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My Mother passed away last October at 80 because of complications with meds and also had AL in the last stages which only took one year from diag. in Aug. 2015.

For what it's my opinion a lot of diseases came from the vaccines that the CDC concocted over the years and everyone ran to get because they were brain washed with fear tactics. Vacs are loaded with aluminum and who knows what else and aluminum is one of the main causes of AL and many neurological mal-functions. The civilians of the world need to wake up and see what is happening especially in the US and with the depopulation scheme the Elite have put together such as Adgenda 21.
Depopulation has been in action since the beginning of time recorded and until we all make a stand against it nothing will change. This will be taken down quickly I am sure so read fast. AL is a disease that will kill off the elderly and I believe it was cleverly put together scientifically and there won't be a cure. There isn't a cure for much of anything on the planet just a fix until something else comes along. Remember the commercial.....if you have had the chicken pox then shingles virus is already in you laying how do you suppose that happened, lets see, what year did they give everyone that shot? My guess AL came from an influenza shot given years ago same with Autism. We are nothing but guinea pigs people and have been for eons.
A fix for AL is to start now with trying to get healthy-er and make sure you do the research on EVERYTHING anybody wants to put into your body, it is the only one you have and we have the internet now so check it out before you get a shot of something you know nothing about. Eat (good clean food), drink (lots of good CLEAN water) and be merry (find the good in YOURSELF and be happy). Listen to some soothing happy music and dance to your hearts content....literally! AL loves music and exercise!
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I have to weigh in here----vaccines have not been proven to cause autism (no vast conspiracy....just cold hard data). My SIL is a dr and he said he has seen so many deaths attributed to tetanus, whooping cough, POLIO, measles...all those childhood diseases that had been eradicated due to mass vaccinations. He says it breaks his heart to see BABIES with whooping cough--when their parents were too brainwashed by extremists who terrified them with scare tactics. He's seen people DIE of tetanus...and this is in America. Polio is making a comeback---I am old enough to remember polio and it was horrible!!

What does he tell his patients? Some people are simply prone to longer lives. Period. Don't smoke. Ever. Drink in moderation, if you must drink. Wear your dang seatbelts!! These factors (besides age related causes) are the primary causes of death....I'm sure he's be fine with some tried and true supplements, but he also has seen some pretty horrific interactions when people "self treat" with holistic stuff and they don't do well with "western medicine".

When my hubby had a liver transplant, we were told that if he didn't comply 100% with the Western Medicine protocol, he would be removed from the transplant list. You better believe he complied. People were bringing us ointments, oils, juices, magnets, holograms, crystals---you name it, we got it. Thanked everyone politely and threw it all away.

In the end Western Medicine got him his transplant, cured his Hepatitis C and gave him a normal life span.

Although, I will say, to each his own. BUT, all my grandbabies are fully vaccinated.
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Oh, and no, dementia is the brain "dying".....not much to be done with that. If there was a drug for it, the manufacturers would be making money hand over fist. Sadly, its an area that is still not really well known. Not to say someone who sells herbal remedies wouldn't try to convince you they alone have the cure.
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What I would do if I were you is get a special type of blood work done on the patient and request to see what they are nutrient level is but this would probably be best done with the help of a nutritionist. Hindsight is a very good teacher and sometimes it takes a while to connect the dots as with the case with my foster dad. He was practically skin and bones because come to find out he wasn't eating when he was alone. I really didn't realize what was going on until I went to hug him and notice how dangerously thin he was but he was wearing baggy clothes to cover it up. I worried about one day finding him dead because I could never get him to eat a healthy meal. I just couldn't get him to take proper care of himself and there was nothing much I could do about it and I felt powerless as bad as I wanted to get him well again. There was so much I wanted to do that I knew would help but getting him to cooperate was such a challenge my efforts always seemed to fail. I now know that had he been getting the proper nutrients, he probably might not have developed dementia. Definitely look at the possibility of getting a blender and liquefying all of his meals into the form of a drinkable smoothie. Many older people tend to do this to stay healthy
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Jeannegibbs: Did those 2 ladies take any prescription medications? This lady did not.
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Probably for acute illnesses. One of them took a med for high blood pressure. Do you suppose that is why she only lived to 96?
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Happiness and joy can have a lot to do with living a long time! :D

Raising you vibration and you energy level with the things and thoughts that make you happy, laughter and sharing and encouraging and finding the good in people. Most of all being grateful helps to surpass all dis-ease! Find others that want to share your joy in being happy and lets help heal this world! Start today......
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Though I've heard of coconut oil helping patients, I recently found something online where someone was talking about the brain depending on a certain level of cholesterol to function. Lack of that particular cholesterol apparently causes the brain to start malfunctioning and develop dementia and all timers Alzheimer's. You're really going to want to do your homework on this one and study up on cholesterol and brain function, now I know why statins are taken from patients at a certain age
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I spoke in length with a person about herbal remedies. I listened. I listened right up to the suggested "one phone call cure all mental health issues" and the "secret number" you could pay for and recite in order to stop sleepwalking. I listened to the person on the other end of the phone cough away, and wondered if there was a herbal remedy for that or maybe a secret chant? I'm reluctant to believe this stuff.
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Don't waste your money on herbal supplements. The time to deal with dementia is before you get it: healthy diet- lots of whole Frits and veggies and lots of physical activity and challenging the brain
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What works very well is called Phosphytidalserine. I've used it and it's quite effective.
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Yes, I'm using CBD oil for my mother. It shows promise for Alzheimers, dementia, Parkinsons, seizures, cancer and diabetes. Be sure its organic and US grown. A quality bottle of CBD oil will have a breakdown of its contents.
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