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You feel guilty and responsible because this is what a good person feels. I still 2nd guess myself over my now deceased DH - I believe it is because there is no end to the love you have for your Aunt and you also know there is no cure for old age and eventually she must pass on. Her comments weren't meant to hurt you, she was trying to make you feel better.

My DH's endstage only lasted 3 days, he was almost 97. I'm surprised your Aunt is hanging on - and yes, she is hanging on. You might try telling her that you know she must leave you and you understand. But I'm not sure it will help since she is lingering. You can also tell her that people who passed ahead of her will be coming for her and she doesn't need to be afraid. They will not hurt her.

Years ago I was told that hanging on and lingering are normal human traits - and I was advised to tell my DH that it was ok that he had to leave me. I did the same with both my parents and they seemed to pass a little more easily and didn't try to linger.

My DH was in the death-coma when I told his son that I knew he was lingering and I would tend him for as long as he wanted to stay. He passed about 10 minutes later.
Helpful Answer (1)

First of all a hospital is not going to admit her so let go of that option. My question is why is a natural death so scary or distasteful to you. Remember it IS her right to choose how she dies. I am going to suggest you seek a counselor to help you figure this out. Death is part of life and it’s actually a shame we don’t have more say on how. I agree with assisted dying if that’s what is wanted but most states don’t. Please go to a therapist and talk this out.
Helpful Answer (3)
MJInslee Jul 2019
Thank you, Harpcat, you "took the words right out of my keyboard". It's very important we are allowed our choices at the end of life. The aunt made her wishes known in writing, and has spoken them. I hope the niece can find the peace she wants by examining her feelings with a therapist.
Would the niece want someone to interfere with her own choices? She has been a wonderful companion and care giver for her aunt. May that be her consolation.
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Your aunt was truly blessed to have you care for her. Rest in the knowledge that you’ve done your best and she’s at peace
Helpful Answer (6)

My heart goes out to you. Such dedicated kindness.
I am dealing with thoughts that my 93 year old Mother in law would not want to be kept alive with meds’ now. She was living independently until April of this year when she had a vascular stroke.
She currently can’t speak,can’t see , can’t dress herself. We have put DNR in place ( after speaking with various nurses re what happens when an elder person has to be resuscitated) I can understand how you must feel in your situation, however, to keep someone existing ( no quality of life) on meds can be deemed as brutal as not administering meds 🤷‍♂️
Sending a big hug your way 🤷‍♂️🤗
Helpful Answer (5)
Musicismymuse Jul 2019
My heart goes out to you. Rest assured, everything is progressing as it should. Your calmness, peacefulness and love for her will make it All Right. Be good to yourself.
She's made her wishes known. She claims she is not in pain. Her way is not superior to using drugs to ease the death. But it is not inferior either. For whatever reason, she feels that it is the right way for her. I don't know if she thinks it is being stoic or brave, or if she is religious, that she believes it is the way God wants her to meet him.  If she is unable to swallow she will not be able to take pain medication in pill form and since she doesn't want IV, what is left is a pain patch. I'm wondering if that might be more acceptable to her At any rate, the longer she goes without water the quicker she will pass away. When my mom stopped taking water, she only lasted 3 days. Do not feel that you are neglecting her since you are honoring her wishes. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (7)
mavisgm Jul 2019
A pain patch is not the only solution. Morphine is administered in liquid form, by drops, under the tongue (sublingual), where it is absorbed directly into the blood stream.
my Condolences Joy to you and your families. I came into this thread late but I salute you for sticking by your aunt and her wishes. It takes a very strong person and she knew that you would do right by her (although maybe you didn’t feel that way at times. It’s totally understandable). This end of life experience with a loved one makes each one of us think about how we want to be handled near the end. I never understood hospice but I do respect that concept now because suffering is not fun for anyone. Although you were tortured by her choice, your conscience should be clear of all guilt debris. Kudos to you💕
Helpful Answer (7)

I am glad that she passed so peacefully in the end, Joy, and thank you for letting us know. Best wishes and all sympathy to you and your family.
Helpful Answer (13)

I want to thank everyone for their kind and thoughtful answers. My aunt passed away peacefully Wednesday evening, on her own terms, with no drugs and no real struggle. She just stopped breathing in her sleep as family and I were visiting a few feet away from her bed. I'm grateful that she's at peace. Thank you again and take care.
Helpful Answer (36)
BarbBrooklyn Jul 2019
(((((hugs)))))), Joy. I'm so glad that she's at peace.
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What do YOU want? Do you want her to die in the house? Or in a professional setting such as hospital where others will help you? Perhaps hospice care place? She just wants you there, so you can be at her side at the end. Hospice can also help you. This is something that you don’t want to handle by yourself.
Helpful Answer (2)
Musicismymuse Jul 2019
Hospice should not be called if a loved one objects. I found it helpful to speak to a counselor on the phone over the last few days of my mother's life. One caveat: hearing - even if impaired - seems to be amazing at the end, so don't talk where you might be overheard!
Joy, I'm so sorry you are going through this, but I'm also glad that you are there because your aunt obviously trusted you to follow through with her wishes, as hard as it must be. No, she can't be alone, but it doesn't mean that you have to sit at her bedside 24/7 if that's too hard for you to do. It doesn't sound like there is much to do as a caregiver, only as a loving family member. It's ok to go into the next room and wait, as she is waiting. Once she is gone, you will know that you did right by her. Hugs to you, no one can ask for a better niece than you.
Helpful Answer (11)

countrymouse said...

“I think it is also important to remember, though, that your aunt can choose for herself, but she can't choose for you. If at any point you cannot bear to continue, you are entitled to call for help. Not for her, for you. You have that right. She can't be left alone, but she can't insist that you are the one who stays with her.”

This is very important and bears repeating. She can ask to die her way, but you are not obligated to handle it all yourself. You are the one who has to live with the memories... there is nothing wrong with getting help.
Helpful Answer (22)

I would tell her one last time that you will now follow her instructions for no medications and allow her to do it her way. I would tell her to let you know if there is anything you can do for her. Otherwise I would simply be there for her if she wishes to make a need known. She is actively dying now, and as a nurse I can tell you that the dying are busy dying. The separate from the living as a part of that, as well as stopping to take nourishment. Do not force fluids, as it will prolong this for her. Offer a small gauze soaked in ice water for her mouth and lips if she would like it. Leave her be. She is busy moving on to the end of her life. She has made her wishes clear. Please do her the honor of honoring them despite your own strong feelings. Thanks for being there for her. There is, quite honestly "no superior death". Death is never a lot of fun, no matter what. She is doing it her way the last time she can.
Helpful Answer (17)
cherokeegrrl54 Jul 2019
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As of two days ago she expressed her wishes for no morphine which seems consistent with her documented advanced directives and she even went so far as to put it on video, which tells me she is quite adamant about this. In pain and quite ill, she is still unwavering. I think the best thing you can do is to put the wishes of your loved one first, even if it is not what you would chose, and it sounds like you are doing that. She had a prior bad experience with hospice, so does not want to invite a similar experience again. While it must be gut wrenching, I think you are staying on the course she wants. You can keep asking her if she wants morphine so she knows it is an option if she changes her mind. Same with water. She may get irritated at you, but at least she will not feel denied anything. I agree with what others posted here to perhaps contact hospice for yourself. I am sorry for what you are going through. Prayers to you for clarity and peace.
Helpful Answer (10)

Joy, I wonder if your Aunt thought that to her a natural death meant going to sleep one night and not waking up? Simple for her, and simple for her love ones who are surrounding her.

Could be that your Aunt is not realizing a natural death in her case isn't going to be peaceful, that it will be filled with panic and pain. Ok, that is her choice, but is she being fair to you? Is this the last moments that everyone wants to witness and not be able to shake from their minds?

I can't imagine what you are going through. And here you know you can help her transition peacefully but she isn't letting you. No matter what, you will feel guilty if you do what she said, and feel guilty if you take matters into your own hands.... [sigh].

Just keep telling yourself, this is Aunt's choice, not mine.
Helpful Answer (7)

My grandmother died a ‘natural’ death in the hospital. She had Chronic Leukaemia. She refused any medical intervention.

She was given O2 and kept pulling off the mask. I asked the nurses why, they said that as long as she was breathing on her own, the O2 was not considered an intervention. The only other thing was a catheter. That was far easier than being diapered and changed. At that point her skin was so thin, it tore in contact and she bruise at the slightest touch.

She did not have any drugs, nor an IV. She died 2 days later in her 82 birthday.

My step dad died last November, he too was in hospital and riddled with cancer. It was in his spine and the pain incredible. He had enough morphine to keep him comfortable, but not drugged into a stupor.

He too lives to a birthday and a few days later. He lost consciousness about 48 hours before passing. We could tell when he was in pain, grimaces on his face and one arm would flail. When we called the nurse for more morphine, each time it turned out to be when it was scheduled. He did not lose consciousness due to the morphine, but do to his body shutting down.

A few hours before he died he was give a medication to reduce the fluid in his lungs. It was administered via eye drops. I am not sure if the name, but it eased his breathing.

Is there a right way to go? It sounds like your Mum has decided how she wants to go. Remember you do not have to be there if it causes you distress. She may not Hospice, but you may need it.
Helpful Answer (8)

I am really, really sorry for what you are going through. You must be one tough cookie to be dealing with the dying process with someone who is still, while actively dying, a force to be reckoned with.

Frankly, she's being a little selfish--but that's not here nor there.

Sadly, you ARE doing the best you can, and you need to be told that by many people. Your aunt is dying and you are accepting that--good. But how hard to fight each day to simply stay alive with absolutely no QOL.

Dying can be very painful, and as aunt's organs shut down, her body will reject even water--it will hurt too much. It isn't pleasant to watch.

I, personally, WOULD give the morphine, but that's just me. If you want to adhere to aunt's wishes, you shouldn't do it.

Choosing hospice makes the dying process easier on everyone--first and foremost, the patient. The family all being secondary.

You have supportive sibs? Lean on them. We here on the AC boards don't know your particular dynamic, so it's hard to make a suggestion.

May I ask why she is so opposed to the hospice route?

Again, I am sorry for what you are being put through.
Helpful Answer (8)
Musicismymuse Jul 2019
You would really give morphine to a person who adamantly refused it? Dying does NOT have to be painful. I've personally known many members of my family and parents of friends whose deaths have been incredibly painless without morphine despite cancer, etc.
Do not give her morphine in spite of her wishes. That would be assault. You must not do that.

Do have morphine available and make it clear that if she gets exhausted with pain or frightened it is there to help her, and you will give it to her and not have a single comment to make about it. This is not a test or a competition. She has nothing to prove.

Detach, in this context, means remembering that hard though it is for you to witness this experience, it is your aunt who is dying and not you. You are supporting her to her end in the way that she wanted you to. I think you deserve a higher grade than you're giving yourself for that reason alone!

Mood swings and lashings out you'd best ignore as far as you can. Goodness knows what changes are taking place in her brain, and you really can't regard anything she says as her true feeling or belief. It could be fear, anger, or despair speaking.

I think it is also important to remember, though, that your aunt can choose for herself, but she can't choose for you. If at any point you cannot bear to continue, you are entitled to call for help. Not for her, for you. You have that right. She can't be left alone, but she can't insist that you are the one who stays with her.
Helpful Answer (27)
Myownlife Jul 2019
You have such wonderful insight, Countrymouse :)
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