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Ok, just saw the response. I was lost there for a minute. AC Moderators, is there any way you can let us know on this thread when new changes are made? I feel it would be helpful so we're not caught off guard.

Still having problems with a new function. It shows on my news feed that a response was made, but going to the thread I am following, I cannot find the "reply" mentioned.

It was there, but hidden in secret replies a few posts prior.

Confusing. Too much like a facebook function. Not in favor of this.
Prefer simplicity, sequential posts in order of reply.

The "replies" could be to anyone on the thread from page 1 to page 1001 so IMO they are not worth looking for, if we are keeping this feature it would make searching easier if we were at least were told who the person replied to.

Still wishing for:

1) The "WHAT'S ON MY MIND" feature ( on our wall/news feed ) to be returned.

2) The ability to delete a post or private message (that we have authored) to another member on their wall. Not even "editing" is available.

One thing I noticed today... but I don't know how long it's been like this. On some user's profiles I can see only my messages to them, private and not private. Then on some other user's profiles, I can see everyone's public Hugs to them. What gives? This seems as if some user's accounts are being hosted by one server, others by another. Thanks.

ETA: I just thought: it could be that there is a setting to make Hugs private and I'm just not aware of this setting. Ack. Head full of cold meds and I'm on AC more than usual the past few days and noticing a few weird things that appear to be glitches... but who knows. Overall, the site is functioning, and I'm thankful for it.

You can add a hug to your private messages Ali if you don't want it to be public. What we see on people's walls depends on what their privacy settings are, some don't allow much of anything while others leave everything on display.

Some users set their profiles to stricter privacy settings.
Some won't even allow you to post at all on their wall.
Others want posts to them private.
AC can answer your question, but I believe it has to do with "settings".

If you want to test this out, I am going to adjust my setting to much less privacy-give me a minute.....take it for a spin, post to me a non-private message.

Fun, huh?

ok, I did it, changed my privacy settings.

Sorry you are a sickie-wickie today.

Today, we both have way too much time on our hands.

I will be changing back to privacy once you post on my wall....

Is it my iPad or did the menu disappear from the top left ?
I can't find the main page for questions and discussions - only my news feed

Madge the forum was moved from the drop down menu to the aging care ribbon. The menu is still in the top left directly to the right is find care, then forum and care topics and the search which is just to the left of your avatar. I had a hard time locating the forum at first too. Funny how quick we become accustomed to options being in certain places, isn't it. I still think it is some of the greens used that make it hard to read and find things sometimes. The fonts or these color of them, maybe?

Hi All,
This one is on me, I didn't post instructions on the day of the update. So sorry.

None of the functions or links were removed. The "new" menu is a return to the 3 horizontal lines and the same menu choices as the "classic" AgingCare site. Use the 3 lines (the hamburger) to open access to:
a. Ask a Question- direct link to the forum
b. Find Care- direct link to find all senior care options
c. Find In-Home Care- direct link to find in-home care in your area
d. Find Assisted Living- direct link to find assisted living in your area
e. Care Guides- direct link to download free care guides
f. Caregiving Topics- direct link to the topic page of all content organized by subject

A return to the horizontal lines allowed for the space to add some direct links to the header when using other devices.

If you are using a tablet or desktop device from left to right:
a. 3 horizontal lines "hamburger" opens the drop down menu
b. AgingCare logo is always a link to return to the home page
c. Find Care is a direct link to find all senior care options
d. Forum- direct link to Caregiver Forum
e. Care Topics- direct link to the topic page
f. Search Icon- opens a search field for searching AgingCare (this field is inside the menu on mobile)
g. Your Avatar- direct link to all of your profile functions

Again, my apologies for not posting the heads up sooner. -Kim


Im not sure when it happened because I haven’t been lurking here much but the site does look different on my phone also.

When I open the site my newsfeed is the first thing that comes up. There’s no questions that need answers or the row of bubbles that were below that. Newsfeed only.

Someone, Glad maybe, mentioned something showing between “find care” and avatar. On my phone there is nothing there.

If you go to the top left and click on the drop down menu, then select "Ask a Question", it will bring up the current questions and discussions. This confused me the other day too. I thought it had just disappeared.

Thanks Frazzled.

I found it.

I know darn well there are privacy settings for all sorts of things related to our personal user accounts. Not sure why I was confused yesterday. I have to chalk it up to being sick and being on cold meds.

One thing I find interesting about the privacy settings, though, is that as far as I can tell, there's no way to discern what a user's privacy settings are set to, except by experimentation. If you can't click through on the "Likes" or "Votes" links on someone's profile, the user has them disabled, but you can't tell until you click them.

I understand why someone would want to have private messages, however I think that a user's activity on the forum should be public knowledge. I think it helps to give a better picture of someone's caregiving situation and general personality, and these things are important when doling out advice to otherwise strangers online.

As far as privacy concerns go, I suppose there will always be that one person who stalks someone else online, but that could be reported, and in general I think the collective here is very good about not tolerating any bullying.

I just think there are many more good reasons to keep activity public than there are good reasons to allow it to be private. This is just my opinion and you know what they say about those... ha.

Sorry to ask,

I am not seeing a search bar function in the menu

I see the various find topics but no way to type in my own search words

madge - there is a search icon 🔍 next to my avatar on the blue/green bar at the top of the page

I'm using an iPad mini and the search icon is not in green area or the hamburger menu

on my iPhone it is in the hamburger menu, but I do not use the iPhone for this site

Maybe you need to shrink the page MsMadge? (I am iphone/ipad illiterate but that has sometimes helped me in the past)

Is anyone else having trouble knowing if their post hast gone through or not? Lately I will hit post comment but the post doesn't show up unless I refresh the whole page, of course it it didn't go through properly I've then lost it.

cw - I thought that, but if I scroll down I see that my post is posted but the writing/editing window is still open with my post in it. I preferred it when the window disappeared indicating that you have posted successfully. You could always copy your writings in case it doesn't post.

Golden sometimes I see it there below with all the other comments but sometimes it isn't there at all until I refresh the page - I've begun to copy any of my comments that are more than a few words just in case.
(it is a p-i-t-a)

Then I press the "post comment" button harder and have posted double sometimes, It IS a PITA.

I am finding myself reading much less since the loss of the function that gave us an idea of how many posts had been added to a thread since I last commented. It is extremely irritating to have to open a thread to see if anything new has been added. So I don't open them.😕

Not a fan. I don’t know how to initiate posts, so I can’t ask Questions.

That's a good point Ann, it IS less obvious now - look directly below your avatar on the forum home page, starting a discussion is a little easier to find near the bottom of the page.

Oh, I just realized there is a box in the banner between the question and discussion groups too.

Scroll through the about A/C page and look for notable members

I wonder how many no longer post because of the new website?

I know I miss several listed

Madge, had not noticed the notable members. Now that I have looked at it, how do two people with seven and nine answers make the list? Both with roughly 5,000 likes? Something is not right.

Maybe the Powers That Be at AC compiled the list from the number of "helpful answer" clicks? And some posts/comments get an unusually high number of clicks, for different reasons.

That could be, Ali. Though looking at the profiles and the numbers there do not add up. Or maybe those posters are ones that have changed their user names numerous times, perhaps?

Hm, that IS really odd isn't it? And their tally of votes is definitely seriously flawed, for example Countrymouse's profile page lists over 20,000 votes and 12,000 likes yet they show only 6662 helpful answers - what's up with that?

(I have to add that the whole idea of listing top members makes me feel a little bit queasy)

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