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judd - the only way I know to deal with grief and loss, and I have dealt with much of it, is to feel the pain, cry the tears, mourn the losses in any way you need to. If you don't feel the pain, anger etc. you don't move through the grieving, You are writing about it. That is good. It isn't easy when it come to a parent, but it is doable. Having the parent still alive but not what they were is a double edged sword. Keep writing, keep expressing your feelings in whatever ways work for you. Acceptance comes slowly for most, not all at once. ((((((hugs))))) to you and do something good for you today.
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Thank all for caring, but Dad passed on 1/26/ 014, All I can say is make sure of your on your do not resituate orders. Every time you enter the hospital you need to present one.. You get this from your doctor and is a yellow shit to prevent you from being put on life support. The best thing for me was that my parents had a living will and painlessly I was able to remove him from life support..
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seahag - my condolences about your father. My father passed years ago , and no life support too, which was a good thing for him. It was his time

My post is actually addressed to juddhabuddhaboo who is the person who originated this question.

I know these forums are confusing at times.

((((((hugs)))) to you
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This may not be an answer to the question but I find myself just wanting to write. My father passed away Jan 3. I cry and am so sad for the moments I will no longer have with him. Taking care of him was the hardest job I ever had. I have my sad moments for sure but what I didn't expect was to have this overwhelming feeling of love and gratitude. I feel so fortunate I was able to take care of him. I found myself loving him more than I ever have. It feels like such a gift.
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