
My mother is losing her sight rapidly to macular degeneration, and she can’t see her nails to clip them. my brother is her caregiver, but she doesn’t want him to try and clip her nails, she thinks he’s going to miss and hurt her. Has anyone ever had a manicurist or pedicurist come in?

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Yes. I found a podiatrist who makes house calls. He charges a $100.00 trip charge that is not covered by insurance, but since my mother is not able to leave the house without hiring a wheelchair van it is a no-brainer to pay for the convenience. Medicare pays for the visit.

If your mother has no real issues that need a podiatrist then maybe you can find a manicurist who will come to her house.
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Medicare covers podiatrist to clip nails. I found a podiatrist that comes to my parent’s house to do their nails and also check for an issues as many elderly have decreased sensitivity in their feet and are often unaware of potential problems that are developing
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MattyWelch Oct 14, 2023
Thank you so much for all the suggestions! I’m seeing that there are several services near her. What will probably happen is she’ll need help, the roads will be bad and she won’t want to go out, so finally she’ll be forced to allow someone to come to her. If she wants to continue to live in her home at 100 years old she’s going to have to cave eventually.
it is odd if care place won't do fingernails. nails trimmed every 90 days is an "activity of daily Living" in Washington state. if she is not in care many states allow manicurists in homes.
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Yes. You might call Theresa Goins APN, NP-C, a family nurse practitioner. She was recommended by my APRN. I have used her twice for toe nails. Mine don't grow very fast. She is in Reno, private message me for her contact information. I pay her $45. a session.
I am Helen Howe and am 83, still living independently.
I think Theresa only does this on Saturdays. I believe she has another job.
Good luck, Helen
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MattyWelch Oct 12, 2023
Thanks, but she lives quite far from Reno. My brother did get her to a pedicure place, and she actually was very pleased with the process! I don’t know what’s going to happen in the winter, but I suppose we’ll fall off that bridge when we come to it.
MattyWelch: Medicare pays for in office podiatry services every 10 weeks. My podiatrist does not make house calls. My mother was a legally blind woman, who was able to visit her podiatrist via community van by HERSELF.
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MattyWelch Oct 12, 2023
Ohhhh, if only. The thought of having to wait for some stranger to pick her up and drop her off panics her. I’ve tried for years to get her used to the idea, but it’s too late now.
In my area there is an organization called Traveling Foot Doctors- they are great! Every 9 weeks my Mom gets a visit and we are instructed to call any time there is a cut, ingrown nail, etc. Cost for her has been about $25 a visit.
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Make an appointment with a Podiatrist, nail clipping can be covered by insurance. Ask at the office.
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Yes. Established client. She will now come to home. Very convenient. Not covered (just like going to the salon.). It’s an important part of care.

there are organizations that offer this. Search in your area.

I have an envelope system for my dad. It’s a way for him to participate in finances. :). Good luck
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Yes a Podiatrist comes to my home every 90 days. Another piece of information it's covered by Medicare.
Hope this helps you.
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I found a lady who has worked in a nursing home, and provided services to them. She actually came to my home and cut my mom’s hair and did a manicure and pedicure. She was great with my 89 year old mom. My mom was very happy.
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Yes I was able to get the bath aid to do it. Many will do fingers but hesitate to do toes because of the possibility of injury. Each person will be different.
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Yes, I myself have had a podiatrist come to my apartment. You would have to check around to find a podiatrist who does. Sometimes, a podiatrist who does not visit homes of patients, can give you the name of a podiatrist in your area that visits patients in their own home for treatment. My particular podiatrist comes to a senior living facility every 3 months or 6 months to treat patients for podiatry care. Medicare has covered this for me.
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I found a podiatrist that did house calls to do my mothers toenails. Medicare will pay for it every 9-10 weeks. The hard part is finding one. Try calling all the ones in your area to see if any of them make house calls. She is in assisted living now, so they have a podiatrist that comes in to do them.
As far as manicures, I just keep filing her nails with an emory board. Clipping them was too risky.
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I think the rules for that vary by state. In MN, my MILs LTC facility doesn't let a certified manicurist or pedicurist in to perform services -- only a podiatrist or the family member.

I don't think a manicurist or pedicurist can officially (professionally) perform that service in a private home, either. It's a stupid rule, probably the same rules that surround hair stylists in our state.

If your brother does find someone, they have to know what they're doing, and be experienced.

Have you contacted her local Senior Center or called her local Area Agency on Aging for resources?
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Yes Momma has one that comes into her assisted living. She loves it because at her age - 89 she is not able to bend over and cut them herself and sometimes she gets ingrown toenails that hurt. I had to sign a form to allow them to come in and that was it.
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Yes, I usually take my dad to a place called Tending toes. They do mainly geriatric nail care on the occasion that I cannot make it yet to their office they will have someone come out and take care of his nails at home. It is a big help. Not sure if Tending toes is anywhere, but Idaho check for geriatric nail care online in your city.
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For toenails a podiatrist should be used and Medicare pays for it every 10 weeks.
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A podiatrist can come to the house. The home visit doctor can recommend someone. Health insurance can pay…Medicare .
Hugs 🤗
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for a long time, I made it a "trip out" to take Mom to the manicurist. We did that until 6 months before Mom passed. I convinced the hospice aides to trim her nails for the last 6 months. It did take a lot of push from me to ensure it was done.

The local senior center would have a toe nail clinic once a month.
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I would not take a 99 yo elder out in snowy weather without being able to use a walker......just the threat of slipping on ice or snow is too risky. And if your brother does take her for a pedi, I would not allow the operator to touch mother's feet with clippers of any kind. It makes me nervous enough to clip my DOGS nails, so I bought a grinder to use instead of a clippers.
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MattyWelch Oct 2023
I have to agree, but I'm several hours away and don't have any POA. I sent my brother the link to the foot care nurse, which, in my humble opinion is the best bet. The problem is she can’t climb stairs to get to the front door to open it, so she relies on opening the garage door with a remote to let anybody into the house, and she stresses out about that. Let’s face it, she stresses out about everything. It’s one of those situations where fate is just going to force her and my brother's hands to figure out some way to get outside care to her.
Thanks. This week she's going to get a pedicure for the first time (my somewhat clueless brother is taking her, this should be a good story), but I know this is going to be a problem as the weather turns snowy and she won't be able to use her walker. We're just going to have to look into this. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
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Southernwaver Oct 2023
You really have to be careful. I know so many people over the years who received an infection from a manicure or pedicure because you have to be 100% assured that they are cleaning the bowls. Etc.

I would find a podiatrist.
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Everybody recommends podiatrists but there are Foot Care Nurses
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MattyWelch Oct 2023
Wow, this is great! I see one that's near her! Now to just convince her to let the woman in. Sigh.
I used to use an actual traveling podiatrist who made housecalls that would come and do toenails for some of my private-duty clients. It's expensive but well worth every penny.

I'm specialty trained in footcare but I have had some clients where I wasn't comfortable cutting their toenails.

Go online. You will find podiatrists who do housecalls. If not, there are always footcare clinics going on at senior centers.
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Most won’t because of liability issues.
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