She has dominated her childrens' lives with little concern for anyones' feeling but her own. She is now in a wonderful assisted living and her dementia (I think) has illuminated her personality into a person who I can no longer bear to be around. She has again managed to alienate everyone around her with her insults and insensitivity. She is nasty and uncooperative with the aids (who are wonderful) And complains, complains, complains about everyone, everything and blames my sister and myself for the air she breathes. I am sick of her and I don't want to visit her anymore and don't feel that my adult children need to be manipulated like I was and be around her negative attitude anymore. I hate feeling obligated to have her at my house as I have every holiday of our lives and force my children to "tolerate" her for my sake. The guilt is unbearable but I feel that now being 60 years old I would like to feel that this person does not dominate my whole life. I would like to have a happy holiday for a change and have my children WANT to come home (without Grandma always there)
There has never been any pleasing her before and now she sends me into bouts of depression that I have a hard time shaking. Am I alone? I feel like a selfish person but I don't like her now and never did before. The guilt is killing me.
Must have a code that you can live by
And so, become yourself
Because the past is just a goodbye
Teach your children well
Their father's hell did slowly go by
And feed them on your dreams
The one they pick's the one you'll know by
Don't you ever ask them, "Why?"
If they told you, you would cry
So just look at them and sigh
And know they love you
And you (Can you hear?) of tender years (And do you care?)
Can't know the fears (And can you see?)
That your elders grew by (We must be free)
And so, please help (To teach your children)
Them with your youth (What you believe in)
They seek the truth (Make a world)
Before they can die (That we can live in)
And teach your parents well
Their children's hell will slowly go by
And feed them on your dreams
The one they pick's the one you'll know by
Don't you ever ask them, "Why?
If they told you, you will cry
So just look at them and sigh
And know they love you.
i’m sending hugs to all of us, suffering, worrying, abused, tortured...
...there are mean people.
...there are incredible, uplifting, encouraging people! :)
i wish us courage in the various difficulties we face.
it would be nice if somehow, by chance, people’s bad/mean treatment of us, by some twist in fate, catapults our lives into an amazing direction.
hugs!!!! to life!
bundle of joy :)
I have been through Cancer treatment end of last year and went through it alone, my boys are in University and I did not want them coming home to look after me through Covid and still it was all about my mother and how she felt. My mum and dad had cancer and I moved in with them to help look after them yet I was basically left to get on with my Cancer alone.
My dad has the start of dementia and I had to sort the carer who was still phoning me while I was in hospital having Chemo and my mother all annoyed with me as I could not get a signal in the hospital to call them back. I have 2 sister who will not have anything to do with any of it and have left it all to me, I am a single mum of two so they think I do not have a life so it is all up to me and I feel guilty when neither of them do.
I feel like I have lost the last 20 years of my life looking after them and I do not want to do it any more. Having Cancer has made me realise you do find out who your friends are but more importantly I found out who my family was and none of them where there for me. My mother goes on about how she got over cancer alone etc and will not have it that I moved in, fed her, carried her to the toilet, took her to hospital and stayed while she had her treatment, had to work part time and look after two little boys as my father would not help either and now I am feeling really resentful and I do not want to do it any more. Mum will phone me 5 6 times a day yet only my sisters once a week, all with poor me this poor me that, poor my life, I am only 49 yet I feel like I have no life. I spent the last 8 months trying desperately to live and for what?
Neither of my parents would look after their parents when they grew old, just like my sisters are now with them so why do I feel guilty.
My mother needs attention constantly, last week she was all upset on the phone
saying my fathers legs were all swollen and red and his toes were going black, when I left work in haste to get there as she would not call or have an ambulance called, he had banged his big toe and had a black toe nail, then lied to my face laughing saying she never said any of that.
My birthday is the day after my mothers also so for all my life we have always celebrated her birthday and not mine and I am now really resentful and have had enough but I do not know what to do about it or my feelings, before I had cancer I just got on with it and the years just went but now I want a man in my life which I have not had also for nearly 20 years, I want to go on holiday without my parents, celebrate my birthday not hers, not have to do the Christmas, Easter, every holiday with them. My boys played rugby so for 10 years I had to take my mothers along to the games, while she got drunk and embarrassing then take her home. I called her my chastity belt as whenever there was a rugby party my mother was always there, drunk.
Now I have opened the flood gates I can not stop it seems, I want a life but I feel I can not and that I am going to me stuck looking after my parents for ever until I will wake up one day and my life will be over.
Now I am sounding so melodramatic but my boys went to University last year and I thought now my work there was done and set them on their road to adulthood so I could then have a life only to be struck down with Cancer and both my parents depending on me. The story she tells my sisters is so different to the dramatic one she tells me. I do not get on with my eldest sister as we fell out over all this and I suppose played right into her selfish little hands as now she doesn't have to listen to what is really goes on and just gets the Mary Poppins version from mum.
Sorry for the rant but felt good typing this actually and all the love with everyone else going through what you are going through too.
i hope things have improved!!
(i just noticed your post is from 10 years ago. i wonder how you solved things.) (maybe you have advice for the rest of us?)
you wrote:
“she sends me into bouts of depression that I have a hard time shaking”
indeed that’s the trouble with abuse. actually, i don’t call it abuse. i call it, torture.
that’s the trouble with being tortured:
-get depressed
-often put on weight, comfort eating; more depression because of weight gain
-bad sleep
-miserable day
also, getting tortured has all sorts of effects we’re unaware of. you can make a list (that’s effects you’re aware of). how about all the lost time/energy that could have been filled with millions of nice things? how about lost opportunities, because you were busy being tortured?
the trouble is — completely abandoning the torturer (elderly parent) i personally don’t think it’s a good idea.
i disagree a bit that we owe nothing. it’s not about owing. i simply feel, despite the torture, let’s somehow try to find solutions that don’t mean totally abandoning the mean parent.
they never change. they’ll torture us the whole life. it makes them feel good.
try to find good solutions/protect yourself. hug!
bundle of joy :)
Thank you for the boldness of your post! It totally resonated with me.
People with narcissist mothers like us can never have a normal child-mother relationship like everyone else no matter how much we want it, and I’ve learned that’s the first thing we have to accept when it comes to dealing with rude and mean mothers.
The more you try to please her, the more disappointed you will become eventually. Mothers like them are never satisfied with themselves and are actually unhappy with themselves so they try to make us children feel the same. That’s just how they want to control us.
Sometimes I will cry myself so hard just thinking about why my mother is so mean and cruel to me eventhough all I did was being a good daughter to her. But at some point I realized she is the problem, and because she is unhappy with herself she try to project that unto me.
Nowadays I don’t see and contact her as much as I do before, but everytime I came back to my parents’ house she will make me feel like s***.
My advice, do what makes you happy even if that means you have to leave her alone and let her deal with her own shit. It’s not because you don’t love her, but because our mental health is so much more important than trying to keep an unhappy/narcissist mother happy - which is impossible to attain.
This is what I’m doing now and I feel much better about it.
The guilt is the pits and it's passed on from their's I'm sure. I hope you have had some resolve x
I personally am fed up of feeling like s*** when I spend time with my mother or analyse the time spent afterward and the realisation that becomes more apparent each time that my mother is a horrible person that I just do not like and then feeling like crap for feeling like this about her and the dynamic.
Mother in her 70's now lives alone since my fathers passing in their home and does so at a distance of over 150 miles away. On one hand this is great as she had to get on with her life in the location that she chose to be in, but on the other hand it's crap when it comes to the obligation of visiting her as there is no just "popping" in and bailing since it's more of an "occasion" to visit from such a distance.
I know that going forward I need to spend shorter or more focused/activity based time with her as to avoid her moods/comments/emotional drain and so on. But even a shopping trip doesn't stop her entitled boomer comments at high volume.
She has never been happy, I have never made her happy at least that I am aware, but why do you try when you know you won't succeed right!
There is an awful lot to unpack and I would be here forever but in short other family members are/have been responsible for her moods, not her, never her.
It's apparent now that my father is no longer with us that he was the buffer or band aid for her bulls*** and now that he is gone it is ever present. He did everything for her and suffered her crap willingly.
The more I assess the more I am sure that she must be BPD and/or a massive narc, yet even accepting that doesn't really help as I know I will never be able to confront her or raise the subjects that do make me feel uncomfortable. And to raise any subject with an over reactive narc is just not worth the time nor energy.
The issue is that I am the only child of this partnership the others are half/estranged/overseas and do not have to give one d*** about any of this and don't if at all.
So I guess I am just trying to figure out how to make this work going forward, accepting that I do not like my mothers personality and how to "pop" in from over 100 miles away and I can see it only getting worse as time goes on.
After dad died my sister, who could never be bothered, took over and turned what I thought was a good relationship into a horrendous one. My mother told me on Mother’s Day that she wants no contact.
I have been in therapy trying to deal with all the hatred from my mom and my sisters motives. I’ve been accused of things that are absolutely not true and they are spreading lies to other family members and their friends. How do you deal with that?
I just don’t understand the betrayal when we have always been a close family.
My husband tries to be supportive but I think he is tired of me needing to talk about it. When it hits me I can’t always get into a therapy session right away. It just hurts so bad.
Seeing her ignore me everyday because our houses are so close doesn’t help. Moving isn’t an option right now.
Any advice would be a blessing!
Don't defend yourself. Just laugh and shake your head.
What does it matter what others think?
She lives only a mile away, and has recently told me that ‘it is now payback time’ she looked after me when I was a child, (joke) now it’s my turn to be at her beck and call.
But my overriding problem is that I don’t know how to respond when she is in her narcissistic rage! There seems no answer. I cannot sit back and let her get the better of me, so I say my piece, which makes her almost hysterical. I’ve also walked out, leaving her too it, on many occasions....but it’s dealing with the phone-calls after, as though NOTHING has happened!
Has anyone found a way of dealing with the questions like ‘I’m your mother, don’t you love me’, ‘why don’t my grandchildren visit’, ‘why are you always busy doing other things’, ‘you should be here looking after me’, and worst of all the absolute denial that they ‘NEVER SAID THAT’, and I’m ‘MAKING IT ALL UP’!!
You just want to scream.....I get so frustrated, depressed and in a state of anxiety.
is there no answer to it, just wait until the day she dies?but unfortunately like most narcissists, they live a long life.
My wonderful, wonderful brother, who was treated in the same way, died unexpectedly at the age of 62, two years ago, she only complains that he isn’t here to do all the jobs around the house. She hates his wife, who has no contact now, nor any of the grandchildren. I can’t believe he meant so little to her. He was my rock, we both went through the same childhood, and had total understanding and empathy towards each other.
Thank you for listening, and thank you for writing all of your comments which help me to know you are all there feeling the same way, with total understanding of how it feels to be a daughter of a narisstic mother.
A good friend said last week, ‘I’m fed up with hearing about your mother, just do something about it, you moaned all your life about her’.......not helpful in the slightest, I thought she was a good friend, but shows they have no idea how it feels when you yourself are in a loving mother and daughter relationship.
My husband is wonderful, unconditional love😊
Look up Grey Rock. It's a technique that can be useful in your kind of situation.
You kind of have to give up the idea of defending yourself. Surrender to the idea that she will "win" any argument in her own mind, because if she didn't win, it would be the end of her (narcissistscare very fragile beings).
The only way to exit this dance is not to dance. Don't respond. Don't react. Say "hmmmm" or "I see". Or nothing at all.
Do what needs to be done caregiving wisecand then leave or go to your own space.
for the life of me , it is so hard to believe that smeone would have the heart to act like this to another person, let alone their daughter. however being the scapegoat daughter I now at 68 years old get it. My sister is the one that is doing most of the work as she lives in the same state and I am thankgoodness miles away and have no desire to go "vist" her. she has only complained about my sister who, without her would not be able to continue to live in her own condo. My sister does everything for her and is much like her as well. I am looking forward to the day I receive that phone will only be partially over, however she has tainted my mind in many ways and I will be needing some counseling probably for the rest of my life. I a wondering how many others feel this same way. I am only doing my duty to keep in touch and play the game as I know time is ticking away. Really, how much longer can this go on...Why should I feel guilty, I took all her shit for 68 years and enough is enough.
I would go no contact if possible and tell her to f off. Mine is 100 years old and still has the spunk and strenght to throw a loop in the conversation.--every single time. My daughter told me if you have to call, just monopolize the conversation so she has no time to say anything and then also call prior to when she will be having a meal so that you dont have to stay on the phone a long time. Call only 4x per month and stay on 10 minutes and do most of the talking,. See if this works for any of you .