I have tried for 10 years to get my brother and sister to help with my mother who is very physically disabled. In the past 3 years, it has gotten much worse, and they seem unaffected. She has almost died many times, and I have been the only one there for her. I have always helped with her shopping, cleaning, etc. Recently, she had a very serious neck injury (chronic spinal cord compression) which made her mobility almost zero, and she became incontinent. I changed her diapers, fed her, did laundry, shopping, held her when she cried, everything. All I asked my brother and sister to do was to call her 1 or 2 times per week to keep her spirits up... they could not even manage to do that! She had the surgery, almost died, but did make it through. She is slowly getting a little better, but has been in a nursing home for quite some time. I am moving her to assisted living near me when she gets out. I have asked my brother and sister to help me many times with cleaning out and moving her apartment items. They continue to ignore my emails, texts and phone calls, or make amazing excuses. I have fully given up on my brother and sister to help physically, and really need them to help financially. I keep asking for help, but they keep avoiding me. My new plan is to do everything, and to start keeping receipts and billing them for each and every thing I pay out for my mother. I am tempted to start billing them for a portion of my caregiving hours just to prove a point to them. I have started keeping a log of exactly what I do, and how many hours I help her because I am not sure they know exactly how much I do for her.
I truly hate my brother and sister, and when my mother passes, I am going to let them know just how much I hate them. I am only being nice to them out of consideration for my mother at this point. I can't wait to tell them how much I hate them for putting me through 10 years of ABSOLUTE HELL.
When our father was dying, he didn't come down, but came down the day after and made my life hell. He was transparent that it was all about his cut.
I'm talking about my own situation, however it is quite common in situations like this that once the parents are gone there is no contact.
Get into big fight with 4 cousins and both sibs. How dare I? Those animals mean a lot to mom. NO. Middle sib decides mom will live with her. I get degree and start work as engineer. Finally a real career. And no one ever helped me. I bought mom car, paid it off, paid for house repairs and medicines, and sometimes food and other needs. She had spouse ss.
Sib calls me two years later. She can't take it. Did I know mom had mean streak? Didn't she know that? We grew up in same abusive house. She wants me to quit job, come live with her as unpaid caregiver and housekeeper. She will support me. Does that include my student loans? My bills? No, just room/board. Rest is my problem, but I am to be full time caregiver and housekeeper. And by the way, still have 7 cats, all locked in moms bedroom. Plus sib has dog and cat and 2 kids. NO.
Will help pay for help. Will help pay for NH. will move closer to help. Will support her and her kids while she is caregiver. Nothing would do but doing it her way. Had to be me quit job. Had to be me full time housekeeper and caregiver. Didn't I love them? Didn't I know my duty? How could I be that selfish? Raging and screaming abusive phone calls from sibs and cousins.
Finally considered NH. Mom incontinent, mean, and mobile. Wanted me to fly out to help find home. Fly out on only vacation I had in 4 years, to help. LOL, joke on me. Sib had decided I could also stay in mom room with pets, scrub her house, and BTW, don't own mop, scrub floors on hands and knees with rags. Mom in hospital. Mom bites me. Sibs get mad because I damn near broke her jaw prying teeth out of arm. Mom looks at me and says, "I wouldn't give a plug nickel for the lot of you." Thanks mom. Luckily hospital staff signed statement on my behalf so sib couldn't call cops on me. We find a home that will take her, and I promise to pay half. Go home from NOTFUN vacation. Oh did I mention that sib borrowed money from me to go on real vacation? Didn't tell me that was what she needed money for. Never paid it back either. I had loaned car that sib destroyed, never paid for. Other sib has needed money constantly over the years. None ever paid back. I go home to job, thinking I will have to quit and move closer. Mom dies. Mom left everything to sib that took care of her, not me. Fine. I have good job. Right after funeral, sibs cut me off, want nothing further to do with this do-nothing sib. Thank you God for that blessing, literally. I now have retirement, will have small house paid for, and planning on fishing far away from sibs. They were gone for years, and at last 5 years, because I wouldn't do exactly what my older sibs thought they had the right to decide how, when, where, I was do-nothing. They did get everything, which I am fine with. I got peace. I got a life.
The point of this rant was to say that sometimes things aren't what they seem. Sorry, did rant, but it actually felt good. My sibs say they had to deal with it all alone. I would not have cared that they didn't help for first 15 years out of high school. I would still have helped. But I had lived with all those animals I the house, and the filth was beyond belief. I had lived with the abuse and nasty comments till I was immune. I had lived with the smoking and drunk people and had not succumbed to the temptations myself, in hopes that I would have a life. But once I had escaped, I just couldn't go back into it, under the only conditions that would have satisfied the family. That would have crushed me. So, for all those who want to blame and bash and hate the do-nothing sib, go ahead. Hate me. I survived. I may spend my golden years alone, without family, with only my friends around me. Sometimes there may be a good reason why. My sibs chose the only way for me to help. There was no other option. And no matter how much someone who wasn't there wants to sling mud, I will always be glad I didn't cave in to the pressure.
But I will also always wish the choices could have been made by all of us way back when, even if all I had left to give was money.
But for those whose sibs really did nothing to help, I can empathize with you. I did know what that felt like, too. It is hard. Both sibs spent their entire life needing a handout from parents. I probably narrowly escaped the fate of having to take on that role. But, like castle said, roles are set in dysfunctional families. It's hard to break away from them,
But ONCE AGAIN, most on here are talking about loving parents who provided a good home. Siblings who were treated the same and treated well.
So you're talking apples and oranges. If I grew up in a bad environment I wouldn't want to help my parents either. In fact logically if it was that bad the adult child/children would be estranged from the parents most likely. Most parents don't start needing help until their children are in their 40s/50s, so there should be years of no contact. If someone physically abused me, I wouldn't feel obligated to help them either.
But that is not the case for most of us.
BTW, you need to learn to insert paragraphs more, your post is almost unreadable.
my sibs chose for me to have to quit work, chose for me to do what they decided i should do. I just wonder if other sibs try that. Instead of jointly making decisions, then just get mad when other sib doesn't do as they are directed?
I do realize that abusive just makes you want to run away. Made me feel that way. But it is often complicated by wanting to love them, just wishing they would just stop the drinking and drugs and abuse. Hard for me to explain. But, sorry, maybe I don't know why anyone would not want to help parents, even abusive ones, just want adequate boundaries up to prevent recurrence of abuse. Help from distance is sometimes better than no help?
In most cases you can stand on your head and ask for help or some input, and you get nothing but excuses.
Now, I am very peaceful that they are gone. I have found wonderful friends who have sort of adopted me as honorary family, and I know longer have to deal with gaming and scheming.
Your brother will come to eventually regret this choice. He will remember the relationship you once had. But you may have moved on, with peace in your heart and mind. Then it will be up to you.
You might check into your state laws, because when parent dies, you might be able to put claim in against estate, which could be paid along with other lienholders to the estate. Except for life insurance, liens against estate are paid before heirs. Some have even had to lose trust fund interest to pay for these.
And for those whose parents are still alive, if your parent is legally able and willing to sign contract or receipt for what you do, it will have even more validity. Just a thought. Consult with family law advisors, I am not a lawyer.
My sibs don't even ask what they can do for me... they tell me.. well.. I would help but I don't have any vaca time.. or I have this and that coming up..etc. etc. Sometimes I just want them to at the minimum take an interest.. call them, call me.. care. They might for a day or 2 after I bring it up.. but then they get tired of hearing about it .. they say .. well... gotta go I'm meeting friends for dinner , (my brother actually said that to me in my last conversation).. then they go back to avoiding my calls and texts.
I also get the "keep me informed".. my moms younger sister says that all the time.. I guess that makes her feel as if she is helping without actually doing anything.. but I should send her updates to "keep her informed".
I know.. I shouldn't let this upset me but I have yet to rise above it.
I think as someone once said on here your siblings who don't help resent the one that does cause they know they are in the wrong.
One thing that has been bothering me and I know I'm probably being petty is the fact that my Mom always gushes when my brother visits her. I was within earshot one day and I heard her say to him "your the best thing that ever happened to me" I couldn't help feeling hurt seeing as before my mom went into the nursing home he did basically nil to help. I know moms have their favorites irregardless of who does what but it still stings a little. (H*ll, who am I kidding, it stings a lot.)
As Carla just said most who post on here come from decent homes where siblings were treated the same. In my case you couldn't have asked for better parents, yet my brother did nothing to help. I knew I would be the caregiver, but he never called, when he came to visit he used the house as a hotel, taking off in his rental car. Never once said to me "how are you doing?", "can I help with anything", nothing.
High horse? How about "work horse", unless you have done "hands on" caregiving and you haven't, keep your mouth shut.
Maybe you should go on "Dr. Phil"?
Take care...
I have been where you are. It's painful....very painful. But I agree with the others that, for your own good, you need to come to terms with the fact that your siblings are not ever going to help....they just aren't. Use your energy to find help elsewhere. I have felt that hatred....it is awful. It eats you alive. It made me so sick. I finally had to make peace with the whole thing to release the hatred. It's not that I think it's okay...but it's too big for me to handle. I have given it to God to handle. Now....I'm not a super religious person...but I believe and I am now asking Him for help. I take comfort in knowing that everything will work out in the end...the final end. No body really gets away with anything. We all have to face our mistakes some day. I think you just keep on doing what you think is right and cut the siblings completely out of your life and thoughts to the extent possible. I recently read a quote that said...."character is doing the right thing when no one is looking" I love that. Just keep having good character. You will be rewarded some day. I wish you all the best! One last piece of advice...don't be afraid to know your limits....you can take care of your mom and still take care of yourself. Only do what you can...respect your limits and except that things won't be perfect.