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I am also caring for my husband. I tried bringing in outside help from two different agencies, but he will not let anyone transfer him but me. I can run short errands and he wants just to be left in the hospital bed and sleep/watching TV. He is now sleeping most of the day and is waking me up less at night. Medicare cut off our Home Health in June this year because he was not improving. I am working with our Dr to get home health back in. But that does not give me any free time because they always want me to participate. I have been caring for him non-stop for 11 months. I have lost my freedom, my mind and at times my sense of humor.
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Ahmijoy Sep 2018
Ugh. These stubborn men! Have you asked your husband what he thinks will happen if you hurt yourself while moving him? Ask him what he thinks you could do then? Ask in a sincere way. And wait for an answer.

I’m surprised that home health would insist you participate. Is this home health or therapy? Even so, when the therapists came out last year, they never asked me to “help”. They directed their suggestions to my husband and expected him to carry them out.

There’s no doubt that we lose ourselves when we caregive for our spouses. Thank heaven for this site.
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