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Here is today’s issue. We have a girl who helps out with both my mother in law and mother. My wife had to go out of town so the aid was here until after noon. She would normally be with my mother late morning until around one. She told my mother she would be here today and would see her after lunch. My mother called me this morning in a snit because the aid wasn’t there. To make a long story short when the aid arrived at my mothers she told her to leave and that she didn’t need her to stay. Truth is she was mad because the aid was here and not there. This girl has bent over backward to help my mom and it was embarrassing how my mother treated her. I went over there and asked her why and she denied it using her fallback that nobody wants her. She uses the woe is me argument. We built a room in our home for her,but she will only use it when it suits her. We had an argument because she said she doesn’t want anyone in her house. She is paranoid, manipulative,you name it. So now she doesn’t want the girl back , which gets her what she wants. Me running around at her every whim. I don’t know what to do with her. She can’t be alone. She is soon to be 101.When I saw her yesterday she had two large burns on her hands. She denied they are burns. I have power of attorney, but don’t know if that gives me the authority to have her in assisted living.

Book, be sure to see a doctor. I had an episode years ago when under enormous stress found my heart rate to be 169 beats a minute. Al, stress induced. I ended up having to take meds now for tenpin plus years. I do breathing exercises along with meditation.

MtMouse, the wrong pair of shoes. =) .. I did that one time - to work. I couldn't go home to change it. Just hoped no one noticed it since both shoes were black.

CM, my bosses overheard me on the phone when I called the clinic asking for the next available opening with my PA. When the lady asked me what the appointment was for, I said that I was having chest pains and rapid heart beat. Since then, the boss would periodically ask me throughout the week how I'm doing. Yes, he has always been the caring boss.

Barb, CWillie, BlackHole, Send - I searched within myself. It's time to quit my religion. No, it's no  longer a source of happiness when I first joined in my early 20's. As an adult in my 50s, I see that to continue in this religion will be a constant stress for every meeting and every religious obligations. When my dad died, I swore that I was no longer going to do Obligations. This religion is filled with it. I am no longer that young person. I'm a bit bitter at the moment.

Glad, I need to do this the formal way. (They might just drop by my work and ask me for a meeting date.) It requires 2 of them to meet with me and discuss the seriousness and consequences of my actions. It will not be the end. They will still do unannounced visits to the house to try to bring back the 'lost sheep' back to the fold. You are correct. The only way to truly get away - is to leave this island. I'm not ready for that.

ABB, CWillie - I do need to exercise daily. That was always my doctors advice throughout the past decade about my high cholesterol. My eating habit is not the contributing factor at all. It's the stress and inactivity. Well, it also runs in the family. I will try to do the exercising but my heart is not in it.

Golden, I also agree that it's the continued stress from my past caregiving. I still sometimes think of Dad and feel so bad that I never stopped that last morning he was alive to ask him why he was so sad looking. I went through this too when mom died. The caregiver's guilt.. Thanks for the comment about my resignation letter.

I'm no longer the caregiver since it's been two weeks since Mom passed. I'm so distracted. I live in Mom's house as we clean it out--we have a contract that closes in 12 days and then I head home that's out of state. I've started packing up my stuff. I'm working part-time cleaning my sister's funeral home, which I'm actually enjoying. The workers there are free with their kudos since I'm doing a great job (if I say so myself, but so do they!) and also that I don't yak and distract the workers like the other housekeepers did. I just work.

I'm trying to sell my car rather than having to rent a car trailer behind the U-Haul.

My sister the executor isn't doing anything about paying bills and she said she had removed money from Mom's checking account, so I decided today to go to the bank tomorrow for a statement of this month's activity (I'm on the account so it's fine) to ensure there's enough money to pay Mom's auto-deduct bills. I'm terrified they're bouncing. If there's enough money, then I'm walking away and not bothering about it. If they're bouncing, then I'll notify the lawyer. He needs to snap my sister out of her funk.

So, this afternoon trying to print out a letter to my nephew to mail off his inheritance (a little truck), which I had agreed to do before all #$%^ broke loose from my sisters accusing me of elder abuse (which they finally had to agree there was none when they saw my records and my notes and the receipts of how I handled Mom's money). Of course, one guess when the printer decided to run out of ink?! Of course, no letter to Nephew! So I ran to Walmart, gee, no ink. Thankfully Office Max was open. Yay!

Ran home and knelt to take off my shoes. I was wearing one leather shoe and one tennis shoe. *sigh*

Great advice for you, Book! I wish peace on you. I'm glad for the good folks here who are so supportive to those who need it!

Book, is it necessary to meet with them? Can't you just send them certified mail instructing them you are leaving and to stop harassing you? That is what I would do. Once you get past this your stress level will decrease.

What about you moving off island?

book ((((((((hugs)))))) The stress can still be coming from the past caregiving and the losses and stress you have suffered for years.

I am so happy you are going to submit your letter of resignation. Don't let them pressure you any more, especially about staying with them.

I agree with everyone -keep your lifestyle as simple as possible, and do what is good for you. Care for yourself now.

So very sorry your sister and niece are leaving. That is major, and if it were just that, you could be shaking. This is your fave sis, your family. I wish you could go too.

Rejection from organized religion, or even from your fellowship and elders can leave you shaking, that too is major. One can google support online when deciding to leave.
My sister left a cult when she was divorced, and decided NOT to participate in their "excommunication" process, did not attend any more meetings to disfellowship her once she saw what was happening. They can do their thing in absentia, without you deciding anything, imo. You don't have to attend. Tell them you are working for a living.
Not saying yours is a cult, but hers was. Hard to leave, really major. The members will be required to reject/shun you anyway.

High cholesterol is not a medical emergency, it can be controlled by diet and a lifestyle change, over time, it takes time, so relax, even that can help your heart.

Finances-reach out to big bro if you can. You should NOT, imo, be supporting a two person household. IMO. Are you being exploited for the kind person that you are?

You can become unstuck from all these pressures, Book. Let us know how we can help you get free, but remain responsible for yourself.

Thanks for reaching out to your friends here today.

I like the sound of your boss a lot more than I have done previously, Book; I just wish his vacation idea could happen a bit quicker.

It must be so difficult to keep your own space within your own boundaries in such a confined community.

But... are you sure you're listening to the right people? I bet not everyone feels the same as your faith group, or is so quick to tell you what you should be doing or how you ought to be feeling. What about the people who really love and care about you? Don't do what it's too easy for us all to do, and pay too much attention to the critics.

Book: Your religion’s authoritarian threats are heartbreaking, to those of us who are free of such strictures.

Your love for God is complete. As is.

Acceptable and accepted.

No middlemen needed.

In return, God provides strength and comfort to his believers without interference.

Your worthiness and the validity of your faith do not hinge on the approval of judgmental intermediaries.

You are not in a crisis of faith. You are in a crisis of conditioning.

Now here’s the good news: You are free to challenge the conditioning without losing God’s love.

Any organization or tradition that seeks to undermine your self-esteem should be evaluated with logic and critical thinking. Even if that organization or tradition has been with you your whole life.

God loves you just the way you are, Book. And you can love him back just the way you are.

Book. I don't have any good advice, except maybe... to encourage you to follow your gut instinct and start cutting out anything and everything that doesn't serve your best interests right now. Try to get rid of anything (like the religion) that brings you stress. Craft as simple of a life as you can.

Sorry about the financial struggles. I understand. I sold a good bit of my own jewelry that I wasn't wearing anymore and I was happy for the money. Do you have anything of value that you aren't attached to and wouldn't mind selling...? That could help you out.

I don't know anything about cholesterol but... minding diet and getting regular exercise is what we're all supposed to do to keep ourselves healthy. Exercise helps anxiety and stress levels, too. I'm about 2 months into my new workout program and I notice that I don't have as much bad anxiety as I used to have prior to starting. I know it's SO difficult to start a workout routine when you're already working all the time and tired the other times. This was my problem, that I didn't see how to fit in a workout. Right now, a trainer comes to me in the morning before work. Do you have a friend who wants to start exercising and the two of you can meet for walks before work, or right after? I've learned a lot about simple exercises done with exercise bands. No need for a gym membership, just use an exercise band at home. It will help your stress levels, I know it will. I also know it's hard to find time or energy... but it will help you to feel better in long run.

Many, many HUGS to you, Book. I'm sorry you're feeling this way.

And do some reading about natural ways to lower your cholesterol, it doesn't have to be take drugs or do nothing. ((HUGS))

Book, think of your religious group as a family; they haven't been there for you physically or spiritually for all the years you have been a caregiver, they put unreasonably demands on you for not only your time but your thoughts, visits from the elders actually have you hiding rather than answer the door. What would we tell anyone on this forum if their family made them feel this way? Why do you cling to this toxic relationship when since your siblings are not from this group you already must see that there is more than one path to god?

Book; Did your religion bring you comfort and joy at one time?

In my relatively small (300 member) faith community, we support each other in times of stress and anxiety. When a member is working a hard job and caregiviing, there are members who are Social Workers and Counselors who step up to provide advice on assistance, members who can do some respite care, that sort of thing. When we receive help like this, we try to "pay it back" or "pay it forward"--either by "doing" for someone else or donating funds that will help in other ways.

I guess I don't "get" a religion that seeks, even inadvertently, to add more stress to your life. Do you think that's what God wants, for you to be stressed by your belief system?

What does "putting God first" look like, to these folks? Donating money, time, prayers? Where they "there for you" during your years of caregiving?

I'm going through so much stress. Way much worse than my caregiving days. 100 times worse. I've had my first anxiety attack. Lately, my heart would suddenly race so fast. My hands would start shaking. Sometimes, tears would just fall. Trouble sleeping, waking up too early, lost my appetite... and I lost 2 pounds. My cheekbones are sinking in. On top of that, I try not to think about money. Single breadwinner in a 2 person household, paying all the bills and my car repairs, the land taxes, the house insurance (!!! I'm behind, I owe $402, going on 2 months). I cannot see myself working on a 2nd job on top of my 5-6 day/week full time job. I've asked around. Most people don't have medical insurance from their work. Only workman's comp.

Fave sis just told me that they will be moving off-island on a one-way ticket. Her nurse daughter wants to also leave on a one-way ticket.

My boss asked me how I was doing. I was going to say my usual answer 'fine.' Instead, I told him the truth. I'm so stressed out, I have high cholesterol and a high risk for a heart attack. And I don't think I will survive this constant stress. I'm not on medication because it affects my thinking. But I now have to go back on the meds if I don't want to have a heart attack.....

Physician assistant wanted to prescribe me anxiety meds. I just looked at her, and she said we can put that on the back burner. My bad cholest went up from a 175 to 198. She wanted to put me on a high dosage meds. I told her how my body reacts to taking the normal 2 pills of Nyquil. How it literally knocked me out, I had trouble waking up from the alarm, and was at work at 9:00 am with my brain still very woozy. She said, "Oh. You're sensitive to medicine. Let's start you on the lowest dosage, 3 months from now check your bloodwork, and go from there if we need to up the dosage."

I was given a deadline by my religion on what I think of my spirituality. I'm already being shunned by other members. And I was very upset that after 3 months of my dad's passing, I was told that I have 'no excuse' for not putting God first in my life. I had another meeting this past Easter - which is when I was given a deadline to tell them where I stand.. I have agonized over this. My hands started shaking every time I thought of it. Stress, stress and more stress. I have decided. On our next appointment, I will bring my typed letter of withdrawal from my religion.

Good news? My boss asked me if I ever thought of taking a real vacation. He knows that I'm struggling financially and for me to buy a $1700-$2100 ticket is beyond my means. He has offered to use his points to buy me a ticket. He should have it available in July. I can use it - but I'm stuck with what's available, the route it offers and I can't be choosy... Oh my ... I'm torn. I was planning to take 15 days off (need 3 days of literally flying time, so that means 12 days spent on the ground with fave niece.) We will see...

Becky let me know closer to the dates, and maybe we can meet? OMG Actually human contact!! My work schedule is kind of flexible

Pam, Enjoy your days off. Going to be headed down your way when school is out. Harpers Ferry area.

I am back from Texas, and what an experience.... Mom and Aunt are now only staying until the end of the month ( at this point). Cousin they are staying with broke her wrist and elbow doing crap for the wedding,, and did not go to the Dr for 4 days because of all the commotion . She still wanted to keep the ladies however, and her husband is a blessing! I am exhausted but going to try to enjoy my much fewer days off!

Sendhelp-While a person who may know that someone is a patient of someone, or at some facility. The doctor and their staff. Just like a facility cannot acknowledge the connection to the individual.

HIPPA does not apply to those in jail or prison. Because each facility has a 'search locator' link on their website. The only ones' not listed, are those in the penal system under protective custody.

It concerns me that people in my family who may have a broken brain would be able to call up my doctor and give a diagnosis, or add their opinions about anything at all to do with me. What are the HIPPA laws for, if not to protect the patient's privacy? Or to protect the doctor/patient confidentiality?

Then, on the other hand, I truly sympathize with caregivers trying to assist their loved ones without enough information . Many patients holding on to valuable information, making the caregiver's life really really harder.

I am speaking from experience when hubs had a serious bike injury to his hand, waited too long to seek a specialist's treatment, (because his PCP would not refer him);and now has a thumb joint damaged beyond use. If I were allowed to support, and if my opinion counted, he would have gone to a plastic hand surgeon to repair the ligament to hold the thumb joint in place.

-Barb, I looked 'dementia' up. It is actually an 'umbrella' term for a whole host of mental health issues. From Alzheimers, to Parkinsons Disease.

But yes, I do feel she has the beginnings of some form of dementia.

-Becky, Maybe. But the family denying the existence of 'something' being up with my mother's health, is even more maddening. That includes my father n' step-mother. But the more prevalent health issue, has to do with my paternal aunt. She has inoperable smell cell carcinoma from decades of smoking. So, I can't exactly 'rock the boat' from my concern.

My maternal grandfather died when I was 9yrs.-old. Of Alzheimers'. He died within a year of his diagnosis, a month before his 64th birthday.

-Sendhelp, While HIPPA forbids a doctor from talking to someone the patient has not given the doctor permission to talk to. It doesn't forbid a doctor from 'listening'(if the doctor wants' to).

How is it that your Mother can even talk to your doctor about you?
There are privacy HIPPA laws, and unless you have given your permission to your doctor in writing, for her to discuss you, the doctor cannot.

There are special circumstances and exceptions, I realize that.

Chris, I agree with Barb. If she has dementia, her brain is not functioning properly. She does not have the capacity to understand and listen at the level you expect. You are upsetting yourself over something she is not capable of doing. Exploding at her is not helping either one of you. Walk away from these confrontations. Ignore her questions. She is not going to magically realize and understand how she makes you feel. You cannot change how she acts or what she says. You can only change your response to her behavior.

Chris, your mom has dementia, right?

Then don't engage in describing your symptoms, even when asked. Empathize with her symptoms. " No mom, I don't have that. But it must be awful for you. You should talk to the doctor about your pain".

Veronica, It is one thing to be over-protective. But what my mother did is beyond that.  She said her legs' n' arms' ached, saying that it was due to the statin since it is listed as one of the side affects.  But when she asked me if my legs' n' arms' were aching.  It was if she didn't even listen to me. I actually exploded because she refused to listen. I was descriptively(and visually) telling her. How I felt like my arm was going to collapse. She kept asking which arm. So she refused to pay attention. Then the next day she calls my GP, as if I had said 'yes', about my legs' n' arms' aching. When I never said 'yes'.  She persists in belittling me.  I have told family about my mother's declining mental health. But any concern I relay to the family is treated like it is a load of BS. There will eventually be a day. When she does something as a result of some form of dementia. That ends up having fatal consequences, not due to me i.e. driving somewhere and getting lost, forgetting how to use her cell phone, forgetting to turn the stove off, or forgetting how to get out of the house, in the event of a fire. 

Chris, I am sure your GP knows your mother well and would not take any action on her information without seeing you first.
I know it drives you mad but she is just being an over protective mother hen and does not want harm to come to the person she depends on the most.
She thinks as your mother she is careing for you but it is really a different reality

I know I haven't been that active lately.

I am on a statin for my blood pressure. As is my elderly mother.

She had a complete physical a few days ago. My mother's GP told her to cut back on her calories. Then my mother proceeded to tell me this info. But not in a 'passing along info' fashion. My mother has done this before. She read that statins can cause aches in the arms' n' legs'.

So, When I told her about feeling like my arm was going to collapse while on my bike. She immediately judged that to be the same kind of ache she was having, and felt justified in calling my GP.

I happen to hear her calling from the kitchen, while I was in the bathroom. I was absolutely livid upon hearing her say this to my GP's nurse. I immediately did my 'morning routine'(shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth), and ran out of the house. I got on my bike wearing my bike camera and sped through PM-Rush traffic.

Upon reaching my GP's office. I surprised the nurse when I told her I heard the whole phone conversation from the bathroom. Despite the door being closed. I told the GP, that while my arm has ached at times, while on my bike. That is the only time.

I even showed the GP the video I had taken w/ my bike camera. On the way to his office. I proved to him that my elderly mother was really being irresponsible.

i just wanted to come in and thank you guys for the hugs and acknowledgment ... it was such a surprise right when i was stealing a second to cry. Thank you all.

I gather it's a bit more complicated in Book's location. For better and worse :(

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