
I am moving my husband into a residential care home but he must be tube fed and elevated in a hospital bed so that he does not experience Gerd. The home he is going to said I needed to provide the bed and it should be covered by durable goods, but I have no idea how to get that accomplished. HELP Please.......thank you!

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Wendig, here is some information from Medicare regarding hospital beds.

You would need to get a bed and mattress from a Medicare approved medical supply business. Chances are the bed would be paid in full or be rented paid by Medicare.

Renting sometimes is easier as if hubby might be moved to long-term-care down the road, the medical supply business will come and pick up the bed. Otherwise, if bought, you would need to find some way to remove it from the group home immediately.
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This is why residential care homes are so cheap. They end up costing you more because you have to do so much yourself, like equipment and transportation and visiting nurses. Add it all up and what do you save?
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Another this facility capable, AND qualified, to handle someone who's on tube feeding, or would you have to be at the facility whenever feedings are needed?
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Wendi, is it possible that you could find a place in a facility that's better equipped and already has the hospital beds? Otherwise, you'll have to have a doctor script for a hospital bed, which you would be responsible for, in a residential setting. I would think that means you're responsible for any maintenance or other issues that might arise if the bed needs some mechanical or other attention.

Would you also have to supply the mattress?

I'm wondering why he can't just sit in a chair when he's on tube feeding?
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