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Arwen, grazie mille per le preziose informazioni. I wish you and your mom peace in your hearts and protection from the virus.

To the comments complaining that our government was slow to react: Italy has 60+ million people. We have 300+ million citizens in this country. The states each have individual powers. Italy has a single government. The virus is new and no one can know what the trajectory will be until after it's over. There will be profound economic fallout: businesses small and large will die. People will lose jobs. People will not be fully compensated for losses. People may have lasting health effects that are yet unknown from this virus. The US doesn't manufacture much here so we can't just conjure up tests or medications on the turn of a dime. Let's be real. The reason why any health system is easily overwhelmed by this virus is because victims require respirators. Most hospitals only have a few at any given time and not because they're incompetent or cheap -- because that's all they ever need. To those who think "the government should be doing more"... more what? What "support" do you think is realistic? What do you suggest? Everyone is running on all cylinders right now and doing the best they can with what they think they know about this virus. Every day that goes by more is learned or discounted about this illness. You cannot have a country the size of the US, China or other and expect it to work like a well-oiled machine. It doesn't do that even on its best day.
Helpful Answer (11)
needtowashhair Mar 2020
No. That's not right. The federal government wasted 2 months downplaying the situation. Saying it would disappear miraculously. Hoping it would just go away. We didn't test because the government didn't want to know. The WHO offered us their test. We turned them down. The Germans offer to help us with testing. We turned them down. Some states developed their own tests. The federal government forbid them from using them. The administration told them to stop testing. Thankfully, some ignored the federal government and tested anyways. Lives were saved because some people were brave.

Our federal government just wasn't slow to react, it got in the way. We knew what the trajectory would be. China warned us. Instead of heeding their warning, the government ignored it. Some called it a hoax.
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Thank you so much for sharing and helping to put this in some perspective as to what it is like to live in an imposed quarantined state. Much like yourself, a virus in China seemed so remote and faraway little attention was paid for a potential pandemic. Yet here we are. I applaud your government for being astute and proactive to slow the spread and concentrate on the people who live there and protecting their safety. The US is way behind in testing and our government was slow to respond to the inevitable. Only in the weeks (months?) ahead will we know just how far reaching COVID19 has spread. Supplies are limited, hand sanitizer and masks are impossible to find, so we don't venture very far from home.

My best wishes to you and mom. Hopefully at the end of this you both are healthy and strong. And with a little luck..... we remember that we are all part of humankind and will care more deeply for one another. Take care.
Helpful Answer (4)
needtowashhair Mar 2020
The UK PM says he's hoping for a peak in 3 months. He's been preparing the British for a 12 week effort. We should be doing the same. But as you say, we are behind. People should stop thinking this will be over in 14 days.
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Thank you for sharing your story. It’s good to hear the reality of the situation, since it’s very hard to believe what we are all being told here in the US.

Good wishes to you and your mother. I hope you stocked up on lots of good books!
Helpful Answer (3)
Arwen31 Mar 2020
:) thank you, books are a very good idea, at least they were written before COVID so there won't be mention of it. I'll follow your suggestion and will start again Lord of the Rings, it always helps me in difficult times and I think it's long enough. Thank you for some normality :)

Yes, of course. Perhaps not the name/link to the forum if possible? Thank you for asking.
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Thank you for a first hand account of how things are going there, and how you are coping.I have relatives in Europe that often visit Italy. You are in my thoughts and prayers, as are all effected by this virus. May this hopefully go away soon and be a distant memory. {{Hugs}} Katie.
Helpful Answer (3)

Prayers and hugs for you!
Helpful Answer (4)

Thank you so much to each one of you for your hugs, prayers and encouragement. It means more than I can say, reading your answers this morning gave me a lot of strenght. *hugs you all*

with gratitude
Helpful Answer (7)
CTTN55 Mar 2020
May I share this on my Facebook page? Your account is so valuable, because it's real.

Thank you for sharing with us. Stay safe.
The support you are getting from your government sounds wonderful. Unfortunately, here in the US, we aren't getting much, if any, support from ours.

In our house, we've been in semi self imposed isolation for a few days already. I was only going out to stock up on supplies. I finished that 3 days ago so we've been in full isolation since. No one has left the house since and no one has come in. I just can't risk it with three people over 80 in the house. I'm no spring chicken either. We had some doctors appointments coming up and they thought it would be a good idea to cancel until this is over.

So other than me running out for medications in a couple of weeks, we'll be in the house for the next month. In the US it's impossible to stock up on meds since the insurance companies will not approve anything extra. You have to be within your last few days worth before they will authorize a refill.

It's funny and sad that many Americans didn't really accept this virus was a problem for us too until the NBA cancelled their season. Until then, it was someone else's problem. I think we will find that it's just as bad here as it is everywhere else. We have just been closing our eyes to it by not testing. Now that testing has begun in vain, our numbers will skyrocket. Even with the very limited testing we are doing now, the number of confirmed infected in the US has gone up about 10x in a week.

I wish you well. I hope that for all of us. We are all in this together.
Helpful Answer (7)
Arwen31 Mar 2020
I know what you are saying, and I can imagine how it must feel; we are thinking about this from Europe, we are aware.
But if it can be of any relief and help, the Italian government -as you might have noticed - it's not exactly famous in the world to be especially enlightened and supportive of its citizens, normally. Believe me, our bewilderment about this whole unreal situation includes the surprise to see the amount of extraordinary measures they pull together in just a few days. Everybody agreed on everything, incredible measures were implemented in a matter of hours. We watch TV in the evening in disbelief, thinking "Seriously? So after all this WAS possible!" :)
This is an unprecented situation for most of us at least in the Western World, I have faith that even Trump will be forced to grant you extraordinary things in this moment; I've just read that he approved free testing for example, I really hope also the laws about access to medicines and access to a free health care for everybody will change under this huge pressure. And perhaps a new system will be born out of this drama for all the United States. At least I really, really hope so.

As for perceiving this emergency as "someone else's problem" I guess it's something we are all guilty of, me included; until the end of February I was aware there was a new virus in China, but I didn't spend much time thinking about it. I felt pretty bad about myself in these last few weeks, very selfish. Then I was talking with an emergency pshycologist yesterday at the phone and she told me that this is a normal reaction and somehow healthy too; we can't overload our mind with worry all the time otherwise we wouldn't be able to function when there's an emergency that threatens us personally. It's a coping, survival mechanism.

I think you took a very wise decision to self-isolate ahead of time; we have already proves here in Italy, after a very short time, that isolation is the only thing that really works, at least for now. In the little town where it all started on Feb 21st with case n.1 - a 38 years old man who got infected by a German citizen, apparently - and that has been put almost straight away into a very strict red zone, yesterday the new cases were just 9. It is not finished yet, but they are definitely over the peak.

I think it's also a good idea to cancel all non-super-urgent medical appointments as you did, especially for elderly people; I did the same, we had waited 3 months for my mom's eyes check-up and it was important as she has glaucoma, but I honestly didn't feel like bringing her into a hospital ; this was back on Feb 26 and we didn't know yet what was going to happen in just a couple of weeks, but I'm pretty happy now that we didn't go.

Sending you lots of strenght.
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Appreciate this info. Sending peace and love to Milan 💗.
Helpful Answer (2)

Thank you for sharing this valuable information. May God be with you and keep you safe.

Lots of hugs!!💗
Helpful Answer (6)

Thank you so much Arwen for your post. We appreciate the information; not knowing adds a lot to the anxiety. Real world experience gives us some needed direction. May you and your mother remain healthy, return to a normal life along with the rest of Italy as soon as possible.
Helpful Answer (5)

Arwen, thank you for being in touch with us and for your helpful information. In my area they are closing down the colleges. Some states are even closing all their schools. And my President just declared the USA in a state of emergency.
I'm sending positive thoughts to you and your Mother and kitty cat. Please be safe and well. Take care. You're in my prayers.
Helpful Answer (4)

Thank you so much for the helpful and needed information. Thank you for helping us to know what is possibly ahead of us and the precautions we should take. So thankful you took the time to share. Prayers for you and your mother. And yes, we will get through this together 🙏
Helpful Answer (3)

Thank you for sharing this most important information.

May God give you strength and peace during this difficult time in Milan.

May you and your family remain well and strong.

Great big warm hug for you from the deserts of Arizona. 🤗
Helpful Answer (6)

Hello from Southern California in the U.S.A.

Sending love and our support, with thanks for sharing.
Helpful Answer (4)

Arwen31, thanks for the very practical information. You are going along the path that others, at least those in the US, will be following right behind you.
Helpful Answer (5)

(((((hugs))))) arwen. Thank you so much for sharing such useful and eye-opening information. Italy has been struck really hard and I hope they soon find out why so many cases and why the younger people are so affected. There is much yet to be learned about this virus. Meanwhile, keep in touch. I look forward to your updates. Take good care and stay safe.
Helpful Answer (7)

Thank you for your informative post. It was great information. Hope you and your mother remain safe. Prayers to you both.
Helpful Answer (5)
Arwen31 Mar 2020

Thank you so much for your private message, you are very very kind.
I tried to reply but I seem unable to so I'll reply here, I hope is ok.
We are ok, but yes, I am frightened. I just can't bring my self to think what I should do if one of us gets sick with all the hospitals full. We do have food for another couple of weeks but I'm taking 0 risks now and not going out for any reason. We don't have an aging center here but we have a free emergency pshicologyst that is helping me keeping my sanity via telephone. I'm telling myself that we just have to stay put and be patient and everything will be allright. I don't have a clue what the future will look like and how we'll be able to have a normal life again and when but I guess that everybody in the world is feeling more or less the same. Being able to write here and your kindness are being of great help. Thank you for your prayers I will keep them close in my heart.
Thank you, to all of you. Being able to share with you has actually helped me in the first place. :) I will keep you posted.
Helpful Answer (11)
cherokeegrrl54 Mar 2020
Thank you so much for all your information. I was shocked today as i took my mom on her friday grocery run. At walmart, there was NOT a single roll of toilet paper, no bleach or sanitizing cleansers. A lot of food shelves for rice, canned goods, etc were all empty. We live in a 55+ apartment complex and are as prepared as we can be.
prayers to you and your mom as this unfolds. I am in Florida in USA. Liz
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Thank you so much for taking the time to share these wise insights, and for clarifying what has sometimes become confusing.    Your experience is valuable; I'm printing out your post as a reminder.

I hope that you, your mother and your cat find new insights in such close living, that you are able to support each other, and that each of you survive this epidemic and are able to live full and rewarding lives.
Helpful Answer (5)
Arwen31 Mar 2020
GardenArtist, I suddenly remembered that a couple of years ago I printed your to-do list on how to survive a Junk War :) I would have so much liked to offer a more similar list, but I'm so glad if this can be of some practical help to you an others. I'll try to come up with more practical things.
Bless you for your presence here. Reading your posts always make me feel better.
Thank you so much for that, it is very valuable to hear what you and others like you are experiencing. Stay safe 🤗
Helpful Answer (6)

Bless you for sharing! I believe your information will be helpful to many of us. I wish you and your Mom the very best during this difficult time.
Helpful Answer (6)

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