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Okay, Paul

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?


Would you remain in the US if you could live anywhere in the world?

Last night on our Presidential debates, Denmark was mentioned for what many feel is the number one place for the highest quality of life. Any thoughts on that?

So many changes have happened in our lifetimes. If our grandparents could come back and see our progress they would be shocked, especially in medicine and technology.

If you could get into a time machine how many years ahead would you travel? I remember reading George Orwell’s book, 1984 as a teenager and feeling it was bizarre. Especially reading about the test tube babies. Then years later I ended up doing the in vitro fertilization three times myself trying to conceive a baby!

We spent a fortune without success. Ended up adopting our first child and then conceiving without any fertility treatments seven years after we adopted our daughter.

Paul, wasn’t the first successful in vitro fertilization in the UK?

paul: My ex company I worked for pulled some fast stunts like my job used to be done by 2 people - then they cancelled out the other person, leaving just me for same wages! One time 2 minutes till closing bell - they say "You have to do your boss's job for 2 weeks while he goes on vacay." What the heck kind of stunt is that? I tell ya, there was some shady stuff goin' on - lucky I got out with my life.

Now the county is making my daughter do her job AND someone else's who took a LOA.for same wages - not double wages! What the heck?

CM - Which famous person (was it Brunel?) explained why he'd charged £1000 or something when the person had complained all he'd done was take a hammer and bang one nail in?

£1 to hammer the nail in, £999 to know which one to hit. ;-)

But nah, I wouldn't fit in. I'm too old to try to impress people these days and have no interest in being "part of a company"

I think you're right there, Paul. I don't think anyone who tries to work as little as possible would last five minutes in US corporate culture.

[Cue: lots of lovely Americans reminding me about Dilbert..!]

ha ha polar/llama - I try to work as little as possible....

Thats why I prefer contract work too. I don't do anything for free and neither am I obliged to do so to impress anyone.

Don't think I'd fit in to the US corporate culture :-(

paul: I worked a 70-hour week on salary pay. That's when I opted for retirement after a 45 year full time career. Like to kill me!

My guess is that the holidays quantity reflects the time when Unions were influential in different countries. Now so many people are on contract or casual, it’s probably a lost cause.

Now now Paul. Let's not criticize us. We here in the US work very hard. That's just how our society is run. If I remember correctly, of all the first world nations, we work more hours than everyone. Good or bad, that's what we do. Not slavery.

2 weeks OMG thats slavery! lol

I think pretty normal in the UK is 20 days plus Bank hols to start. Some are 25 days. I know my wife is up to 33 days now.....

(Yeh sorry we do villages, towns, cities - small, medium ,large in the uk).

We have all of these too! I am NOT a city person, prefer smaller towns, less but nicer people, more great outdoors.

Current location pop just over 5k, previous was about that when we moved there, but is over 12k now.

I bought land a while back and planned to build/move there, but that plan was ditched. Too expensive to bring in power, set up well and septic AND they tax ALL income, even SS! Tax rate for purchases also higher, so nope. Pop there is 978! That might not even qualify as a village! Town records office and PO share the same building and records office is only open a few days a week, not full days.

Figured wife would need to be tested, but should be easy enough. IT contract? SO many large companies have outsourced various depts, like security, IT, nursing staff, etc. There are also MANY smaller companies who can't maintain an IT staff, but need the services... Ya never know.

As for vaca, typical starting level is 2 weeks. Usually after a given time, you get more. I was up to 4 weeks, plus we have various holidays (every company had different ones, but usually about 9-10 days) and some have personal/sick days as well. Smaller companies, depends on how well they are doing! No clue what it is all like now. I was pushed out by the jerk running our group. I do know that shortly after I was hired the "pension" was replaced by 401k (retirement) perks, We all could have 401k, but new hires would only get something more there and no pension. Pensions are going the way of the dodo bird...

"Perma blocked" love that wording! Have a SIL I never respond to by phone, text or email - just let DH deal with. If she was there, I'm sure the fear of post-flood damp & mold would be consuming her.

CM - although he lives close to the town centre that was flooded (is anywhere in the valleys that far from the river lol), he lives up a hill from there - there was no way the river water would reach him.

Also, his flat is on the 2nd floor.... :-)

But yes there has been a lot of devastation. Highest river levels for 40 years they are saying.....

Your Dad's okay, is he? There really is a terrible mess going on, it's not all just excitable headlines.

CM - Ah yes so it seems. Nope hes not going to go back to Ponty to live - neither am I?

(Its all underwater after last weekend mind)

Tom Jones doesn't live in America. Not that I'd expect him to move back to Ponty any time soon - it's not *that* good to touch the green green grass of home - but apparently he's in London.

Disgusted - They missed Tom Jones off the list of Welsh who live in America!

Aw. Hes from the same village that I'm from. (Yeh sorry we do villages, towns, cities - small, medium ,large in the uk).

Treforest, which is part of the town of Pontypridd which is 12 miles north of the capital city of Cardiff.

disgusted - Brother is perma blocked now on both fbook and phone.

In the past, I've blocked Dad temporarily on mobile and unplugged home phone.
A few weeks ago Dad asked for my wifes mobile. No way Jose. He is STILL going on about that he needs the number JUST IN CASE. I know where that ones going.

Dad "emergency" and he'll be ringing my wife 5 mins after I dont answer. That would not end well if he rang my wife!

disgusted - Wow didnt know that about Welsh in the USA. Thanks!
Diolch yn fawr (thanks very much)

She tells me she'd have to sit an exam to work in the US apparently because the UK qualification is not totally recognised. As for me, I think I'm right the US is not big on contract IT work. Not sure at my age I could go back to working for a company lol.

And don't you guys get like two weeks annual leave a year? :-(((((

Mostly a history of Welsh immigration, but "Current expatriates have formed societies all across the country, including the Chicago Tafia (a play on "Mafia" and "Taffy"), AmeriCymru and New York Welsh/ Cymry Efrog Newydd."

A consulate might be able to provide information about areas that have larger, recent populations with continuing culture in addition to those listed (those who emigrated many years ago have mostly assimilated.)

Wife being a nurse could very likely find employment easily - not enough nurses to go around! Bonus - you would be closer to Disney....

"Try this....forward your phone to your brothers phone."

You need your phone for your business, so this isn't likely the best option!

Get a new phone and number with the cheapest plan and tell both your phone broke, or better yet it was lost and you had to get a new one and a new number.

I believe you have blocked them, at least in the past. I don't know the details or what phone you have or can get, but it appears that there is capability for "Selective" call forwarding. It isn't clear if this "feature" is included on the phones or provided by your service.

If you can figure this one out, forward any calls from them you get on your primary cell to that new phone and let it go to messaging. That phone can "conveniently" be left at home... Esp when you are on holiday or just having an outing with some or all of the family.


Not a bad idea to move away. Your brother couldn't call you then with his foolishness! Nor could your dad.

Katie-thats what we had a big argument about once.
We were away in glastonbury music festival. I'd warned both Dad and brother than I was in the middle of a field in a tent. The phone signal was poor, there was no way to charge the phone. My 6 year old was at home with gran so I needed to have phone not flat in case of emergencies.

So brother text me. "Phone Dad". I texted back to ask what the problem was? "Just phone him". So I text back whats the problem, why wont you tell me and cant you sort it? I also reminded him I was in a field etc.

Next thing my wife gets a fbook message about how we are both selfish Bs because we wont spend a minute speaking to Dad.

I refused to call him. Phoned him when I got back monday. All it was was confusion because he'd switched utility supplier. I sorted it out in 10 minutes. What on earth was I supposed to do on a Saturday afternoon (the helpline was closed !)???

Was really annoyed with both Dads and brothers attitude over this..... Dad knew full well what he was doing - egging brother on to get me to sort it. Brother could not be bothered to sort it and wanted to shovel it all over to me.

Try this....forward your phone to your brothers phone.

tell Dad, when I am not available (especially weekends) he MUST contact your brother for help.

this is such a tough situation.

my parents were caught in such a situation with grandma. Finally they had a family pow-wow and just announced they were moving away at the end of the month. No negotiating position was allowed. My Moms brother ended up seeing that grandma was placed in a NH.

with some families it just the only way to move forward.

Canada is trending right now...

Not sure if any Welsh background Canadians would still speak the language - Cymraeg isn't it? I have about 15% South Welsh border dna. I was brought up making pikelets but that's about it for culture! Fantastic to keep the language up. My Uncle could speak a bit of Cornish (Kernewek).

Yes families lol.
I could well manage with NO family at all. Easy.

My wife and I have always said we're going to move to the US. Shes a nurse so we could be OK for a Green card.

All we need is to find somewhere in the USA where they speak Welsh (national language of Wales) so my kids can keep speaking it!


Yes, you got it right. He said to us that he did not want to be alone. His business, but he should have respected us enough to allow us to grieve privately. This woman bragged to us about him crying in her arms the night my mother in law died! Too much information! We didn’t need to know that!

Some men don’t grieve, they replace. It doesn’t even matter if they replace with a controlling gold digger, just as long as they have a partner.

He even asked her to marry him. She refused saying she did not want to mix up their finances. All she had to do was have him sign a prenup so he wouldn’t get her first husband’s money that she wanted to go to her kids.

Oh, but she had no trouble spending his money. My husband told him that all we wanted was a relationship with him.

We never asked anyone for a dime. I was so proud of my husband when he told his dad that he could flush his money down the toilet because his money didn’t mean anything to us. We wanted a father and grandfather to our daughters. This woman bragged to us that he was leaving money to her children. Well, of course they liked him. He was a cash cow to them who bought their affection, just like their mom. She had such an ego. She couldn’t accept that we weren’t close to her because she wasn’t a nice woman. She thought she was a queen. She really did.

The kicker though, he inherited his money from my mother in law’s parents. She was an only child and got it all, quite a bit of money! He supported his mistress while his wife was dying with his in-laws money. Can you imagine?

My mother in law’s father adored her. If he had known his hard earned money would be spent on his son in law’s mistress, he would have given more of his money to charity!

Then he used the inheritance to travel the world with this woman. He was cheap with his wife, my sweet mother in law!

We saved until we could buy our cars, homes, etc. If we didn’t have money due to unexpected expenses or whatever we did without. We learned to appreciate money. We loved people for themselves, not for what they gave to us.

paul: Of course you care because he is your father. For anyone to have a long, drawnout painful disease is the worst. My mother wanted to remain in her own home in Massachusetts and she did. I moved in with her from my Maryland home, So cause of death for my mother was she stroked out. Just like her own mother, albeit 20 years older than her mother (my grandmother was 74 at TOD and she had had a baby at age 40 in 1934) - that really did her in because women did not have babies that late in 1934!

Need, what a truly AWFUL situation. I think some people are just so in need of a partner (for whatever personality trait/flaw/issue) they move to another lightening fast. So hurtful to others.

Is different, but I saw it with my sister a bit. When Mum couldn't care for her anymore & I stepped in I thought she'd be devestated & really miss her. Everyone noticed how well she did. BUT quickly became dependant on ME. (Beep beep beep truck backing up noises - that was me). The other day when I declined some task she needed doing, she said 'I don't care who does it - I just need it done'. Okeey.

The Grandfather just needed a wife. Peace to you & your DH, sorry you had this happen.

I suspect Paul's Dad just needs a son (or daughter) too. If both his son's moved to Canada today maybe he would reach out to a nephew or find a gold-digger carer too.


That’s a shame your brother did that. I believe in second chances but I also know that deep pain or confusion can cause us to close our hearts to trusting again.

I know this happened to my husband. His mom died. My mother in law was a lovely woman. We were very close. She was a wonderful grandmother to my oldest daughter. She died before my second child was born. father in law had a secretive affair while she was dying with non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. As soon as my mother in law died he moved the woman into his home and because my husband questioned the relationship and how she was blowing through all of his money, he decided to ditch all of us. My daughter was crushed. My husband did not want him to go broke. Thank God he saved enough for an assisted living facility to live in.

My daughter adored her grandfather. She had been close to him. I will never forget her telling me that grandpa forgot about her. It was awful.

Our second daughter was born. We called him to see her in the hospital. He brought the woman. She was the kind of woman that felt she was a queen and in reality she was nothing but a stranger to us.

She was upset with us that we didn’t give her loads of attention. I had been through a high risk pregnancy and an emergency cesarean section and she expected me to entertain her! She was a self centered woman.

If he hadn’t tried to force her down our throats right after my mother in law died and would have given us a chance to grieve then we would have welcomed her into the family.

He even moved several states away and didn’t even tell his us that he was leaving with this woman. By that time there was no relationship left. We tried to maintain a relationship but she had brainwashed him telling him how awful we were. She saw us as a threat to her losing the money he provided for her. He bought a home with her. He bought her jewelry, clothes, plus they traveled the world. This was a man who was extremely frugal with him money! It was like he was buying her love. It was sickening.

The woman finally died at 95! He is 96. He returned back home. My brother in law flew out to his house and brought him back home.

My husband wants nothing to do with him and I told him that I support whatever he decided. His dad is now in an assisted living facility.

My brother in law and his wife remained in contact with him. My husband is not close to his brothers because they believed the lies that this woman told about us.

His oldest brother lives in California so we barely saw him before. The younger brother doesn’t have children and doesn’t understand family life. He and his wife are carefree.

I guess what I want to say to you is there is no right or wrong way to feel. It’s completely your choice and you have the right to feel however you feel. It’s complicated. Feelings can be strong or they can die.

NeedHelp - Yes brother has in the past. I dont know the full story but I think he did mess around a bit. Contacted her for a bit then let her down....

I know at one time he was up for moving to canada (where she lives) so she did all the immigration stuff then he changed his mind last minute without telling her.

Thats him though - you wouldn't rely on him to look after a hamster.

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