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It’s fun to use found objects in art projects. Great way to recycle.

UsedupDIL, I'm intrigued.    I wash my cones and set them in the oven for a short while to take care of any unwanted insects, and allow them to open just slightly.    And I've painted the tips to match ribbons on trees or wreaths.

I was especially fond of a Victorian set of decorations, with pink and white satin ribbons with crocheted edges, and cones decorated with pink and white tips.  It was a contrast of inferred luxury with the very basics of naturals.  

But I've never heard of dying and scenting them.  I MUST try that!

I'm assuming you don't use either cold or hot water, just perhaps warm water?   I know that hot water can cause them to open, more than I'd want them to.

Do you use ordinary cinnamon oil, say from a grocery store, or do you use one specifically from an herbal supplier?  Same question with cloves.    Have you ever used the dried forms, then shaken off the spices after drying?   Or rolled the cones in spices w/o soaking? 

I have Colorado Blue Spruce cones collected before my tree began to die, and I have a lot of others collected over the years.   Grapevines are probably ready to harvest, and I plan to make a lot of wreaths this year.  I'd love to make  scented ones as you describe.

GA, Use room temperature water. The oils come from the pharmacy or from a candy supply store. They are more potent. Dried spices don’t have enough scent.

when we get home from NC in the summer put them in the oven to kill bugs.

We make some every year. My sister throws a couple in the fireplace or wood stove. Makes the house smell nice. Sometimes we make a batch with just the cinnamon oil and spray paint them silver or gold. I usually put out a basket in every room for the scent.

More of a craft activity - making Halloween treat bags for Trick or Treat. Making them out of black tulle with bright orange ribbons and a witch charm.

Garden artist: I paint them, but I also stamp designs on them, along with putting quotes on them. I make rocks of my own out of quick dry cement, I also use flat as a pancake rocks (They come from floor tiles for backsplashes, etc). I use arcylic paint on them and seal them afterwards with boat sealer. I hide them outside in places that people are most likely to find them (parks, outside of restaurants and shopping malls, etc.) We call them kindness rocks here. Perhaps you have heard of the kindness rocks movement?


So cute! So how do you cut the pieces of tulle? Do you sew each bag or cut in a no sew shape?


So sweet! There was a woman that was featured on a news show who was doing that. She painted tons of rocks to share.

I think DollarTree sells rocks. Smart to make them. How do you do that?


My daughter’s dog used to do very well in the car. He would sleep in the backseat. Once in awhile he would crawl up to the front and sit in the passenger seat. Now he started trying to sit in my lap while I am driving and keeps slapping me with his paw for me to pet him.

He’s nine years old and is a poodle. I sit with him when my daughter needs me to.

How is your dog in the car?

NeedHelpwithMom - My dog is fine in the car but we both prefer the open air and freedom of using the golf cart. I live in a golf community in Florida, and although dogs are not allowed on the golf course per se, there are lots of open fields, wooded trails, and several small lakes to drive around as well. When the spirit moves her, Izzie will hop down and trot (or walk) alongside the golf cart, and take a potty break if she needs to. I have to slow down a lot when she's outside the cart, but I don't mind that. Within the community, lots of people travel mainly by golf cart, and are frequently accompanied by their dogs. It's the local custom here!

NHWM, cut in a rectangle with pinking shears, sew up side seams. Make a drawstring pocket around top to run ribbon thru. Really simple.

Used up,

I thought so. Some people do a certain cut and do a no sew thing and tie with ribbon. I’ve done these for bridal and baby showers.

Those sound so cute and fun to do. I still make up Easter baskets for my family. My youngest one who is graduating this year from college says, “Mom, the bunny has a basket for me, right?” Hahaha I asked her when was she going to outgrow the bunny visiting our home. She is so funny!


Don’t you love their personality? They can melt our hearts. Dogs are so sweet and smart!

Anonymous, what ink do you use? StazOn? Rubber stamps?

NHWM, I don’t have children, but love to do holiday stuff for my nephews, kids at church, etc. Always do Easter baskets, small Christmas stockings, other holidays.

Used up,
I am the fun aunt too! Now I have fun with great nieces and nephews too. I love all my nieces and nephews. It’s my brothers that are idiots!

Christmas stockings are wonderful! At our church we do Christmas angels. You select an angel off of the Christmas Tree and it has the sex and age of child, along with the gift they desire.


Fossils are so cool! When my youngest daughter was in preschool her best friend’s parents were paleontologists. The mom and dad would bring in dinosaur bones and fossils for ‘show and tell.’

I go to Estate sales every Saturday with DH and buy lots of antique & vintage jewelry (and things of value that I can get inexpensively & resell on eBay). Then I make Christmas projects from the jewelry. Last year I made a wreath from a styrofoam base treated & painted gold, then covered with the jewelry and hung with large a wire bow. I also made a framed Christmas tree in an antique gold wood frame with an overhead light. I covered a foam-core board with green velvet, then outlined a Christmas tree with seed pearl edging, then filled it in with vintage jewelry/brooches that I glued on. The empty spots I filled in with pearls and loose jewels, topping the tree off with a large rhinestone star brooch. I wish I could post photos here........they turned out great, but I love the wreath best.

Over the past year, I've collected a few hundred brooches (literally) which I plan to make into a 2' styrofoam Christmas tree covered in jewelry. Today I found THE perfect topper, a star ornament covered in silver bugle beads!!! I'm putting the tree on a turntable base so it can be viewed from all angles; and am trying to decide what to cover the base with. Snow? I don't know.......I'll have to think about it for a while....LOL.

I also have a few small/medium leather jewelry boxes that I plan to cover with jewelry and give as gifts.

It's been a little over a year since my mother died. The first eight months or so I spent clearing out the house for sale, but since then I've found various ways to unwind and reconnect with "real" life. One big drawback to caregiving is that it isolates you from people your own age, the community --- you "catch" the habits of being old from your elder.

I joined the local senior center and attend a weekly round table that discusses current events; I take a Sudoku strategy class at the center and do sudoku puzzles (very relaxing). And I joined the county genealogical society to get help figuring out how to purge/preserve the boxes of family papers I'm still going through. Before I was a caregiver, I took several free, non-credit online college courses through Coursera (I highly recommend it); I plan to start that again soon, a course at a time.


Those sound awesome! Also, you are what I refer to as an eBay Queen! My friend does that. She does well selling her kid’s items too. They outgrow things so fast. Toys they tire of, etc.


Wonderful! Fantastic ideas and activities.


Tell me more about the genealogy project please. Thanks.

I think that would be fascinating. Now I am very interested but when I was younger I would not have been.

Isn’t it interesting how our taste changes as we age? Not with everything and some changes are natural.

NHWM-I use Staz on and archival ink. They stay on better than water based ink. As for making rocks, they are easy. I buy the quick setting cement, pour into a ziploc bag, add water, close the bag and mix up intil all of the cement is wet. I like the cement to be the constituency of pancake batter. Afterwards, I cut the end of the bag and pipe the mixture into molds (Silicone ones, like ice cube trays). I smooth the tray afterwards like I am frosting a cake. I let dry 24 hours and then pop the molds out of the tray. I paint them afterwards. I dig the ice cube molds that look like holiday themed ice cubes and every day objects. I did a bunch of these for the kids trick or treat trail this year that my friend organized and they were a huge hit.

After I square my mother away with everything she needs, I rush to my bedroom, close the door and get out my paints, canvass and brushes. I paint in acrylic and love to create colorful landscapes, seascapes and forals! This is my therapy for without this hobby, I would lose my mind! Lol. Everyone no matter who you are or what you are doing, one must have a hobby. It helps your mind to focus on other things than worrying about your LO.

Anonymous, Aren’t you clever? Thanks so much for info. I am going to try it.

Have you tried making cement coasters? I love those.

I agree, Essie. It’s nice to be doing something creative.

NHWM: No I haven't yet. But It's something I am willing to try.


I kind of have a thing for coasters. I don’t have a ton of them. I do have about 8 coasters that I use all of the time.

I have made several coasters as gifts for people.

I have not tried the cement ones but I like them. Since you’ve worked with cement I thought you may have made them.

Is working with cement fairly easy? Have you ever tinted the cement? Can that be done successfully or would it change the curing process?

I can see why your projects were a big hit. I would want one too. They sound really cool.

I am an old school quilter. I hand cut, hand piece and hand quilt. Not into all of the cutters, sewing machines and machine quilters. It takes me awhile, but I manage two or three a year. Four if I’m really stressed out. I started dialysis last Tuesday. That’s 12 hours of piecing time a week. I have a set of quilting frames that my grandfather made in about 1918. I keep them up all the time with a quilt on board.


That is awesome! Quilting frames from your grandpa. How sweet is that? So very sweet! Please cherish those. Not only a memory of your grandpa but truly a part of history. You are so blessed to own those.

Now please, tell me about the quilting. My husband’s friend from work does something called lap quilting. No sewing machine or anything. Her quilts are gorgeous. Is that what you do? She has really beautiful designs for her quilts. She says it’s very relaxing.

My daddy had two quilts from his mom that she made. Daddy said she made them with a group of women in the community. They took turns receiving a quilt. If a woman was getting married she would be next in line and so forth. I think it’s so special the way these women quilted together.

I loved those quilts and hoped to have them one day. Unfortunately, they along with everything else was destroyed in hurricane Katrina at my mom’s house.

I wish you well with your dialysis. That’s tough. Will say prayers for you.

Need, I am wondering if you can help me with glass etching?
I have a piece of glass that has some lightly etched logo and I want to know if it is possible to clear the glass and re-etch it.

It is approx 1/2-3/4" thick and roughly 3' x 7'. I would love to salvage it and make a table top.

I am in the planning of making a yard art piece out of an old window that has the small panes(?) I think it will look awesome framed and set up on 1 foot posts to frame some flowers or colorful plants.

Maybe etching a few of the panes would be really cool.

I have been drying small branches from mesquite trees to make small pots for the yard. I don't know if I will decorate actual pots or do free form and use moss. Ideas and experiences are welcome.

I have enjoyed reading everyone's stress relief projects.

My mom crochets and loves to tell people that she is a hooker. I laughed when I read that some of you love to crochet, I think I will forever think of it as hooking, no offense.

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