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previously in the thread , jeanette , pop up ads were being blamed on a pagan , demonic , ( black magic ? ) web site ..

JeanetteB, at first I wasn't sure what it meant, but then I saw 4 people *like this*, then I realized maybe it was sarcasm.

For the past 15 years I have been able to spot trolls the on newspaper political forums because the troll used what I called "rolodex comments", meaning those posters would just spin the rolodex and typed what they saw, no matter what we were discussing politically. Same material, myths, hearsays, rumors month after month.

I never even thought that Aging Care would have trolls being this site deals with such serious emotional issues. But each family dynamic is so very different, I would initially think this could be the real McCoy.

i dont mind targeted ads shelia . pretty cool if your attending a music event in another town and want to know your lodging options .
spam mail is becoming a real annoyance tho . every one of em wants to enlarge my penis . its as tho they know something they absolutely shouldnt ..

Captain I don't know what mail service you use, but these type of spam ads in your email is usually phishing scams and in your email tool bar you should have a button to mark them as such then your email provider will automatically block them from getting to your email. Hope this helps I understand completely how frustrating spam is, I have my junk mail down to about 5 a day now, finally...

Wow.... most "spam" email comes from websites visited.... ahem, C'apn?

Sarcasm or not, it was not even remotely funny. Least not to me.

Yes, I know, I'm a PIT A.

Just read sodonewith whatever's bio.... really?

i see jeanette . im on one dating site but on there ive learned that the size of ones wallet is more important than the size of their penis . no offense to women in general , theres just always dishonest people of either gender .

Knock on wood, I haven't received any spam ads from the Aging Care website.

Also, regarding advertisements here, none of the ads are trying to get your attention by spinning, jumping, twirling around.... and popping up in the middle of the page like I find that happening on so many newspaper websites. OMG those are so annoying, I feel like I need Dramamine in order to view the website.

i just knocked google search in the head over their spinning , sproinging doodles, freq .
how demeaning . its as bad as that hor in charge of yahoo mail calling us her anti spam hero every time we delete spam mail . fortunately that didnt last long .

When I joined this site, it was because I was referred here by a hospice social worker. She knew I was at my wits end. Only child, just lost my Dad, left my home and family to move in with my demented Mom and one month later.....Mom stroked. She is now bedridden, only a few words spoken are understandable. I needed people to talk to & I needed to vent & I needed others to listen. I didn't even have time to grieve over my Dad. Everything happened so quickly and when they sent my Mom home from the hospital with hospice, I never felt so alone in my life.
Yes, I take care of my Mom. Yes, I believe in God. Yes, I am a real person and my situation is very real. Actually I wish it wasn't.

I've had very caring people post to me. There isn't any answers that can help......but I sure have been lifted up by some & even given hugs. Those "cyber hugs" mean a lot.

I am watching my Mom die......she is slowly declining. I admire her for being such a fighter. I hope I am as strong as she is when this is all said and done.

I mostly read here because I see so much hurt in some but they are strong willed enough to tough it out....That is what I'm trying to do. BE TOUGH.....BE STRONG......but we all know it just doesn't work out that way some days.
Dementia took my Mom a long time ago.......this stroke has laid her down. I feed her, I give her drinks with a syringe and I change her......I hold her in my arms and give her kisses. Her blue eyes still sparkle when she smiles. She doesn't know me, but she feels safe with me.

The other day I was cleaning & I found a journal made out to ME~yes, ME! It was dated 2006. Mom was writing about her life as a child in the depression, then when & how she met my Dad, when I was born, when my son was born and then her great grandkids. It was the best present ever! The last page was beginning to repeat and her handwriting was changing.......DAM N DEMENTIA~

Thank you for listening to me. I appreciate all of you and I appreciate all you are going thru. Life is just not fair sometimes.

my aunt has the ww 11 rationing booklets that were issued to her family . im not interested in having them cause i dont collect things but they are pretty cool ..
nearly a year ago i cut her toenails with the same antique clippers that she cut mine with 50 yrs ago .
aunt is likely to die from dementia too as my mom did last aug .

Those sites with all the bells and whistles... another way of forcing people to upgrade computer systems again in order to keep up with the internet. JeanetteB you don't have to visit a website to get spam, the "bots" use key words through tracking...The government is also doing this and is trying to force a "kill switch" bill supposed to be in an emergency but it is also tracking usages, also with cell phones and plastic cards... I like targeted ads as well but spam is spam is a phishing scam, don't delete it, mark it so that it is reported and save your personal information...

Callie, that journal is very precious. I know you will treasure it. And it must be so nice to have something like - written just for you. Yes, a very precious gift. Just remember this - based on my mom's 23 years of dementia - that there are Rare moments when her Real Cognitive self peeks out. I truly believe that although she was unresponsive, sometimes, when dad and I would be arguing, a tear would fall down from her eye. So, although your mom like 99.9% don't remember you, the old self does peep out - sometimes you just don't know it... because their facial expression is neutral. But sometimes, when I looked into my mom's eyes, I see alertness - not a vague faraway look. She may not move her eyes - but it is alert. So, know that she is aware of what you're doing for her. {{Hugs}}

Cap'n, that is cool and oh so gross in the same thought process?

Sheila, do you think it is really possible they can access us through our built in camera's? I know they've got their phishing techniques down to a science yet someone was telling me the other day they can also "peek" through our lenses?

Sorry... I would never ever visit an Obama website. Ever. He doesn't need a kill switch, he has his mighty pen. SORRY... jmo

Thanks bookluvr......I do feel her knowing me at time. Last weekpulled me close and hugged me, that was a first in a very long time. I hate that "eye set'

well heck, that eye set stare!!

;Captain, My aunt still has those too! I'm sorry to hear about your Mom. I admire you for caring for your aunt! Bless you!

come on jeanette -- prison planet ? entertainment rag , by law not held to any expectations of accuracy .
theres a good story on aljazeera america tonight . the supreme court just made a ruling on law enforcement spying on cell conversations without a warrant . it was a ruling in the favor of privacy and will have far reaching implications for cell phones and the web at a later date .
the conspiracy theorists are a bit closed minded imo . so the fed govt just bought millions of rounds of rifle ammunition . i can visualize the govt arming responsible members of the populace on a grand scale if there were foreign invasion or unrest / violence from a fringe section of america .

sheliaj4u, please note that bill died in committee back in 2010.

i dont get whats so gross about toenails . a little grime , a little lint -- heavenly to have an ingrown corner cut out of one of them .
i took care of my moms toenails for years . she was diabetic , it was crucial .

LOL the prison planet... no just Google governments "kill" bill or "kill switch the bill was passed in Ca but they are already trying to fight it. discovered it from looking up meds and a lot of sites in other parts like Canada and Eu have ben shut down. that link was just an example and LOL it is not an Obama site, ... Being able to tap into your web cams? well it is no beyond possibility that is for sure, if your camera is turned on but I don't this so with your cell cam, well maybe if it is turned on...? If your carrier can access your phone and connect that does make me wonder if they can see what you can ... LOL Hmmm, I'm just saying it is a possibility...

LOL so that why they call it "kill bill"? Hana lol just kidding, I didn't have a computer for a while till last year... I guess I am a bit behind... Thank you...

Sorry the "purpose" of the bill died, but the are still using it for tracking illicit web sites... and that the public thinks that it has died. Do you think they really don't track you...? I'm sorry...


yuck on old yellow thick toenails, yuck on the possibility of people spying on us through our webcams/smart phones. more yuck that I cannot mention ;).... I still love Hawaii though ;)

sheliaj4u, again, the said bill died in the U.S. Congress, it never made it out of *committee* back in 2010 to be voted on the floor of the Senate/House.

As for California, as of today's date said kill bill has not been voted upon by the California State Assembly, therefore it hasn't been passed or failed. It only recently came out of *committee* to be voted upon. By the way, this bill has to do with killing your own cellphone should it be stolen.

The new bill is called CISPA
below is just a bit copied from above link, just in case your interested...
Yet from Net Neutrality to the 2010 “Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act,” all have met with such an outcry from left and right alike that they have died in Congress.

All, that is, until now. A week ago the House of Representatives passed the latest Congressional attempt to nullify the last remaining exercise of American freedom, the “cyber-security” bill called CISPA—the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act.

According to lawmakers, the purpose of CISPA is to make it easier for companies and the federal government to share information about methods of thwarting hackers. Until now, such information sharing about individual web users could have provided the grounds for a law suit. CISPA, however, “… would allow companies to freely share “cyber-threat information” without consequence.” (1)
For a would-be despot of Barack Obama’s ilk, the possibilities for abuse inherent in such a law are staggering. He would have the authority to flagrantly spy on any group or individual under the pretense of concern for national security. And as he may, under the powers afforded him by the NDAA, declare such groups or individuals a threat to the United States, the chilling effect upon any declared opposition to his nefarious schemes would be enormous. What better way to kill the internet than to clear it of all dissent!

my own words now, I do apologize as I know this has gotten way off topic so Thanks again for all the caregivers and I wish you well, safe and secure in what ever you do...

conspiracy theories aside , i believe that our closed cell phones are eavesdropped for key words . i was working in my driveway with a young kid a year ago and asked him to wire brush and grease his moms battery terminals . pop ups online offered to sell me new battery terminals the rest of the evening .
bout the same time i had a guy in my driveway wanting to kill me for taking his GF for a bike ride . cops using cell signals had him in cuffs in a matter of minutes after we called them .
exiting technology but clearly needs fine tuned to protect privacy .

i respect most opinions shelia but mine is considerably higher concerning obamas performance . id give just a little to stop hackers and identity thieves .

sheliaj4u, this will be my last post regarding this subject.... I get my news from bi-partisan news sources, not one sided journalism. Have a good evening.

oh my gosh.... guess I need to start reading people's bio before speaking/answering/typing to them.

hey, I'm just here for support/guidance with my mom

I am with Jeanette! I hate toenails, they are gross! It is the one and only thing I absolutely hate helping with! It may be the psychology of it. Sitting on the floor trying to hold a foot in the lap. Just a bit servitudish (if that is a word) for my liking!

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