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To Ludwig and Ladee, I understand you are feeling guilty that you didn't do enough for your mom and Ruth, but there is another side to the story - one that I prefer to think I will know when it is time for me to reflect. And please take this with the utmost respect for what you have done. Did you ever think that God decided it was time for them to go? That they had suffered enough? That it was time for them to be whole again? And who are you that they should stay and suffer more? Would you really want to place your wants above what God wants? Maybe If you think of it this way, the guilt will disolve, just fade away, and you will be at peace. You did what was humanly possible at the time, then God had his way. I am not a very religious person, but I do believe there is a higher power, and that some things happen for a reason and that we have no control. Please be at peace with what has so recently happened.

My stupid email has been sending my notices to my spam folder,,, grrrrr.
ASG, I am pretty sure you are not going to do this, but the f'n cat needs to be OUT of that dm'd cage... I am a cat person, and know what cats like and don't like... I just cringe every time you post about that poor cat... You DO NOT hold the cat over the food bowl, it will eat when it gets hungry!!!!! You know what, nothing is going to be done differently for that poor cat, and I am not saying anything else about it.... and if I have made you mad, I am sorry. I just think that old woman needs a lesson in "YOU AIN'T IN CONTROL" . I can NOT stand to hear of animal being abused and that is what she is doing....

Starri, sometimes we just "hit the wall" with our pent up feelings.. you are carrying a big load, and it just gets overwhelming at times.. go a little lighter on yourself.... you are tired...
ludwig, I can totally relate to what you are saying.. Why did I not demand that Ruth have a test for a UTI ????? I know that is ultimately what took her life, (last stage Alz.) and I have felt that guilt myself. But my experience is that it is either a UTI or phenomena that takes Alz patients.. So no, it is not your fault. just like it wasn't mine. I have to tell myself that at some point it would have happened regardless of what I was trying to do... I am very sorry for your loss. I lost Ruth on May 20, so I understand how you feel... hugs to you
sir, welcome and you are doing a great job... And I know Johnny is happy to see another man's face here!!!!
Johnny so happy to see you contributing to this thread... you are needed here with your experience and love for your wife... You and Sir are affirmations of loving caring men....

time to get ready for work... see ya'll this evening... love and hugs to everyone...

Hi, Sirlancealot, I'm glad to see you posting, and that you stepped up and brought your mother to be with you.. Being alone isn't good for anyone..Big hugs to you..

Ludwig, I am sorry to hear about your loss, please realize it isn't your fault, you did all that you could do for her. A lot of the time we don't believe that we did everything that we could. Tonight I guess I am feeling kinda the same guilty frustrated and not knowing what to do. To move her easily is going to take two people and there isn't two people available, could call my husband and have him come help, but that would be undone the moment I had to get her up for the pot.

I just plain don't know anymore.

To sirlancelot,Thank you 4 that heartwarming gift that you have given us tonight,And you are so right about giving back to your mom. (hugs) and more for sons like you. god bless

Please do not and the reason is that you might not have told her but by showing her and caring for her you did tell her. I tell my kids to show me that they love their mom one reason I say this is because showing someone that you love them is better then telling them,.Hugs and god bless you. and no it is not your fault.

Morning all, on night duty again this evening/morning, Mom is having a rough time keeping stuff down and breathing... she can't get comfortable and is on the pot, every 30 to 40 minutes.

Hubby actually was pretty good, he stopped and picked up my meds, I know that he took more of a ride than what he really needed too, but that is ok, he's having to deal with me, deal with being alone most of the time. If I am at home, I am sleeping.

Trying to figure out what the h*** is wrong with me tonight, Mom hasn't done anything wrong, or been hard to help and I am just about as pissed off as I can get and don't know why. The way I am feeling is get in the car and drive till the car dies..or I run out of road.

We've made another potty run, she's got this hospital bed, and can't move into the middle of it on her own, has a hard time getting comfortable, I can't lift her, and she ends up sleeping side ways on the bed, we have to try and rearrange her after a potty trip.

Hope all are resting, going to take one of my lorazepam in the morning and be dead to the world for most of the day. Take care

I feel the guilt too. I lost my mum the day right before Memorial Day. Dr. and I suspected UTI but we could not get any urine because she was not taking enuf fluids nor eating. In 2 weeks I saw my mom deteriorate. I feel guilty because I should have taken her to the hospital. She also was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism and started taking a med for that. I so wanted to keep mom well. I sometimes cry and I feel a hole in my life and feel that I should have done more. I loved her so dearly and I never got to tell her. I feel like it is my fault.

Hey, this is my first time to comment..guess I have been reluctant to reach out to anybody with my feelings. I am a single(divorced)male 68yrs old. In August it will 5yrs since I brought my mother from another state to live with me. For years I lived rather selfishly for only my grown children and for my exes who live in Texas. But after being diagnosed with Major Depression at the age of 62, the VA Hospital put me on medicine that changed my life for the more highs and lows..just joyful sanity, but I digress, I found out from one of my siblings in another state that my mother was lonely and did not want to live any longer, she just wanted to join my father in Heaven...she had given up. She was sent to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation..I guess they thought she was crazy but nevertheless when I found out that mom was still in that hospital 3days after being discharged...waiting for someone to take her back to her Senior Living apartment I was afflicted with what my brother called "Righteous Anger". I had no idea where I would live with mom since I was living in VA Housing for the homeless myself, but I think God came into the scene and the next thing I knew I had found a nice little apartment where we could live. My credit was bad and I had no money but the Lord found a way and I moved us into that apartment in August of 2006. She was in one of those power wheel chairs when I went to get her but it has not been used at all since she came to live with me..she walks each day, her taste & smell has improved and she loves my cooking...what she really loves is that she is no longer alone even though she had a child close in the town, she is my good companion and friend. I am honored to be her caretaker. She raised 5 of us without ever complaining one time, she was totally selfless. Mom is 89 now and sometimes I feel that I am getting older much faster than I would without her. Our lives together have settled into a routine and occasionally the 'closeness' is too much for me. She fell yesterday morning in her room when she got up to go to the bathroom but she did not call out to me, she finally was able to get up and go back to bed. Thank God she only bruised some ribs but you know when things happen like that I am so glad that I can be here for her. I know I am rambling on so I'll try to wind things up by saying that those of us who sacrifice in whatever way for our loved ones will be rewarded mightily one fine day:)
P.S. We laugh a lot together...she thinks I am funny.

ASG.....I don't know a thing about feeding cats.....only dogs. Rossella probably would have the answer.

Yeah, every time I look at that sweater I just get a little more irked. Makes me itch. It's not soft at all....that's probably why it doesn't really look worn and if his sister wore it, it was a loooonnnggggg time ago. She was ill when I met her and was wearing size 2x or 3x. The other jacket thing is HUGE....don't have a clue what they thought she would do with it, use it for a blanket maybe....:)

Linda I'm so sorry, I hope your back holds out. Prayers for ya.

Jam, I see your point, I'd think it was shitty if the poorest person out there regifted a daughters used sweater to a mother. Them having money is worse. And I would think it would be nuts to send an old lady sweaters and jackets in the summer. You'd think they could at least get granny a nice night gown. Made outta cotton not mohair!

Rosella, no I think the the social services is a real good idea. And even in another county where there was a big city maybe instead of small town politics might be fine. Just not in this one. Sounds like where you live they have a wonderful social services. I do think its a good idea. Big hugs to you, I do appreciate your advice:)

Ladee, lol you are probably onto somthing. It seems I have a sickness for little sweet demented old ladies that need me. You'd think I would learn.

Gonna take aunt to the foot dr. Tomarrow, then run my errand, since fil is gone this week. I got aggrevated with the kitty tonight, well not the kitty but its situation. Had her convinced to take it to get its nails clipped at the groomer. They are so sharp they are tearing me up, plus the curtains, plus getting the caught on everything. Then she changed her mind after going to the beauty shop today, seems that lady dosnt get her cats nails clipped. Well we don't out cas either but he lives outside now, for the most part and dosnt seem to have a problem with catching his on stuff. I hate well meaning people. After opening the 3rd can of cat food this eve, for the day, I did open my mouth again, and tell her we shouldn't hold the cat over its bowel so it will eat anymore. If we let it out and it dosnt go eat it food while it is out it will be hungreier the next time. How much do you guys feed cats? Its at least 8 or 9 months old now. She has to be letting this cat out and feeding it. I opened up a a second can befor lunch at at supper gave it the rest of that. I also told her it probably dosnt need to eat at bedtime. Or the second breakfast. Any ideas?

Jam, this lady sounds perfect!!!! You have your very own "Kathy" now and won't need to borrow Seeme's...
And no, those were just crappy gifts no matter how you look at it... At least the col won't really understand and not get her feelings hurt....
Seeme, sorry the meds aren't working yet.. I know you are exhausted.Can only go to the bathroom so many times before you loose your mind... hope she is better tomorrow... And I know you are worried and want some restults. Maybe this will be the Dr. to fix things.. prayers for a good outcome..
Linda, give Pa a kiss for me, and sorry he isn't doing well, but glad to hear your back is better...
Rossella, don't work too hard, you can only spend so much money in this life, then ya gotta go have some fun...
Everyone else, will check in tomorrow, am going to bed,,,, later and hugs to everyone

Mom is like the Energizer bunny today....just keeps going...and going.....and going. She's been up since 6:30 am. Just went to bed at 8 pm and back in bathroom now at 9:17. I can't tell you how many times she has gone today. Duke Hospital called to remind us of appt. next week and found out her doctor will be a woman. That is good to me, and it is at the Urogynocology dept. All the paperwork to be filled out has to do with the bladder and incontinence, but I was warned that a lot of the questions will not pertain to her.

In the meantime, she has cried to think she will be stabbed again for bloodwork, which she won't cause she has a porta-cath, she just hates to go to another doctor, wonders if I am worried for her, which I tell her I am not, and on and on and on. I just try to reassure her, but this really needs to get fixed. We can't keep going on like this. The antibiotics haven't kicked in yet. The particulates are more numerous, I can almost tell what she ate last.

Kathy IS a gem and we don't know what we would do without her.....I certainly don't want to ever find out. So I claim the "stingiest person" on the site. But she is like Ladee, don't think she will ever leave this state again. She is getting flustered with the shower stuff for Saturday, so I have taken over the veggie and cheese trays, and will make some ham salad for her, make the dip for the veggies, and I have all the fancy dishes to put them in/on. We trade off pretty well. Hubby is even making her some mini banana nut bread muffins from scratch with cream cheese frosting.

I'm hoping Starri's hubby got his act together and picked up her meds. I know what it is like to have hubby get on the bike and forget everything else. And it is flat country around here. She should have some mountains to ride on.

I am going to post this and quit for the evening. I just can't get anything done for taking her to the bathrrom..Pray for the UTI cork to come and stop this madness.

awww linda that's got to be hard on pa still enjoying his breakfasts or is that too hard for him to get up to do? You take such good care of him. Were you ever able to contact hospice for some help? I'm just full of questions tonight.....:)

Love and Hugz,

jam- no pa is not able to get up by himself . i have to help him to get up etc .
my back seems tobe getting better after takin steriod . can still feel lit pain but its not cripplin me ,
wooo xoxo

Well ladee I wasn't going to mention it but since you brought it up......yes I thought seeme was being very stingy......I mean I would have sent Kathy back for visitation. Maybe I could trade the col for her? :) :) :) :)

Love ya seeme,

ASG, I said "social services" because this is what works better, here. There are social assistants in every Municipality, you can make an appointment, go there and talk to them about anything and they give you advice without interfering too much with your life. If you can't do the same, please find another way... Really, as everybody says, this disease sucks. My mother loved children and animals until some years ago, now she can't stand them anymore and she kicks them off whenever she can. She was generous, she has become completely selfish.
Try to keep your aunt under control; it is difficult enough when you keep them under control.
Kisses to everyone.
Ah, Ladee! Tonight I found out my mother had hidden a snack between her diaper and her pants. We are not yet at the stage banana-in-the-diaper, but we are approaching!
Jam, you are making your house COL-proof! that's nice! I wonder which will be her reaction when she sees the fence. Maybe you could try to hide it with some climbing plant....

ASG.....nope...not hot, but the nicest guy. Since he lived with us last year...:)..he was here from March until probably October remodeling, fixing, replacing, painting, building, you name it. Every time I asked him to do something he did it. Have you seen the remodeling pics on my FB page? He did my kitchen and floors. I don't think I took pics of anything else.

Okay, had to take a short break for the UPS man. Please tell me I'm being a snob, and to shut the hell up and stop being an a$$. The other day I got a text message from the col's oldest granddaughter telling me she was at the UPS store sending a package for the col's birthday which is next Monday. So today a big box arrives, she never said what was in it, and hubby says perhaps we should open it in case there might be something perishable. So we did and pull out a framed picture that looks like, oh about $9.95 from Wal-Mart. Under that, not wrapped, just shoved in the "popcorn" is a lavender mohair sweater that hubby says he recognizes as his dead sisters. Pretty sweater, but it's 95 degrees out, mohair and scratchy as hell. Then a fleece jacket, from DisneyWorld Outdoors, SIZE XXL and has hair and fuzz all over it, I'm sure it also belonged to dead daughter. Now not counting husbands, one is an attorney, and the other quit his computer job to run the family business, which is a winery called Belvoir Winery, and they own the Odd Fellows Home in Liberty, Mo. They have a website, blah blah blah......these 2 girls are both M.D's and make around 1 million a yr each. Am I being ridiculous in thinking they could have bought their grandmother a little something more appropriate for her birthday? Or asked us what would be a good gift? I am going to put the sweater in a gift box and we will put the pic on a wall somewhere for her. I'm going to take her to our salon and have her hair done and get her a manicure. She doesn't need any more clothes, has plenty of shoes. She called us today and talked with me for a little bit telling me the doctor hadn't been in to see her and wasn't going to, she started telling me something, and I could hear the staff in the background correcting her so they were listening. Then I turned her over to hubby and she got an attitude when he told her that she couldn't come home until they saw what the new medicine was going to do for her. So who knows what they are going to do. Could keep her for several more days or discharge her tomorrow. The fence posts are in the ground, we're getting a 5' chain link instead of 4', gonna look like a compound around here. It will be finished on Monday. Talked with the first woman we offered the job to as care giver and with her injured knee she turned us down, but another woman that was also an EMT student of mine has offered to work for us. She is different and I think exactly what we need. Her youngest little fella is 4 yrs old and has many medical problems, including autism and epilepsy, she has trained herself way beyond the norm. She talks medical terminology that I have to ask hubby what the words mean....:) She does not raise her voice with her children, she makes them stop and think about their mistakes and to come up with solutions. She kept my granddaughters when we all went to Vegas last April. The 7 yr old was learning the joy of climbing trees and slid down and scratched her leg and then was afraid to try again. Heather talked with her about her fears and helped her to get right back in that the little bugger thinks she's a monkey! The only thing she really wants to know right now are what are the rules she needs to enforce. I think she will work perfectly. She will not allow the col to talk her out of anything, she will enforce the rules but do it lovingly but firmly. I'm already feeling some relief from the stress. The only other thing to do now is replace the dead bolt on the front door with one that is keyed from both sides. And it's possible we have one of those lying around here somewhere. I cleaned on her carpet today a little more and after about an hour I was almost in tears my back was hurting so bad, so I had to stop. I was cleaning out a secretary that belonged to the col's mother and found an old Christmas stocking that belonged to her father, with what was written on the note attached it is now 111 yrs old. Then there was a piece of green velvet that someone had cut squares out and GLUED pictures of her family, most taken back in the 1860's in Scotland. I have some glue remover made for pictures, and I am going to try very carefully to see if I can remove the glue and preserve those.

I hope everyone has had a great day with a nap or two thrown in for good measure. I think starri has the gold "starri" for nap time today! pa able to get up at all anymore? How's your back? Give him a big ol' hug. many yards did Sonny get cleaned up today? I walked down to our lower yard today and thought of him every time I saw branches and sticks....:) mom feeling better today? I hope she can sleep tonight so you can get some rest.

Hope everyone else checks in tonight.

Love and Hugz,

Hey everyone, Sounds like a few got some good rest and their meds refilled... we are good for another day or two..
HB, you are still in my prayers, hugs to you
Jam, thanks for reminding me about the brace. Wore it today, and was MUCH better.. did you find a caregiver yet?? Hope this is not going to be an ordeal for you...Prayers the right person is sent your way,, and my my seeme is stingy isn't she... You said put Sonny on a bus, can do that he will be the one "barking", you'll know it is him... on our walk today a neighbor dog started barking as we were passing by and yep, you guessed it.... he stopped and started barking back... this went on for a few minutes, then off we go again.. and Sonny said, "Aw, he knows I'm not a real dog", gotta love my job.... never dull. Tell Target we are happy our insanity has rubbed off on him,if you get sick, he can post for you and we'll never know the difference...
54 glad to see you again. Hope things get better for you, doubt that will happen without meds, but hang in there, hugs
ASG, what a horrible, yet funny thing to happen with your greatgranny... and you vounteered to take care of Auntie???? No sweetie, I think you DID have some trauma from that shit shaken' you took.. something to think about lol
Sandra, got your message the other day, I was at work, tried posting to you, hope you are doing better now..And you might as well have your attitude, it is much better than despair... hang is there
Starri, happy to hear you got your meds....listen to others,,, we need to take care of us too.
Seeme, I have wondered many times looking and listening to my Alz. patients and hearing others stories about how this disease takes the humanity out of compassion, another client, sometimes I was so disgusted to hear the things that came out of her mouth about other people,, Ruth still had compassion, but could punch your lights out if she got angry.... It is not the same with any two, I hate this disease, I hate it..
raetay, thanks for your support. I still need that every now and again, to be reminded I gave Ruth my best.. thanks again...
Johnny, happy to hear this feels like home to you... you are carrying a big load with your wife and we are always happy to hear from you... hugs
If I missed anyone, I will try to catch you later.... hugs to everyone...

bpryor- i love the mailorder meds 90 days supplies , no hassel going to cvs to get refils and it cost more plus the gas of going getting em . love the mail meds . comes into the mailbox ohh pa ure drugs came lol . plus its cheaper too ... xoxo

Bpryor, na I don't remember sitting on her lap or anything, my sistr does. That's ok. I tell that story with lots of affection:) it is my biggest memory of her, but that's ok. I didn't catch any complexes over it. Its just somthing you never forget!

Allshegot, wow. That's tough for a kid to live through. I hope there are one or two pleasant memories of your great granny, even if they are just stories your Mom tells you about her grandmother.

Starri, I too put in to get 90 days of my meds delivered today. No more letting myself go while I do everything and anything for Mom. Got to take care of the caregiver blah blah. Glad to hear you took that step toward happy and healthy.

Afternoon all, Yippee, I actually got 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep..and then maybe 2 more hours, not sure if I went to sleep that time, I woke up the first time to hubby telling someone on the phone I wasn't there, am afraid it was Mom's nurse. Will be calling hospice here in a bit to have her call me back here, so that I don't have to listen to the brothers ticking noises when I talk with her, he makes these sounds like he's disagreeing with what I am saying.. drives me nuts, but I don't think he realizes he does it.. His TBI which has caused the memory problems, makes him fidget all the time, I am surprised that my passenger window works anymore in the car, as when I am taking him some where, it's two pushes down, and then two more up, about every 3 mins. Had him bring his GPS one time on the three hour drive to Columbia to the VA Hospital, don't know that was such a bright idea, I figured it would give him something to mess with besides my window, everytime it told him to do something, IE: stay to the left, stay to the right, turn here...etc.. he would put the damned thing in my

Anyway on to brighter news, called mental health today, had the receptionist kinda chew my butt for running out of meds, (been going there for over 7 years now) then she put me through to my therapist, who did chew my butt. But she told me if I needed anything to call her and she would work me in. She got ahold of the Dr. and I should have medications waiting at my drug store, hubby is suppose to pick them up for me.

Him picking them up though depends on if he decides to come home the normal way or he decides to come home from Anderson, SC by way of Highlands, NC.. He's riding his motorcycle and when he gets on that, it's like his brain shuts off.

Oh so her is the story about being attack by my great grandma! The one my dad still laughs about, but I don't lol. So my great grandma was being cared for by my grandma, she was the typical end stage alz. Wore diapers, couldn't walk,only spoke one sylable over and over again, da da da da. Hospital bed, prety much in fetal position, and grandma would put her in a recliner chair in the front living room everyday. I remember it so well, I was wearing my favorite white sweater, pigtails that day. The first thing my grandma and aunt started telling mom when when we came through the door was, keep the kids away from grandma. She grabed ahold of grandpa last night and tried to break his fingers. Now I heard this, and really didn't pay no attention. I went to the front living room just like I always had to watch grandmas t.v. as I was walking through great grandma looks at me and says hey sweetie come here, I think I was just sp shocked cause cause I had never heard say anything other than da da da, I swear she was smiling at me waving her finger for me to come here, so I did, I said hi great granny, how are you doing today, and in a voice I swear sounded like satan she said where is your daddy, I said he at work she lunges at me from her chair grabs my sweater and starts shaking the shit outta me, screaming da da da da da da, with every shake, mom,grandma aunt comes running, no mom, stop she's a baby your gonna shake her to death! It took all three to get me lose. I look over at her and she's just laying back in her chair, chewing her cud, that's we always said she looked like. Anyways she died in her sleep either that night or the next night. I guess that was he last rally, you know they say they will perk up for a day before they go. She definatly perked up. She was a eal religious woman with 8 kids. Lovvved children they said. I remember them telling meoh honey great granny loves you, she is just sick. Yeah right. Lol. Now that I know what alz. Is it makes sense. But not when I was 5.

Ahh thank you johhny! We are sooo glad you are here! Big big huggs back to ya. You so seem like this is where you belong:)

I sure am glad to have found my home here with you all,I just want to tell u all hugs and a big big thank you,johnnycares

Jam Lol, is he hot? Can I watch him work from behind my window shade? Of coarse you can! By the time you and I get through this with the col's we will both be outta our minds. Ladeeda can come help with us, we promise to be easy on the knee;) everyone else can take turns too! Either caring for us or being crazy with us whichever you choose for the day.

Ladeeda, I appreciate your post. If you would have known all of thoses things at the time, You would have done all those things, and in the end it would not have taken away the damn Alz. I fight daily with my mother's CBRF and am even sick of hearing myself tell them things that are common sense as far as I am concerned. It sounds as though you did everything you could and I would think your lady Ruth is forever grateful!

Jam.....Idid get some sleep last night cause Kathy was here. She had almost a normal night, which means mom was up 11 times betweeen 10pm and 6am. She wrote the times down for me. That is what it has been like for the past week or so. Now I'm hoping the antibiotic will kick in and some of that will slow down. I need it down to 4-5 times a night and then I can handle it better. waa waa waa Sounds like Jam is having a busy day. Good luck finding someone...........and NO, Kathy does not travel !!!

JOHNNY......your doppleganger lives in NC !!!! I have looked up your profile before because you look like someone I used to work with........and his name is Johnny !!!! Strange world. Think all the DNA combinations have been used and are starting to repeat themselves????

Starri....Please get your medicine today. I forgot my morning meds yesterday in my rush to get to the dr., and I couldn't figure out what was so strange until I found them in the evening..........I take them to keep everyone here alive. But as I read that you had errands to run, I thought please let her drive safely. Lack of sleep is just as bad as being under the influence behind the wheel. Oh, been meaning to tell you my bil (hubby's baby bro) lives in Aiken....he moved there from Charleston after he retired from AF. He's a teacher there. Hubby used to be stationed at Sumter.

ASG...I had to finish reading this morning about Auntie. I would talk to her doc or his nurse also. My mil would be just like Auntie, except my mil can't hear, so she "hears" what she wants, and only tells doc what she wants them to know. I say them cause she has docs in Maine and SC. I have no idea if they even treat her for the same things, or the same way. She loves to pop a pill for everything!! She goes nuts if she doesn't get a Tylenol PM at night....just ballistic.

Although I am not dealing with ALZ, I really do wonder if some of the behaviors I have read about are exaggerated normal behaviors in the patients, or, maybe what they have always been thinking...without the filters of polite society. My mom has always felt different from her family and felt as though she didn't belong. I still hear the same old stories about that. She ALWAYS said when she was 80, she was going to say just exactly what she thought !!! Yep, can't deny that now, things she never would have said if the filter was tighter. Ah, well...........

sandra....need a kleenex? It's okay to feel like that. This job is the hardest thing to your loved one fail in front of your eyes, knowing there is nothing you can do except keep them clean, safe and as happy as possible for however many days they may have left on this earth. If you are trying to do this alone, you might consider getting some help to give you a little break. I am doing that right now. It's past time that I did and my mil is such a handful that I'm just dying to share all this fun....:) Keep coming back to visit, it helps to let it all out.

ASG......let me know when you start building that wing onto your house, I'll send you a guy that does great work! You've got a heart as big as the sun! Can I come live with you when I can't take care of myself anymore?

Love and Hugz,

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