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If this is stressing your dad, you can ask him whether he wants these people removed from his list of Facebook friends. (They would not be notified by FB).

This may sound extreme, but after several of the predatory situations in my family, my parent completely cut off communication with my bad-acting siblings. Doing so reduced their stress.
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LeahO71: Imho, since they are posting these monetary requests through a social media platform, that, in and of itself, is rude and should be blocked or ignored.
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My wife died this past Monday, August 9, 2021. Less than 13 hours later, her daughter, sent me a "shopping list" of my wife's jewelry. I knew she would ask for a few things, but I at least thought she would wait until her mom's body was cold.
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BurntCaregiver Aug 2021

Please accept my condolences on the loss of your wife. From reading your profile she had been quite ill for a long time.
I don't know your step-daughter but her "shopping list" could very well not be what you think. She may be worried that her mother's jewelry will be lost or given away by mistake, or stolen if there's going to be people showing up at your house because they do show up when someone passes.
When a family member I was very close to was in the hospital and she wasn't going to recover, I went into her house and took jewelry. Not for myself but because if I didn't do this her things would have gotten sold and smoked up in her DIL's crackpipe. She had granddaughters and nieces that these things belonged to by rights. She just didn't have time to write it down.
Your step-daughter just lost her mother. She has grief too even if how's she expressing it seems indifferent to you.
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sorry to hear that but just tell them that the money is tied up in attorney fees to help your dad with his health and caregiving duties and that there is no money to be sent out to anyone, including you. then include in your letter/text that "oh by the way......your brother is (explain what is going on) in case you were wondering".........wishing you luck
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