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It is often done that way here if there is a viewing first.
I noticed our local funeral home had plain, fairly inexpensive coffins that were listed as suitable for cremation - although I have read about casket rentals I haven't heard of anyone who offers this.
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I’m so sorry for the loss of your son. My parents had no services or funerals as such. I was told that they were cremated in what amounted to a cardboard box.

And, if it’s any consolation, both had a prepayment plan with the funeral home. My mom paid into it for decades. I estimated she paid over $10,000. When she passed two years ago, it still cost us $7,000 for the cremation, burial and headstone. I will always believe we were royally ripped off.
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JoAnn29 Dec 2018
Not really. Cremation is going up. Cost 2300 for a friend. Headstone and opening a grave isn't cheap. All dpends where u live.
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Neither one of my in-laws had caskets. Actually, we had Memorials for them when we had the ashes buried at the VA cemetery. Others that kept the ashes just had Memorials later. No viewings. I have also heard where they rent caskets but never heard of having to buy a casket that ends up being cremated with the person. For just curiosity sake, I would call around and see if this is the norm. I wonder if there is an agency that oversees funeral directors. Seems funny to me.
Helpful Answer (7)

I am so sorry for the loss of your son.

And the casket cremation does sound like an extra charge that could have been avoided perhaps, if they had let you know. Sorry you're dealing with this on top of everything else.

Thinking of you.
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