My mother whines when she talks to me. "c.a.n.y.o.u. g..i..v..e..m.e.m.y s.y.m..b..i..c..o.r..t?" Very annoying. I tell her to please stop whining & ask me in a mature voice. Is this something I'm expecting of her but she's not able to do. I listen to her talking to her sisters & friends & her voice immediately changes to a normal conversation w/an incredible memory. Not bad for 97..HOW can I deal w/her whining? Is she just doing it to me?
If they found that fountain of youth, I'd use it on me first!
When she talks to my brother over the phone, who lives out of state, she talks normal. He thinks I'm exaggerating when I explain her behavior. I try to ignore the whining as best I can when I can't I just cut my visit short and TRY to remember her brain is broke and I can't FIX IT! Augh!