
My 90 yr. old Brother is in a nursing home in Richmond, Virginia. He has had some falls that affected his left shoulder, arm, hand and now his left hand is so swollen it looks like it is going to burst open also his left hand has completely closed up - no way can we get his hand open. Nothing is being done for his hand where he is at so his Adopted Daughter whose is the only one that is allowed to legally do anything for him hired someone to take him to the emergency room on a stretcher and the home he is in would not allow him to leave. Can they do this legally? Where my brother is he pays highly by the month but is getting no medical care. He is bed ridden they say so he lays on his back 24hrs a day and has been doing this for the last 6 weeks. He can only move his right arm, nothing else and getting worse. The place he was at before this place they gave him therapy, got him up and he set in a wheel chair. The place he is at now they put him in bed and he hasn't been out since he got there. My sister and I wanted to take him to the emergency room but we were told our name is not on the list to do anything. My Brother needs medical attention but all they do for him is bring his meals to his room and put depends on him. Please anyone if you know what my sister and I can do let us know. He tells us they don't answer his call button. We have been to visit him when he pushed his call button for help after 2 1/2 hrs they still did not come. So I checked the light outside over his door it was not working. Is there any way legally that my sister and I can legally take him to the emergency room. I can't imagine laying on my back for 6 weeks without moving. Can the home he is in LEGALLY stop us from taking him to the emergency room? Please if you know anything we can do please let us know. **BLESSING TO EVERYONE**.

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Get Adult Protection Services or Ombudsman involved. Even try the police. No facility can keep someone from going to the emergency room. We have had posts where people think they cannot do this, they can. If 90 yr old brother is with it, he can call 911 and ask to be taken. The facility is not a jail. Residents have rights. If you can get him help, do not have him returned to that place. I have a feeling they are trying to cover their asses.
Helpful Answer (2)

First of all I am sorry that he is suffering. Secondly, do you communicate with his daughter? Does she live near her dad? Do you live close to your brother? Has his daughter made any complaints to the nursing home? Can you give a little more information in order to understand a bit more. Thanks.

I hope you are able to help your brother. Is he a hospice patient? There are many questions that need answers in this posting.
Helpful Answer (1)

Did they put him in hospice? If his being put into hospice care without him knowing his not going to get any medical treatment.

Also If there covering up there wrong doing in that nursing home then I would not expect any one there to get him any medical attention.
I would say take photos of all his injuries and call a lawyer and report elder abuse.
Helpful Answer (1)
worriedinCali Oct 2019
That’s wrong about hospice. Hospice patients can still have medical treatment, especially if it’s a broken bone.
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