She has dominated her childrens' lives with little concern for anyones' feeling but her own. She is now in a wonderful assisted living and her dementia (I think) has illuminated her personality into a person who I can no longer bear to be around. She has again managed to alienate everyone around her with her insults and insensitivity. She is nasty and uncooperative with the aids (who are wonderful) And complains, complains, complains about everyone, everything and blames my sister and myself for the air she breathes. I am sick of her and I don't want to visit her anymore and don't feel that my adult children need to be manipulated like I was and be around her negative attitude anymore. I hate feeling obligated to have her at my house as I have every holiday of our lives and force my children to "tolerate" her for my sake. The guilt is unbearable but I feel that now being 60 years old I would like to feel that this person does not dominate my whole life. I would like to have a happy holiday for a change and have my children WANT to come home (without Grandma always there)
There has never been any pleasing her before and now she sends me into bouts of depression that I have a hard time shaking. Am I alone? I feel like a selfish person but I don't like her now and never did before. The guilt is killing me.
I keep going hoping to see sweet mom version but yesterday I got confirmation from a nurse that I don't think sweet mom exists and that she seems to have stabilized enough that her 'normal' personality is there full throttle now. Frankly, I'm pretty much done with her if this is who she will be. She was never really a nice person in decades that I remember and I really have been an amazing daughter to her for the most part helping her through two knee surgeries, helping with things around the house when I could, helping her through the last year in her major decline and visiting her daily for months this summer/fall until I realized it was dragging me down.
She is my mom and I do love her, but I don't really like her. I did adore that sweet version of her that I had for maybe just under a year. In retrospect, I didn't even realize she was this new version for about half of it. I am certain that the dementia had something to do with it. It's like she forgot she was a jerk or something. Knowing that this version of her is gone sort of makes it ten times worse because for a few months there when I realized she was this nicer version, I just felt so comforted by that. I loved spending time with her and did whatever I could to help her. It felt like a gift from the gods. And now that personality is gone and cranky mom is back. Granted she seems to be better than she was previously in that she's not that bad, but there are still aspects of her that remind me of the worse version of her and going to spend time with her in a nursing home at all with her like that is unappealing. And knowing how she was for those few months and what it was like to have what to me felt like a really good supportive loving mom just makes it even sadder now. Even worse, going to visit hoping to see that version or feeling like I NEED to see that version because I didn't have a decent mom and now I am in this weird position of remembering and missing the good mom I had for some months when the not good one is back, it just makes the whole thing suck even more.
And then there's the fact that sometimes I actually like her better now when she has an infection. She seems less hostile or displeased then. There's a kind of underlying displeased attitude that she had for decades. It seems gone when she is ill and for the few months where she was pretty great as a mom. Now I even wonder how the dementia will progress because I suspect it made her the cynical pessimistic paranoid mean spirited jerk she had been for many years. She's definitely not anything that bad right now but I can see shades of it but to a much lesser degree. I decided last night to stop visiting so much because I feel like it's me on a rollercoaster looking for someone who may never return.
i suspect a mood disorder coupled with some cognitive decline, but she is an adult whom makes her own decisions. She has tantrums when she doesn’t get her way, and can make ridiculous accusations. My sister hasn’t even seen her since her surgery, and I am the sole caregiver.
im exhausted.
I feel for you. She has lived her life and now you must live yours. Dementia...will she know you in the future? Have a living funeral and get on with your happy.
Only. Was your mother always, including long before her diagnosis, a bit of a handful - if I can put it like that?
Doesn't it feel good to let it all out to a non-judgmental group? That's us.
My mom (narcissist and hypochondriac) put me through 3 months of h*ll one summer, as she was sure she was dying from some pain that started between her legs and slowly (over 3 months) moved from her lower abdomen into her upper chest. Of course she got ALL the tests Kaiser had. She wound up with not a thing wrong! I called her on it and said that she's fine and I will no longer listen to physical complaints. So, I hear ya'!
How awesome! You have figured out how to beat her at her own game! YOU are in control of you and your response to her. Takes others a lifetime to figure that out.
it goes back as far as i can remember and now, she is 91 in December. Yup, went thru the " its me's"- as a kid and now Im at the point where I have learned to do the right thing and walk away. When she starts one of her routines- Baby voice/ sick ole lady- I leave. Dying immediately, I leave- venom spewing, I leave. Whether its the room or her place- LEAVE.
To be honest there is some sort of good feeling now that I can do right by her care, but I have the power to end it IMMEDIATELY. Only took me 60 years. I pay her bills, handle her meds, and see there is grocery's, laundry, etc. and thats it. I figured out I dont have to love or like her, but I have to maintain what I KNOW is right from wrong.
It doesnt matter what diagnosis she has or doesnt have. Selfish, self centered, condescending, extremely jealous, vindictive, fowls mouth son of a b*tch does have to have a diagnosis when she has been this person her entire life. I dont care if she is 90, this is who she was when I was born and over the years have honed her craft.
Now kids, its about us. We, the damaged children of the miserable are torn between the life we grew up with and the lives we managed to achieve of our own, despite what we were programmed to accept. Ya, I said accept- because here we are today- struggling with the same thing all over again as we did with childhood. AND WHY, because they are aged?
So lets get it out there- if you can walk away, do it. The longer you stand there the more it gets into your brain and there we are being reprogrammed back to the good ole days. I see her 3 times a week. I limit the visit to her mouth. She is decent, I stay longer. Once it starts, Im out the door. All calls goes to VM- I play it, if its nasty, I do not respond, pleasant I call her back. I have hired help, she fired them. Now my attitude is different.
She is nocturnal and will get bored during the night- no longer my problem. When I go to her place and she wants to sleep or fake dying...I leave. Minutes later, my phone will ring and she will have some excuse and want to know if Im coming back. I dont. So she has pretty much stopped that one.
I have learned we can have some sort of control and its not over them, its over us. Do the things we need to do for an aging parent, yet its ok not to love or like them.
Somewhere in my head I pictured me- standing there- with a box, full of rocks, dirt and ugly stuff. It stunk to high heaven and I could barely hold it up anymore. Then I handed it back to her and thought- here, this is yours, not mine......and boom, honest to God, I changed, right then and there. I have no explanation for this, it just happened and I am grateful. How my mind wandered to that senerio- no clue.... Im throwing this out there and if it helps great. This thread was a God send for me to find and probably where something clicked in me. I got advice and didnt even realize it was clicking.
We aren’t robots! We are human beings that can decide whether to tolerate mistreatment from other’s or not. We are now old enough to know better and are no longer that helpless child who had no power over those hurtful situations that occurred throughout our childhood! Set healthy boundaries and you will also have sanity in your life!
God Bless
My best therapy has been to love my children, to try to do the opposite from what my mother did to me. And of course I made other mistakes, and my daughter and I went through rocky times. But now she too is a mother, and we find much in common and I can finally convince her how much I love and care for her and admire her too. I do hope and pray that some of you can find the same solace, and turn sad pasts into happy presents, even if they are only fleeting moments. Cherish them.