(1) What is the mathematical-formula that the FL DCF uses to calculate the SHARE OF COSTS amount that a MEDICALLY-NEEDY-PROGRAM beneficiary (with a household-size of 1 person) must personally pay-for before Medicaid will kick-in?.
(2) What is the FLORIDA state-established “maintenance need level” amount (for a household-size of 1 person)?.
(3) What is the FLORIDA state-established “medically needy income level” (MNIL) amount for a household-size of 1 person)?.
We would not be familiar, as caregivers from all round the world, with this particular program.
Good luck.
"According to Florida DCF guidelines, the formula to calculate a Medically Needy Program beneficiary's "share of cost" is: "countable net income" minus the "Medically Needy Income Limit (MNIL)" based on a household size of 1;essentially, the difference between your income and the state-determined income threshold for Medicaid eligibility based on your household size."
"In 2024, the Medically Needy Income Limit (MNIL) in FL is $180 / month for a single applicant and $241 / month for a married couple. The “spend-down” amount is the difference between one's monthly income and the MNIL. Once the “spend down” is met, one will be income-eligible for the remainder of the month."