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Ladies, if this needs to continue, can you take it offline please? There's enough contention in the world without adding more!

We've gotten update on dad and bro/wife shenanigans, how the deal old MIL paul? Is she "behaving" herself on her new "schedule"?

Paul, I'm glad to hear that lockdown is ending soon.

Have your kids been stuck at home with little physical activities? I hope not. Is your daughter still into ice skating? The lockdown has been very bad for kids. Lots of them have gained weight and become very unhealthy.

Luckily, my 13 y.o. daughter has been able to go to her gymnastics classes. My 15 y.o rides her bike regularly and just went back to swimming. I'm so glad.

Have to tell you something funny that you being a father of a daughter might understand. My younger daughter (13 y.o) has a friend in her gymnastics class. It's a 17 y.o. boy. They were in the same Forensic science class before. Anyhow, this boy gave my daughter a big hug at the gym last week. I mentioned that to my husband. He said to tell the boy "6 feet, your choice." Haha.

How is your son doing socially? What grade is he in? I just signed up my older daughter for a 16 week social skills class for teens. It's a small group of teens led by a therapist who teaches them the skills and have them practice with one another. I'm paying for this class out of my pocket. It's not covered by the school district or our insurance.

Has your wife, being a nurse, been vaccinated? How about you? MIL vaccinated?

Thanks polar bear and disgusted, I quite agree. I’ve never encountered anything like this before, and don’t know quite how to deal with it. Perhaps I've done it wrong? Perhaps ask Anche?

Can we please just forget me posting here? I started a new thread. Really, all that matters to me now is to move on and that Paul was not angry/sad/etc for me posting in his thread.
What I need just now, is to look forward and not feeling sorry for making everybody arguing. I would feel just guilty, a feeling I really do not need now.


We don't need to forget you posted. It was your cry for help and it doesn't matter where you posted it! Starting your own is useful, so responses geared for you won't get lost in the shuffle!

Paul isn't like that. He won't be mad at you and no one else is mad at you. Also, don't feel like other reactions are your fault. Those who reacted own it, not you!

General misunderstanding of words, that's all. Hopefully you can lose the guilt, as none of that was your doing - you don't control others. Hopefully also your own posting can provide some solace and/or help for you and your situation.

So let's all kiss and make up and move on!!

If anyone wants a laugh at this 'dear' I met today...

Get me to the toilet NOW! While I'm sitting here, get me a coffee, make it a strong one, so it will help me go. Yes I want to drink the coffee right HERE in the bathroom!! To help me S#!T!!!

I live on my own so I know what I want!

(Wonder who normally brings the coffee...)


That’s hilarious! Thanks for the giggle 🤣.

At least she was able to tell you what she felt would help her, right? Poor woman, I am sure that she was horribly uncomfortable.

Love your sense of humor, Beatty. Laughter is good for our souls.

llama - no of course not. Why would I be? Sorry if I missed something you asked me....

Anche - feel free to join the thread!

If you can put up with my moaning that is. You need to be hard core lol....

Hey polar,

Yeh its ALL been cancelled. No gymnastics, ballet, swimming, netball, ice skating or horse riding for months....

All shes had is ballet via zoom :-(

Hopeful that at least the horse riding will start soon (being outside). Also the gymnastics and ballet seem quite keen. Alas, the ice skating might be a LONG time - they dont seem to be in a rush. Apparently, its expensive to maintain an ice rink and I guess they can't meet the cost or re-opening unless they're able to allow the numbers through the doors.

Son is doing well. Even got a girlfriend now whos lovely. Of course, with travel restrictions its been difficult for them..... Grade I always forget. Basically, theres next year and he'll leave school then and go to college (if he wants) - hes 18 in october.

Yep wife has 2nd dose this weekend. Both Dad and MIL have had 1st dose. I wont be long (being over 50).

Cases/deaths are dropping very rapidly here in wales. I just with they'd let things open a bit more.


Yay! You’re almost done with vaccinations.

We are done. My husband and I have had our second dosage.

Let’s hope most people will decide to get the vaccine.

NeedHelp - good news....

How are they doing in Florida with vaccinations/rates etc?

Still not allowed to travel out of the UK, or into USA so I'm hoping that will change. End of August Florida booked!

(It was a no brainer - low deposit, totally flexible and cancellable)

Funny you should ask about how FL is doing... System restart for updates, was just catching up and am reading about how they are "watching" FL for any evidence of a 4th wave. The British variant is, apparently, more widespread there. Combined with their aggressive reopening, Spring Break and of all things a 300k motorcycle rally in Daytona, they figure if it's going to happen, it'll be in FL (wonder why there is that saying "Florida, not like the rest of us..." ;-)

But, so far, despite growing numbers of those with the "variant", their case load is slowly going down. Well, it was elsewhere too, post holiday gatherings... If they have these rallys, influx of "breakers" and aggressive reopening, it will take a few weeks to REALLY know...

The article says:
"Roughly 18 percent of the population has received at least one vaccine dose."
"An estimated 30 percent or more of Floridians have already contracted COVID-19"
"There’s overlap between these two groups, which means that about 40 percent of Floridians now have some protection against COVID."

So, it would probably be best to wait a few weeks or so, to get a better picture of what's going on. By August, maybe.

At least Disney got a little smarter, or at least a little more considerate:
"(It was a no brainer - low deposit, totally flexible and cancellable)"
Entice your fans back with some flexibility. Obviously no one has control over the virus. If you punish the hopeful people, how likely are they to come back when it is safer?

Keep your fingers crossed!

paul: Oh, thank you so much. I haven't been feeling well at all and your post gave me a boost.💚

Speedy wellness to you dear Llama ((hugs))

Beatty: Thank you so much.

Jeez Dad really takes the biscuit.....

Its my birthday today and he forgot. So all I got was "oh I can't get out to get you a card and tell you what take £20 out of my account for your birthday". Impressed Dad - and yes you could have got me a card.

Hes been going on for a week or two about me gettting him another discount for his TV service. Like £5. I've done it before for him. I told him I'd try when I get chance. EVERY single call now he asks me if I've done it. Hes more interested in his discount than my bday.

Then hes begging me to visit next week. Turns out brother is "busy". Lockdown rules in wales still forbid travel over 5 miles. ITs all over the news. Yet Dad is arguing with me that its not and hes 86 so its allowed...... Give me a break.

Yeh OK I have gone more than 5 miles today. I'm just not in the mood to break the law for someone who cares so little about me.

I've told him he'll have to manage, give me a ring if he wants food delivered and I will sort it. Otherwise, fingers crossed the rules change in a few weeks...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Paul! I am sorry that your dad forgot your Birthday. I hope that you get to do something enjoyable with your wife, daughter and son. You deserve to be celebrated.🎂🎂

I suppose we can say Happy Birthday... You didn't have to go! So, YAY, HAPPY DAY!!!

I've reached an age where I'd prefer to have UNbirthdays... subtract a year instead of adding another.

FWIW - my mother wasn't like your dad, however she DID forget our birthdays. Kind of hard when two of us share the same day of the year, right?

Didn't digest that until after I posted, so...

"I've told him he'll have to manage, give me a ring if he wants food delivered and I will sort it."

Good for you! Wear him down (riiiiiight!) We all know it isn't about the needs...

Happy birthday Paul! Hope you enjoyed the day.

Paul, happy birthday. How did you celebrate it? How old do you feel?

Personally, I feel like an experienced 30 y.o., well maybe 35 the most. When some young cashier calls me "Ma'am", it shocks me a little. Like whoa! Do I look that old? Haha.

About dad and your birthday, lemme guess, you weren't surprised he didn't send you a card, were you? He is not the type of person that send cards. He expects cards, calls, and visits for his bday though.

Anyhow, the less you expect from dad, the less you will be disappointed.

About your son, that's wonderful that he's dating. So glad to hear.

All - many thanks....

It was a strange birthday to be honest. No going out for meal - we had to have a takeaway.

Dad is unbelieveable. Makes no effort for anyone else- just does the minimum. Same old with him. Its all about him.

Bit of cheerful news but I'm going to hell...... lol

Not sure if I ever mentioned this. Trains are popular public transport in the welsh valleys. BUT theres no barriers, and a lot of stations no manned office, just a ticket machine. Of course, plan is you buy a ticket. They do check on the train but its sometimes easy - if you're stop is 2mins - to avoid the guard and not pay.

They've cracked down a lot because they lost a lot of money. Of course they know people do it, sometimes they watch the same people every day. If you get caught, its a fine £100 or something.....

Brothers wife got caught. Refused to pay the fine. Got taken to court, feigned a panic attack to get out of it. Or so she thought...

At the time, I remember dad "oh that poor girl how can they do that to her, making her go to court". Ummm well pay for the train then......

If you remember, brother did the same with taxes many years ago, almost well to jail, in dads eyes that was "so unfair" too.

Anyway, they've not dropped it - £1500 fine now. Oh this is going to be fun! yep im going to hell lol

Well well. Thought the world owed her a free ride. Silly gal.

I fell asleep on the London central line many times. I think my ticket was for a certain zone but annoyingly the supermarket was one stop into the next. My housemate regularly made it, so I gave it a go one day as I had no extra time to walk it (going from day job, short break, then evening job). Caught! I feigned overshooting by accident.. but nope, copped a fine. Was a small on the spot fine or a bigger one later. Choose the smaller & paid up on the spot. Went on to live my life - lesson learned. (Charmed housemates had a laugh at my expense). Oh well.

Beatty - apparently she refused the on the spot fine and chose to go to court. Obviously thinking it'd go away.....

Yet another example of my families approach to life where everyone is out to get them.....

Happy belated birthday wishes, Paul!

Your brother and sister in law sound so much like my brother.

My brother parked illegally and got mad because they towed his car.

He had to pay a fine to get his vehicle back. Oh my gosh, he went on and on how unfair it was too. They are ridiculous!

'Oh this is going to be fun! yep im going to hell lol"

You'll be in good company! Look me up when you get there!!! :-D

More games from Dad this week. "So can you put a bet on for me this week on the internet?". (Its a special horse racing meeting this week).

"No problem Dad, but it'll have to wait until about 11am each day, and then if Im not too busy"

"Oh if you could find the time that'd be good" - so I agreed.

Phoned him today "Oh I've decided not to bother". Thanks Dad. Another loyalty test for me I think.....

Paul: Your post about your dad wanting you to place the bet for the gaming, which of course you were able to accomplish, you tell him that you did and he said forget it tells me that #1 He either has no concept of time or #2 He doesn't value your time. I'll guess the later. Sad and a waste of time for you.

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