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Thank you so much, dear smeshque. I'm actually feeling better and my husband just went and got a ton of goodies that we wanted for St. Patrick's Day. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you, smeshque!

You too Llama.

“Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.”
Psalms 62:1

Oh, how beautiful, smeshque! Thank you for the St. Patrick's Day wishes!

Psalm 119:76 "May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant. "

Thank you for the verse Llama. It makes me think of our lesson this morning. It was on Most people know Jesus as the Christ, and the Saviour, but how many people remember or know HIM as our LORD.
And do we understand in biblical time the relationship of a servant and their Lords or master.
It really makes me think, how much as a servant do I do for my LORD.

Happy evening to you and day tomorrow.

Smeshque: Spot on excellent synopsis of that scripture. Good evening dear and have a good day tomorrow. Thank you for your well wishes.

Thank you LL. I did have a good day, and I hope you did as well. I hope you are doing well.
God is wonderful!

smeshque: Yes, a good day and night thus far. Same to you. Praise God!

"Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not."
1 John 3:1

Oh, how lovely smeshque.

Psalm 71:5
"For you have been my hope, Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth."

LLama I enjoy, Volleying scriptures with you. :)

smeshque: Me, too! You're a great wordsmith, btw. Plus it helps us to memorize scripture.

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
Galatians 6:9

Your too kind Llama. :)

You're exceptionally kind as well. Have a goid night, smeshque.

Some days are tougher than others. It is unusual when all factors are the same, but the outcome is different. I try an see what is it the Lord is wanting me to see or deal with within myself. Sometimes it is easy to see, and sometimes I have to remain in a difficult emotional state until it finally clicks.
But whether a good day or a bad day, I am always thankful to the Lord for all things. Sometimes he puts us in situations to grow us, to strengthen us and always because he loves us.

Psalms 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

smeshque: Yes, GOD is good all the time! I sometimes find myself troubled over the smallest things that seem monumental to me at the time; i. e, like today, I did not receive the set of 4 daily AgingCare emails and I was fretting about it because I expect for everything to just fall into place with no problems. But when you ask GOD to handle it, the burden is lifted. But btw did you receive the set of 4 daily emails today?
Oh, my...I noticed I misspelled "good" on my last post to you.

Love that verse LLama.
Its ok good or goid, I knew what you meant. Now that you mention it, I did not receive the emails. hmm.
You are so right when we ask GOD to handle things, he takes our burdens away. He even says, Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Isn't that a lovely thought, to know how he loves us.
Hoping you have a nice day tomorrow, hope the splints are easing up on you.
May God bless you.

smeshque, Yes, the email never arrived yesterday, but since I usually have many balls in the air in my juggling act called life, I let it be. I don't like to err, but this forum has a time limit on editing so...
Yes, I only had one shin splint, but sometimes I have to tell myself to slow down since I have a fast gait; I notice coming down my outside steps, I may get an ever-so-slight wince of pain.
May God's glory shine down on you!
Yes, HE eases our burdens!

smeshque, I received a response from AgingCare saying "we don't send an email on Saturdays." I thanked them, but perhaps they've changed their policy because I received one today.

LLama I too got one today.
Hope you had a super Sunday.

Today our sermon was over Christ as our Passover. How under the old law in Exodus, the sacrifices did not take away our sin, only pushed them forward another year and so on. How he was the perfect sacrifice to atone for our sins, so that through baptism( being buried with him), we can have forgiveness of our sins. What a gift of love he bestowed upon us.

smeshque: So you also had inquired with AgingCare about the missing email and they wrote you back? What lovely words you wrote!

LL- no I didn't write them, I was just letting you know I received the daily email.

It has been a rather difficult few days. I am truly leaning upon the Lord. And pleading with HIM for direction. I try and wait patiently, but I am feeling a little lost. Waiting and trying to listen to what God wants me to do about some things.
But in the midst of all my woe and patience work, I know and see that God is Love, and God is Good, ALWAYS!
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

Oh, smeshque, I hope that GOD can lift the burden that you've had recently, as only HE can. Sending big hugs and prayers. Yes, AgingCare sent out the Sunday email, but replied "we don't do Saturday ones."

Thank you LL, I am confident the Lord will lift my load. I just have to hang in there and remember all things work together for my good. Thank you for your kind words. I do hope you are doing well.

Dear Smeshque,

Just a loving reminder that He May not lift your load, as carrying our crosses builds us as the human beings we are intended to be, but He will give you strength, showing you once more that the mountain is indeed tall, but not too tall for His power to reach!

Remember you’re His hands, His words, His love.
Through us, He works.
What a tremendous responsibility..what a cross and what a blessing! We are God’s instruments. And in those times when we don’t feel we will be able to do it anymore, He will gently -but surely- carry us. It’s all a matter of paying attention, and we WILL see Him in every blessing, and in every test..

May He bless you and all who are going through the dark paths of life right now (me included!).

May we open our eyes wide, to see His light!!

Thank you Rosses for that.
Medicine I needed. You are my mentor. You are amazing, the strength God gives you, in that in the midst of your own pains and woes, you are able to succour others(ME). Oh what love.
May God bless you, and strengthen you in carrying your cross, my dear friend.

Rosses: Your expressions are so lovely and Godly. God tells us that HE will ease our burdens. Isn't that amazing to know that we, as Christians, have someone that we can call on day or night, 24/7, without fail, if we ask, he will answer as long as we believe in HIM? Smeshque, without fail HE will lift your load. One important fact that a good friend once told me is that "you have to ask HIM." Matthew 11: 28-30
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
I wish you both well tonight.
Funny story I thought of and a little off topic. I said to my daughter that "I sent your Easter package to you tonight." She said "you didn't have to do that." My response was "you cannot stop a freight train," e.g. gifting is something I love and I cannot stop.

Thank you LL for your words and care. I appreciate the scriptures, always good to have in the forethought.
I kinda look at it like this, Ask, believe, and receive.

Your story Llama was funny, made me giggle. :) Thank you for that.
I am always appreciate of you.
May God bless.

You are right Rosses expressions are lovely and Godly.

I am a true believer in the power of prayer, as I have seen God work.
I ask all of you believers to pray for a man that goes by Redd, and a man that goes by Don. These mean truly need strength and comfort and help in their struggles. Thank you.

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