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what would happen if you too followed the schedule set up by your sister? It's worth a try. Also, it would show your mother that the rules and routines are the same for her regardless of where she is living that week.
And, you may just find out that it could work to your advantage. Your mother would know her role and may even free you up.
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I need some clarification.

Your sister may seem a bit OCD, but she does have notes to refer to how much mom eats, bathes... That can be helpful for you when she "gives mom back to you"

You write that your mother is capable of doing so much more. How does your sister know if mom is not eating enough or having other problems when it is her turn to give care?
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Sounds like your sister is aware of your moms lackadaisical personality traits and is attempting to keep her on task with a schedule.  Maybe that is the only way she can get your mom to do what she needs to do. 

I would give the schedule a try.
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Don’t let your sister force you to play by her rules! Handle the situation how it works for you when mom’s at your house. Set your own boundaries. Don’t be bound by others’! It stressful enough as it is isn’t it?!
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You do enough as it is for your mother. Why is your sister demanding you make a schedule too? You might want to talk it over with your sister why you are not doing this schedule and see why she doesn't want to do it anymore. Can you move her to an assisted living facility or in home care if your sister still doesn't want to do this?
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An outside/inside take on this. I am a caregiver for Alzheimer's/Dementia seniors. I am also in some ways where your Mom's at - a serious look into the mind of a 72-year-old widow is at in her head. I have no interest in anything, except sleeping - a great escape from reality. The reality being that I don't want to be "here" anymore. I am preparing myself to go home - it's got to be better than here. I'm worn out from living, worrying about the ones that don't give a tinker's d*** about me. So, maybe this is where your Mom's at, in her reality. She's used to total attention - not doing anything, your Dad did it all. By your sister keeping charts, in a small way, it's total attention for your Mom. Treasure her, no matter what, cause when her life journey is done, you'll miss things you can't imagine. Prayers
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Sendhelp Jun 2021
You know that you need to care about yourself first. I trust that.

Especially as a private-duty caregiver, only you know what caregiver burn out is. Maybe you need more than a break from the end-of-life focus?

There was a few months this past year that I thought to become one with my bed, just melt away between the sheets, and stay asleep.
That time passed by, and I am feeling more hopeful now. You can too.

Can you see and visit some people that are not clients/patients? Maybe a friend who really does care about you?

Peel yourself out of your bed now and then, see what the outside has to offer you. Take walks. Get your hair done, fix yourself up.

Check in with us, often if you like. 🤗
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