I was so happy when I found AC. I was in need of knowledge and support in my caregiver role.
I did find many supportive answers and have made in my heart friends.
But lately I read questions/answers that I know are not real.. How can someone be so cruel?
I know just ignore them! But they more than often ruin a question by making it become off topic..
I just don't know if ANY questions are real or not..
It's sad to think that another caregiver is where I was last year and needs support and some mean spirited person is answering their question with bad intentions....
Why do some people have to ruin a good thing?
Several people commented that they consider the 'regulars' on this site as friends. I feel the same way. Scarlett O'Hara said " I have always depended on the kindness of strangers" Yes, we are strangers to each other, in that we have never met. But we are friends in ways that not all are lucky enough to share. This horrifying illness has brought us together and made us the very definition of "friend"
And I think I have become the definition of ' long winded'
Love to you all and remember " MEAN PEOPLE SUCK"
Luanner, glad the analogy could help. As to why people troll, shutdown websites or even hack, I think it's more than just having time on their hands from not having legitimate jobs. There's a criminal intent involved with these people.
Have you ever read about the attacks on American government sites? The DOD, SOS, Los Alamos and others have been hacked, some by the Chinese. I've read that the Russians are busy hacking as well. That's only the government attacks - what about all the scumbags who hack banks and financial institutions and steal thousands of credit card numbers?
Unfortunately, I suppose there will always be a criminal element too lazy or stupid to do legitimate work and which will find ways to behave in socially unacceptable ways that could affect all of us.
The more I've been on this site the more I'm begining to realize that there are more trolls here than on any forum on which I've spent time. I think the topics discussed are ripe for troll attacks, and this is also a predominantly female forum, so the responses are almost always sympathic and supportive rather than suspicion that we're being played.
GA: See if you can locate a post with the title" Burnt out ...And only two weeks"
I don't have a name for the poster. Tell me what you think.
I truly fear for her mother's safety, if she actually *is* caring for her mother. This person is truly disturbed and needs serious help.
And speaking of scripts ...Loved Osage County. They put the fun in dysfunctional, as they say.
I LOVE this site because I believe most of the folks on here ARE real......good, kind, caring, stressed out, bone-weary, solid, down-to-earth real. I think of many of you as Kindred Hearts too (well said A&A!) I've been "away" for a few weeks because I tend to get too emotionally invested and sometimes need to just step back for a while. Before I did that though I also found myself getting more and more confused and upset by a certain aforementioned (hopefully gone by now?) poster. I didn't know what to think!...just when I wanted to reach through my computer screen and b***h-slap her for being cold and mean-spirited toward someone I'd read another post from her that was actually pretty nice. One minute she seemed sensitive and insightful, the next she was ranting about the "end of times". I kept waffling between feeling sympathetic toward her, thinking wow! what a tough life she's had!....and rolling my eyes (as if she could see me) and saying "oh puh-leez! Get OVER yourself!" She claimed her mother was independently wealthy, yet she had the poor woman living with her in what she continually described as nothing short of a hovel, relying on food stamps and avoiding debt collectors. It didn't make any sense!! She spoke several times about being dissatisfied with AC and wanting to leave, but then she kept coming back! A few times I felt the urge to write an angry response after reading another one of her "holier-than-thou" posts. But I kept thinking about a sign I'd seen somewhere: "Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always." I've had a little (emphasis on "little") experience with mental illness (my daughter's ex was bi-polar) and I got a sense that might be at the source of her erratic behavior. I also got a sense that maybe the "angry reaction" was exactly what she was fishing for, so I chose not to bite. I still felt like there was something hinky about her, but I also thought I was the only one, and maybe I was just reading too much into it. I'm glad (and relieved) to see how many of you shared the same misgivings I had. For me, it's just further validation that I'm in the right place. You guys are the best! ((((((HUGS))))) to all my *real* fellow caregivers! And I too hope Dusty gets some help.
BTW, I'm thinking of starting my own line of "Demon-B-Gone!" computer software. Think I may be on the verge of something really big here. Anybody want in?
One afternoon last summer I snapped and threw her screaming *ss off my front lawn. Problem solved. I know she spies on me but I park out back all summer so she can't see what I'm doing - must make her crazier lol. Could be Dusty is my neighbour but no, she wouldn't go anywhere like AC as even Facebook is run by the CIA {rolling eyes}. Toxic people have no place in my life thanks.
GA - maybe I should start working out stock options? I'm not all that "stock savvy" though....know anyone with Wall Street experience? Hmmmmm....
It's only now that I'm beginning to realize some are not legitimate, may be multiple alter egos, some are game playing, and who knows what the rest are.
It's a testament to THEIR dishonesty and other failings, not to ours that we didn't see their bad intents.
So just pat yourself on the back for being compassionate and not suspicious!
i tried your safety tip shelie , didnt get much from it ..