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Wouldn't it be nice if only people who had actual information answered these questions? I didn't see the part where she asked what your view of marriage/divorce were.
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Good Lord. Enough with the preaching and judgment. IMHO, there's a big difference between casting someone out for falling ill or becoming disabled and separating yourself from an active, abusive alcoholic. Do martyrs rank higher in God's eyes "on judgment day"?
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If the OP is certain of her decision, then let's, not one of us, cast a dark shadow here.
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1 RareFind, I personally have no plan to discard anyone. I'm going to care for my husband until the end. He is not abusive to me.

But the caregiver has as much right to have a life as the person with dementia does. To walk away from an abusive parent or spouse is often the right thing to do. It is NOT the same as throwing someone away because they are ill.

I have a religious/moral justification for walking away from an abuser. When the abuser hits or says vicious hurtful things, the abuser is committing a sin. Walking away and refusing to accept the abuse prevents the abuser from committing a sin. So you are actually doing the abuser good by walking away. Often the abuser is meanest to family members, and will treat paid carers better, and will be happier.

And remember, judge not, that ye be not judged.
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I can't imagine the horror of not being able to divorce ANYONE, 'incompetent' or not. I would move out, so be it, married in name only. If I met anyone else I fell in love with, I would move in with them and live in sin. So be it. Life is too short.
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