I have tried for 10 years to get my brother and sister to help with my mother who is very physically disabled. In the past 3 years, it has gotten much worse, and they seem unaffected. She has almost died many times, and I have been the only one there for her. I have always helped with her shopping, cleaning, etc. Recently, she had a very serious neck injury (chronic spinal cord compression) which made her mobility almost zero, and she became incontinent. I changed her diapers, fed her, did laundry, shopping, held her when she cried, everything. All I asked my brother and sister to do was to call her 1 or 2 times per week to keep her spirits up... they could not even manage to do that! She had the surgery, almost died, but did make it through. She is slowly getting a little better, but has been in a nursing home for quite some time. I am moving her to assisted living near me when she gets out. I have asked my brother and sister to help me many times with cleaning out and moving her apartment items. They continue to ignore my emails, texts and phone calls, or make amazing excuses. I have fully given up on my brother and sister to help physically, and really need them to help financially. I keep asking for help, but they keep avoiding me. My new plan is to do everything, and to start keeping receipts and billing them for each and every thing I pay out for my mother. I am tempted to start billing them for a portion of my caregiving hours just to prove a point to them. I have started keeping a log of exactly what I do, and how many hours I help her because I am not sure they know exactly how much I do for her.
I truly hate my brother and sister, and when my mother passes, I am going to let them know just how much I hate them. I am only being nice to them out of consideration for my mother at this point. I can't wait to tell them how much I hate them for putting me through 10 years of ABSOLUTE HELL.
I can tell you in my case my brother in order to justify his lack of help in his own mind twisted reality and rewrote history.
For example he said to me my parents took me in! LOL...took me in. I had to move clear across the country, and put my life on hold to help them. But in his mind "they took me in", I went because they needed me. They lived in FL, a state that I HATE due to the horrific heat and humidity. Took me in, that was rich....LOL.
That's just one example, but he always downplayed what I did, never offered any help, didn't come to see our dad as he lay dying in the ICU, but came down the day after he died like a vulture. I no longer speak to him.
I try not to think too hard about it cause it makes me sick and stressed out.
I feel for you, one or two do nothing siblings is the norm, but seven. Shameful.
I hear what you are both saying. I'm one of five kids and the only daughter. I left a job that I loved to care for my mom (and now my dad). I live the furtherest away from my parents. I take care of everything (wash, meds, cleaning, aids, dr appt, bills, etc). My parents say they are going to die in the house. They have no money and the thought of them having to go to a NH or AL terrifies me!! I have one brother that lives 10 minutes away and does go over. Other than that the others float through life knowing I'm taking care of everything. They never ask how I'm doing or if I need help. Never ask about my parents. They don't even respond to texts that I send giving them updates from dr appts. I update them because I don't want them to ever say "I didn't know how bad it was" They know and choice not to help in any way. So very sad for my parents and hard for me to carry the stress of it all.
In fact I just don't bother anymore. At Christmas my sister was miffed cause I had gone to a meeting at my mom's nursing home and didn't tell her about it.
What would of been the point? I might as well shoot my texts into the ozone for all the response I would of gotten.
Second, you tell them you did nothing, I gave up my time(and in some cases jobs) to take care of our parent. You did NOTHING. Be thankful you got what you got. I am firm believer in the case of an inheritance and an adult child put their life on hold, reduced their SS by not working, should be given more.
And any decent sibling would understand that.
You could also point out that there might be no inheritance at all if the parent had to be place in a NH rather than you doing the care.
I go to court soon and appreciate your supportive words.
It's embarrassing to me to have to air the family's dirty laundry in court and fear that when the time comes I won't be able to overcome the suspicion that something inappropriate happened that caused my father to change the will.
The best thing I have going is that my brother already received substantial sums of money ($100,000 and more) over the last 10 years, but I expect him to say that it was given as a gift free of any influence.
Castle, in most cases this has nothing to with feeling "inadequate or uninvolved", they DON'T WANT to be involved.
Why do you continue to try and justify bad behavior? I call a spade a spade.
They don't want to help, end of story.
But they're the first ones on the scene when the parents pass. All of sudden they can hop on a plane when $$$$$ is involved and the hard work is over.
You can't "teach" someone to be a caring person, you either are or you aren't.
Zookeeper, you hit the nail on the head!
And yes, they're on the scene the moment the parent passes to collect. My father(who was an excellent dad to both my brother and myself) lay dying in the ICU for 4 days. I called my brother the first night as he lived 1,200 miles away, he was never any help or caring but I told myself he has to be told, he said he would call the next day and make a plane reservation.
Never heard back from him. So I called him, he wasn't coming. This was on a Monday, dad died on Wens, he was down on Thursday concerned about what he was getting. Lovely huh? When I tell people this story they say "I don't know what to say to you"....I reply "there is nothing you can say, it is horrific, what can you say".
He couldn't be bothered to see his father, many people don't; get that opportunity to say goodbye and say what they want to say, he did, and chose not to do it.
I don't want to hear excuses about bad behavior, I tell it the way it is.
Maya Angelou said "when people show themselves to you , believe them"....wiser words were never spoken.
I too feel sad about your experience Irishboy, and I'm glad you did what you could and can be confident in that now. I hope the will did not divide everything equally..... that's the sting of things. With more societal awareness, aging care agencies should devote more time to publicizing issues between siblings, instead of avoiding those issues or just feeling bad. Public ed needs to go towards making provisions that some money be allocated to care time, not just care expenses. And if it's a sib that spends the time, they deserve some extra. The other sibs might notice sooner, if the money was being funneled towards a sibling caregiver. Not all of it, but a percent, related to time needed for care.
I had my last phone conversation with her this weekend. I went over what she agreed to do for Mom, but never came through. Nothing good comes out of dwelling on what someone else won't do...do what you can; appreciate what you have and move on. I'm the caregiver for Mom because it is the right thing to do. Others in the family don't want any responsibility. I'm trying to deal with the facts...when Mom require more care, I will use her money to pay for it; when he money runs out; then I'll apply for other resources. I'll do what I can and forget what others won't do...
My dad certainly did know and mentioned to me several times that he appreciated what I did, one time he said to me 'your brother wouldn't last a week doing this".
And no it wasn't a 50/50 cut, I was left more due to taking care of my parents. My father was aware of what I did for them, knew what I gave up, both my parents wanted it that way.
I agree, as hard as caregiving is I was able to have time with my parents, that my brother will never have.
StephanieK, you're right about a heavy heart for those adult children who don't bother, because once they're gone, they're gone. There are no "do overs" in this situation.
The sibling relationship should be the longest relationship we have in life, longer than a child or a spouse. When that person or persons turns their back on you it stings. Many times once the parents are gone there is no contact.
It also doesn't sound like your deep into caregiving. Get back to us when you're doing it 24/7 with no help. It wouldn't be human if you didn't feel anger towards someone who could help but chooses not to.
And the reason we do it is we have a conscious and heart. I have always helped people when I could, if everyone walks away then what? My parents needed help and I am glad I did it.
Doesn't mean I have to think kindly about the one who didn't. Other than on here I rarely discuss or think of my brother. People who know me including family(who also have nothing to do with him) know not to bring him up.
But it doesn't mean you forget, it's not just the lack of help. I just don't get how anyone can turn their back on loving parents. I get it if you had a rotten childhood, but not when you were brought up in a home where you had love and more than you ever needed.
Don't get that, and won't just say "oh well",
You may find you feel much differently as things progress.
Before my mother went into a nursing home no one helped me and yes I've been bitter and angry about it but at the same time holding all that anger inside isn't hurting them at all. What it does is hurt me. So now I don't forgive them for not helping but I'm not going to carry hate in my heart for them either.