significantly backed up. Your scripture verse was food for our souls. Thank you!

"You satisfy me more than the richest of foods."  Psalms 63:5

"He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers yeah strength to the weak. Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will fall give up. But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."  Isaiah 40:29-31

LL-Safe travels, will keep you in my prayers. Hope you get good rest for the drive. And I hope you have a great time. I make the greeting cards. Sort of a hobby I guess. Thank you also for the Soul food.

Psalms 21:13
Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power.

Smeshque: Oh, that is wonderful that you make the greeting cards! I use a company whereby I can wrote a poem, which is the message of the card and I can put the person's name on the card front. Also I can get a card that says, e.g. "Happy 98th Birthday, Cousin."
I did not rest so well because I kept looking at the clock.
Yes, sing HIS praises!

LL- Hope you have a great rest and great Lord's Day.
I had a good day today. I am feeling more and more better each day, praise God. I have been learning how to take small amounts of time to myself little by little and see that Mom is ok if I do that. So today I was able to get some things done and not feel guilty about it. And Mom was okay, it did not take away from her in any way. So, I am learning.......

“From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”
Psalms 61:2

Dear Smeshque: Oh, I am so glad that you are getting some time to yourself each day little by little. Some days even if you can get one seemiingly small task done, e.g. folding laundry, it will be enough to give you satisfaction. Strangely today was no rain, but I started with a bad migraine and had to get my husband to give me a strong abortive med. I managed to get a salad at Panera and 4 huge iced teas before I drove carefully home. There was a young man there who had asked me how I could afford to eat there about 2 weeks ago and today I was able to give him some good advice. Keep at it even when the going gets tough.
Oh, what lovely scripture. Sorry I can't share one with you today due to my head hurting.

LL- Sweet or Unsweet Tea, cold or hot? I am an unsweet iced tea drinker. So sorry for the headache. Hope it passes quickly.

Today was a good day. Two good sermons. One on the value of women, and the other was let the beaty of Jesus be seen in you.
Speaking of the actions and love of Jesus, not physical appearance, because we know as scripture says Jesus was not as portrayed in pictures. As in Isaiah 53,he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
But Jesus was beautiful in that while he was despised and rejected, He loved and was the greatest example of love. Laying down his life in our stead. We as caregivers show love in a similar way, by giving up part of our life to care for loved ones.
No greater love is their than that a man would lay down his life for another.
When we have sacrificial love as a caregiver, we are giving up parts of ourselves and parts of our lives, but, will be replenished and we will be all the much better people for it.
Difficult labor of love. But every bit worth it.
Love your loved ones so that you will have no regrets. Love as if each day is the last.
Stay strong and find ALL your strength in God through Jesus Christ.

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Smeshque: I am never a hot tea person. I get unsweetened iced tea and always with lemon wedges as it makes the tea and I sweeten it with artifical sweetener per my dental office protocol. Very interesting that you drink your iced tea with no added sugars. Do you not often eat cakes or pastries?  I try to stay away from them due to caloric content that I don't need. But I'll indulge once in a while. Yes, my migraine did pass, but I'll not be eating smoked meat ever again.
I love that scripture verse. Thank you sharing that lovely sermon! I would aspire to be likened to Jesus. How wonderful! The value of women is not spoken of very much in my independent Baptist Church as it is taught that men are the head or leader of the household and women must follow. Yes, the reward that we get as caregivers or former caregivers is immense.

I do just like plain ol' unsweetened iced tea. I do not eat pastries or cakes much. I do enjoy cheesecake on my birthday.

The value of a woman lesson, was more how the husband should value his wife. We too agree that men are the head and the woman should follow. Mostly, if a man is a good Godly leader a woman will happily follow and submit. People often get offended by that. thinking that as a head the man just has his wife for a servant. But scripture is clear that we are to serve one another, and that the man is to head his household under Christ. But a Godly woman will gladly follow a Godly man. That is how Christ intended it. Scripture is also clear how a husband should love and treat his wife.
Have you ever heard of Paul Washer?

“Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?”
Luke 12:24

Smeshque: No, I have not heard of the man, Paul Washer. Good for you on the no sugar! I, too, don't consume sugary pastries and the like only quite rarely. My mother gave me a thyroid disorder.
I am on my own as my husband had a very dysfuntional mother and father, who shoved Catholic religion on him  that changed him not to the good, but that's about all they did. They were alcoholic and mentally ill people. It doesn't stop me from being a Christian, though.
Thank you for that lovely scripture..

Again I am proud of you. Not letting anyone stop or interfere with your faith..And as scripture says maybe by your lifestyle your husband might be won.

Please keep in your prayers a girl named Sinaii. She is 15 and has been missing for a week. We know her parents. They are in South Carolina. Pray for her a safe return home. It is so scary in these times, kids being taken.
Much love.

Smeshque: Thank you! By faith, my husband has eased up on the sometimes harsh statements to me, but I don't have time for that (harshness).
Oh, yes, definitely I will pray for Sinaii, the 15 year-old girl. I am a huge advocate for those girls who have been kidnapped such as Elizabeth Smart, Jaycee Dugard, Michelle Knight, Gina DeJesus and Amanda Berry WHO ALL ESCAPED THEIR ABUCTOR! I hope this girl is found soon. Is their an Amber Alert posted and has it been posted to social media?

Yes Ll, there is an amber alert and it has been posted on most sites.
Hoping for the best. I so hope she is found soon.

“For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.”
Psalms 5:12

smeshque: Oh, I will pray for the 15 year old girl, Sinai. I cannot begin to fathom what her parents, siblings and friends (you) are going through, but it has to be sleeplessness. I shall lift Sinai up in prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, please let no harm come to Sinai and that she be returned to her family, Amen.

1 Corinthians 6:12

“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be enslaved by anything.

I chose this scripture verse specifically for Sinai.

Thank you LL for the prayer and scripture for Sinai. You are such a lovely lady.
May the Lord bless you with all things you need. You are always so considerate and caring of others. It's what makes you, YOU.
You have such a hard job in this life, but you do it well and make it look easy. So thank you for being you.

Smeshque: Oh, thank you so much, but I give the Glory to God, our Precious Saviour. Your compliments are very much appreciated and I think of you in the same vien, i.e. nicest person in the world.
It does no one good to fret with worry; carry on.

LL- Proverbs 27:9
Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart: so doth the sweetness of a man's friend by hearty counsel.

smeshque: A verse I chose specifically for your return to employment.

Proverbs 13:4

"The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied."
Such a wonderful scripture verse you wrote to me!

"For each will have to bear his own load." Galatians 6:5

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men." Colossians 3:23

NYDaughterInLaw: Oh, thank you for the lovely food for the soul!

Everytime I think I have it figured out and that it is going to get better, I have a struggling through it kinda day. Then I get so disheartened and have to start over again and remind myself I am not in control. I have no power to do anything on my own. But, by God's grace and his strength and his courage that he allows me to borrow at times, then and only then can I make it.
Sometimes it feels that I will never get this down and do it well. that I will always struggle at it and feel guilty when I cannot do it the way I feel I should do it.
But I do not give up hope. I do not give up at all. If I am allowed another day, i will get up and I will try and do better than today. And then one day, I am confident that I will get up, and will have grown and gained strength and will be doing it well. With the help of Jesus.
I have been so worried about my Mom, she has been acting a little off these last few days.
I will not give up, and I will carry on. Sorry if this doesn't quite make sense, been a rough day.
May God bless all caregivers, present, past and future. There is no other test of love and self that can be more difficult.
We are soldiers.

Romans 12:12
Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

Thank you shaking.
You gave me a good reminder. This being my cross, and bearing it willingly and gracefully.
I too have been working on keeping my mouth shut. Difficult challenge as we know the tongue can no man tame. But, we carry on and keep trying.Considering how our Saviour kept his mouth shut enduring a much more difficult thing.
Thank you again for that reminder. Keep pressing on.

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