This seems to be a question that is not asked enough or we think what we are feeling is not as important as what our loved one is going through. This job we have taken on is a tough one and there are days when I think my "stress rope" cannot be pulled any tighter. Then there are other times that make those bad days just a memory. Do you feel like banging your head against a wall one day? And then the next day your loved one is attentive and loving and comprehends whatever you say? There are some who keep those feelings bottled up within themselves; others take the time for outside resources and others who look at sites such as this for some understanding. I do better when I have someone else to bounce my feelings off of. Let's face it....we aren't superhuman and besides ourselves and perhaps a family to take care of we now have taken on the responsibility of another human who is incapable of taking care of themselves. Do you breeze through the care giving without a problem? If so, I would like to know how you do it, maybe you can offer some new ideas; do you have feelings of frustration and need to talk about those? Come and talk and know that you can speak freely and without judgement and without finger pointing.
I am caring for my mother-in-law and have been for about 1 1/2 years. She has moderate dementia and incontinence. Other than that she is very healthy. Sometimes that short amount of time feels like 10 years and I wonder how long I will be able to do this job. I get so very tired of hearing the same thing day in and day out, but I have to remind myself that to her, each time she sees me, she is offering new information. At times I have no problems communicating with her, but it seems like more and more she cannot retain a thought longer than 5 minutes. We have had to make signs for her so she will know what she can and cannot do. So far it's working, but for how long? Maybe I will have to end up making her a "Book of Do Nots". She is on memory drugs, which don't seem to make a difference. So why do I continue to dole them out to her? I guess I'm afraid of what might happen or how she might act without them. I might have to rent a boat or buy a helmet! Sometimes I see something in her that leads me to believe that she could get aggressive and what would be my reaction to that? At the end of each and every day, after she is tucked into bed, I breathe such a sigh of relief. The "inner beast" is quiet at last, or at least for a few hours.
Pull up a chair and visit........I would like to know how you are coping it good or with handfuls of stress.
I meant no disrespect either, I just sincerely didn't know. Looking back, I do remember everyone being welcoming, and no one looked offended, thank goodness.
A story about that church. When I was in elementary school there were neighbors across the street of that religion. They had a daughter about my age and we were close friends. The family invited me to go to church with them a few times. And only a few times because every time I went with them I passed out. I can only guess from all the up and down. It is a lot even for the young.
I was talking to fave sis on the phone. I was going to my cousin's mass and rosary tonight. But I told sis that lately, I've been feeling very uncomfortable attending Catholic mass and not participate (standing, sitting, kneeling, standing, etc...) Even by sitting on the way back pew, I feel very, very disrespectful to their religion. The feeling came back strong when I attended my cousin's mass 2 nights ago. I want to be there for the family but my conscience is bothering me a lot... I didn't go tonight.
Smeshque, it's those unexpected tears or emotions that just trips me. I think what threw me off was she was Dad's home care nurse. I was shocked that the office didn't even let her know that one of her patients died. And so when she kept asking me how was my dad, with a big smile on her face, I was … flummoxed. {hehehe... always wanted to try using that word.} I didn't know how to respond. sigh.....
Ex. This is True. I don’t know how I brought up a subject to the person that does ac maintenance on my ac. I live on East Coast in va outside dc and md. I may have said something to along the lines of I need a super hero now to take care me mentally. It wasn’t Superman, Batman. It was Wonder Woman and his response. Yeah we take care of Linda Carters ac and he went on and on description of rooms in house and one room wall to wall of pictures of her as Wonder Woman.
Yeah, so when in stress think of positive funny things. Yeah, like I can cry out Wonder Woman please help me and your also local too. Only that would come are neighbors dogs and know I’m loved and get wet slush kiss on cheek. At least I know I’m appreciated and laugh 😂.
((((Hugs)))) to you Book
Lastnight, around 11:30pm, I decided to check my cellphone. Fave sis texted me at 3pm, that our first cousin passed away the night before. He had health issues and was in constant pain for years. I went to his mass and then the rosary afterwards. It was a very small church. The priest would say my cousin's name throughout the mass. That is so touching (compared to my parents' church which is like 5 times bigger and less personal.)… The rosary got to me. I started thinking of my dad. I got teary-eyed.... and now, I feel so sad. Did a teeny tiny bit of crying as I was typing this.
The vacation was very difficult for me but I did lots of crying.
This is my encouragement to You caregivers (courtesy of FB):
Take care of yourself.
Go for a walk, eat your favorite food, get a haircut,
read a book, take a vacation,
have a drink, cry if you need to,
Do what You need to do.
Take care of yourself,
because at the end of the day,
You're All You've Got.
I feel sad that her dementia has taken away her initiative, her memory. She lost my Dad a couple years ago, and that was the focus of her social world, so she doesn't have him either.
I'm a "fixer" and I can't fix this. I don't feel guilt, I know I've done and am doing my best. I'm just sad for Mom.
Fave niece wants to take me to the pumpkin patch when I visit them in October. I told her that I don't think so because the smell of mango blossoms, freshly mowed lawn, etc.. gives me a headache and then my airway closes. I start choking and can't breathe air in. Both nieces and my sister said that I should go to the doctor and get an Rx for it - so that I can go to the pumpkin patch. I don't want an allergy attack that might hospitalize me in Texas - where I have no insurance coverage. Plus, it would make my 24-hour flying back home a really terrible experience..
Can a visitor in a military housing stay home while the military family goes to the pumpkin patch event? I don't want to suggest this and get her in trouble. But I don't want to go the pumpkin patch and have hay fever attack. By the way, even smelling the mowed lawn through the air conditioner vent in the car - I still start choking. I have to not breath in as long as I can until I pass the freshly mowed lawn. That's how bad it is with just a mowed lawn. Two doctors said that I'm not asthmatic.
you must be exhausted
I'm glad that your area is cooling off a bit. I'm jealous! =)
Once I transferred everything to the CDs, I will then transfer from the CDs to the flash drives so that I have 2 hard copies from different media. Yes, I also have it stored on the iPad iCloud, too. And I've emailed the photos from my iPad to myself. Maybe overkill?
As for the cruise for next year May. When my niece asked for the payment, I realized that I really don't want to go. I have never cared for cruises. But. I have never been to one. I mustn't let my fear of water and my vertigo prevent me from going. I will use my mileage reward to purchase my ticket to Hawaii.
Yep, it will look like you gave her that shiner.
She's leaving island on Wednesday to Washington state where her oldest daughter lives - for treatment. I couldn't find a blank card to give to her. (Need to put on my shopping list to buy several blank cards.) She gave me money for my mom and dad's funeral. It's my turn to reciprocate at her time of need.
The half-empty-glass me doesn't think she's going to make it. On July 21st, she was in constant pain in the stomach area. It took the physician 10 days to diagnose her with cancer. She's elderly.... And my 10 year old niece died of cancer... my 1st cousin just passed away from cancer a few months ago... I sooo hope my pessimism is wrong! I'm going to add her to my prayer tonight. and every night - that I remember to pray... Praying is such a struggle for me...
She recognized that while my DH may be off and depressed and have many issues, that unless I was feeling somewhat ok, was going to be a mess.
This is the first time any professional has asked that. Otherwise I just get looks.
This morning I awakened at 3AM and wondered if this was how it was going to be the rest of my DH's life.
His spiral down and my trying to stop the crash and burn scenario.
I make my check list for the day.
And then I figure out how to take some time for me.
This past Saturday, after the priest walked out of the church, I was surprised to see him standing there facing the door. Fave sis' hubby was in front of me, then sis. BIL immediately went to the priest, bowed and did something to the priest's extended hand (opened but palm facing down.) Fave sis pretended she didn't see the priest (ha! can't miss him standing squarely in the middle of the doors) and walked off to the side.
The priest then looked at me. Oh! Oh! I'm not Catholic. I cannot and will not call him "Father." I will not bend down and do whatever it is my BIL did with the priest's extended hand. So, I smiled at the priest, walked confidently up to him, reached for his extended hand and gently shook his hand up and down - at the same time, while looking at his eyes, I said, "I enjoyed your sermon." He quickly recovered and thanked me.
Then to the next person (lay priest??) beside the priest. He, too, had his right hand extended. But I think he saw me shake the priest's hand because he was expecting me to do that with him, too. =) .. (oh my gosh! Soooo embarrassing.. As I'm typing this, I can feel my face turning red!)