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There are alot of us with "toxic" families, I escaped once but when Dad was dying my husband and I promised him we would take care of Mom. So here we are. Our first promise to ourselves was to do this as a team. My husband and I try to talk over all topics that will impact Mom and us. Things here are not perfect nor will they ever be. Mom is Mom and will never change. Taking care of her with all of her games, tricks and etc. is a challenge to say the least. We are not heroes we are not superhuman, we have are limits. We find ourselves up againest many battles. We pick our battles. We take things one day at a time, with first things first. Then we let go and let God handle the rest. We take time for each other alone. We know this is not always possible in other peoples lives who are taking care of aging parents. But you can find a way. If you have room in your budget----get to a therapist!!!!! You will need that. If not, this site is a good place to unload. All of us have been "there" at one time or another. There are lots of helpful words and ideas here. Not to mention all the connections sites for alot of other questions and concerns you may have that will at least get you going in the right direction for finances, legal questions. Good luck trying to get a job. You will find one, it may not be your "dream" job but it will be an income and hopefully will offer benefits for your family. I moved to the city close to my Mom when Dad died no work to speak of here. So I took the few full time jobs with set hours. So I work 3 1/2 days a week and I am home 3 1/2 days aweek. I work 40 hours in that 3 1/2 days. My point take care of yourself first. the rest will fall into place My prayers are for you today. Many hugs being sent your way.
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