I'm tired of cooking/preparing 3 meals a day. It's just the two of us but boy oh boy can that woman eat!! She stays slimish, I get fattish. It's bad enough I do everything here much less start making her one thing and me the other. At times I feel guilty when I buy her fast food cuz of the nutritional value....not to mention I eat it too.
I checked Balsam Hill for their flat trees and they were all sold out. That’s probably good - they are stupid-expensive. Really nice though. I think I’ll just make do with my little Target skinny mini this year and try to be a little more proactive next year.
I do love the cozy quirkiness of this odd little house. I just feel a little boxed in sometimes and it’s strange to see nothing but trees out the windows when I’ve been looking at miles of sky and snow-capped mountains for 25 years. This is just a more ‘contained’ kind of beauty.
However the silver lining was that there was lots of chat and I got an invite from my neighbour to have a coffee and a good chat with her sometime.
And I figured out that in the case of a fire I would have to leave the cat behind. She will not be picked up and if there really was a fire I couldn't take the time to chase her and try to grab her and get her into her basket. it took me weeks to train her with treats to go into it to get her down here. I guess I should do that again and keep it up.
nacy thx - I think my brain fog today is an aftermath of the allergy hit. it takes a few days to get it all out of my system.
How have you been feeling, after accidently eating your gluten dessert?
Psue - you moved for different reasons than I did and other things have happened in the meanwhile (hubbie's health). I sure hope it all works out for you.
My whine this morning - in my brain fogged state with a slip of the finger I deleted all my inbox. Cwillie - have a good laugh on that one. I have rectified my error pretty well. I restored most of my delete folder and then went back and re-deleted lots. Don't think I have lost anything important. I usually move that stuff to folders. Not a day for me to be doing much that matters.
Way, there definitely are Christmas tree options out there, I should not have waited so long to figure out what will work. Luckily, GD’s opinion is all that really matters and she has a great big tree at home and a mom and dad that are really good at filling Christmas with fun experiences. My house is just an accessory!
Psue downsizing has pros and cons. For me mainly pros. I am sure you will figure something out but it may be different from what you are used to.
Way - what a great idea! I looked up on Amazon and there are flat ones and flat back ones.
They have small flat Christmas trees you can hang on a wall . Take something else off the wall temporarily . I ordered one for my sister ( Amazon ) , her room in AL is small .
way. I'm sure it's not just condos though I lived in my Ft Mc house for over 40 years without interference. I agree your neighbour needs something else to do. What you grow on your lot is your business, not his.
Psue - I don't know if it is that way with all condos etc. Seems more likely than with individual houses. You live more on top of one another.
My whine today - bought and ate some of a dessert that was supposed to be gluten and dairy free, and had a reaction so didn't sleep well. Last night I took a decongestant and was up till 2 am. That'll teach me!!! R now has to finish up the dessert. He doesn't mind at all.
Actually had no clue when my son was five that they can live 50 years.
I don’t have an HOA or board or any rules to follow .
The guy that lives behind me is a self appointed mayor.
It’s not just condos . I have a large backyard , my neighbor behind is not happy that I got rid of a long row of huge ornamental grass recently . It was costing a fortune to have it cut down each Fall and hauled away . So this time got it taken out for good . We call him the mayor. He’s out walking the neighborhood critiquing all day long . He should go back to work . He’s bored .
PamZ - I looked it up and mud shakes are Vodka based drinks. R said he has seen her son on the balcony with drinks so that may be it Or it may be her too.
cw - never had a mud shake or a mud slide. I think my neighbour is a little "different" personality wise and doesn't have great social skills. Neither does the cart nazi for that matter. R said he met the neighbour today and she was going on about how nice it was to have met me??? She blows hot and cold.
Oh well. 🙄
She my have an issue, tipping her cup a bit to much.
nacy - those things can leave a strong impression. Even at 12 you saw the sense in placement and the futility of anger over it.
Mother disinherited me once while I was her caregiver. That was my sister's plan according to my nephew. Whatever! I had already decided to look after her interests regardless of the state of any inheritance. Eventually she changed it back to what it had been - split between my sister and me. Again, whatever! Not that I am not thankful for some extra money, but it stays where it is and will be given to the kids when I go.
My whine is about the self appointed nazi's here.
A month or so ago my neighbour came up to me and said in a very snarky tone and with a frown on her face, "I hope you are behaving yourself!"
Like what???
I answered, "Of course, I always do."
Is she the behaviour nazi?
Next time I saw her she moved in for a "air kiss" and a hug from me and from R.
Like what???
He backed right away.
I noticed she had some cases of Mud Shakes on her balcony and I am wondering if she has a "problem". Her moods are up and down.
Today I was at the front door of the building with a grocery cart as Door Dash had texted me that they had arrived. A lady came over from the other side of the lobby looking displeased and mentioned something to me about me not leaving the cart lying around. I told her I don't. I return it when I am finished with it. She frowned.
Like what???
I guess she is the self appointed cart nazi.
A couple of weeks ago during a conversation with her and another lady, the 2016 evacuation came up. They both said, " Oh, it affected us all," and shook their heads and looked very put upon. They knew I was in it. I didn't say a thing. They were 500 miles from the fire and weren't the ones aged 72 driving out of town with no idea if their kids and grandkids were going to be OK, no idea where the fire was going and if they would have a safe place never mind a bed, food and drink etc. that night.
R has had issues with the key fob nazi, who is too interested in R's vehicle's but won't help him get another fob, which he needs as he has switched our above ground stall for the parkade stall of a friend whose truck is too big for the parkade. "Sure, I'll send you the information", then doesn't. The friend is away a lot and R hasn't been able to get ahold of him to get the fob and didn't think of it at the beginning.
There are pros and cons to condos. Those are some of the cons.
Rant over! 😊
I remember be glad he was someplace safe, and me at 12 didn't understand why my father was so upset.
Pretty much decided right then that , I will never get mad or want or fight for anyone's inheritance. I new it was wrong at 12, and I've always just shake my head at the people that put greed over there parents health.
I keep shoving it away but the dread is real.
Way, if your soft im soft and most of us here are. We are not soft, we care, which is a great quality 😊
Thanks .
You are correct , siblings come out of the woodwork once they find out parent’s money is being spent on long term care .
Some thought I should quit my job and forfeit my income to save inheritance for them . Like my mother , they believed caregiving was my station in life .
My sister was most concerned about the money. I quit telling her anything when that came out. She acted "superior" to me too. Going no contact was the right thing for me.
I'm so sorry the one sister you could relate to has dementia - that's another loss I am sure you are grieving as her perception of you is coloured by her disease. Sometimes life doesn't seem fair, does it?
I wasn’t the better person . I was the weak one and was groomed to be a servant . My sister told me , “ You were the soft one and Mom knew it “. My mother started telling me at a young age that I was to take care of her in her old age . Mom was an abusive narcissist as well her whole life , which explains why the siblings were mostly uninterested in what was going on , until each parent needed to be placed in long term care. Then all of a sudden they wanted a say. 3 of them always talk down to me , like they are superior . They learned that from Mom . I have very little to no contact with them . The only one I spend time with is the one that now has Lewy Body . She’s the one that told me Mom knew I was the soft one .