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I hope it's Normal, because I do it all the time! Driving on the freeway, and realizing that I can't even recall the previous 5 miles? I always put it down to my mind is racing and that I'm preoccupied, and hopefully not earlier dementia! I've missed exits, and just the other day (although not related to this subject) my sister and I passed the exit to my cousins, because we were blabbing away, and we almost ended up at the Casino, our Normal Exit, Lol! We both blamed each other too! Lol!

No, it sounds perfectly normal to me, but you may be a little depressed, or a Lot depressed, too! But probably just preoccupied with way too many things to do for one Super Human Woman, that you are!😉 Now, if you are dizzy, you should get it checked out!
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Even those changes ( seem minor to most) cause me a lot of grief.
The pharmacy should be only one pharmacy, imo. So I carefully shopped to achieve my purpose. Then, the doctor's office occasionally send the Rx to the old pharmacy by mistake. Instead of doing it their way, the easy way-just go pick it up at any pharmacy, I wait until they fix it, weeks later!
Can a pharmacy refuse to fill an Rx, especially if they do business with your doc?
Or an in-house lab? It amazes me how they all arrive at new ways to irritate the customers. That may seem small, but I have worked myself up over these issues.
That pharmacy would lose ALL my business.
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well I have stopped at stop signs and waited for the green light before .
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Oh, and it is still in the 90s here. I'm a cool weather person, so this heat is starting to be oppressive.
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There's been a few things that have shaken up lately. They're just little things. I had things set up with a local drugstore for my mother's medicines. They stopped handling Medicare Part B, so I switched these to another drugstore. But then UAB started sending the other prescriptions there. So we're floating between two drugstores. That bothers me, though it really shouldn't. And my bank branch closed, so I have to drive to a new branch. I want to yell Stop Changing! sometimes.

Then there has been the house projects added onto my mother feeling bad all day long every day. I don't feel like I ever get a restful night's sleep. Why, I don't know. Maybe it's because I don't feel like I'm at home.

I'm just mentally fatigued, most likely, and it's making me feel physically fatigued.
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My friend stopped once for no reason, at an early age 60, then proceeded after a reminder.
She is still ok today, 20 years later!
We called this a senior moment, back then, and laughed.

People know that I space a bit during the full moon, just before. Sept. 16th, but I just slow down a bit, don't drive if I am feelin squirrely. However, I don't really blame the moon. How could I, when this one is called the Harvest Moon, maybe.

What has set you off a bit? What is different for you?
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Pretty sure you aren't going nutty. I am not an expert, but I follow your posts, often, and they make perfect sense to me. Your post the other day about kicking Mom's butt, in a joking way, was hilarious. If you can have a sense of humor in all of what you are going through, then maybe you are actually feeling better, and this has unsettled you.
There are so many reasons for feeling spacey, so get yourself to the doc if this continues. Or, are you eating right? I mean things you like, not just Mom's diet.

Talk more about it here, just talking it out will help.

I have read, she will come to your door? Just living with that can cause extra lack of sleep. When raising babies, the mothers get to sleep when the baby sleeps only. Arrange her schedule of sleep with a little Benadryl, after asking the doctor, because this is an emergency respite, until you can get real respite.

Are there flu vaccines, flu symptoms to think about?
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