
My mom is almost 74 and has Parkinson's. She has had it for almost 14 years and has become more and more unstable, balance wise. So she needs someone 24/7.
She gets little to no money from SSD and has Medicare. There seems to be nowhere here in my town that takes Medicare...for respite or otherwise. And on top of that, if they did, it has to be deemed "medically necessary". I'm lost as to what to do. I seem to have hit a brick wall. Any ideas?

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If she's not on Medicaid, it sounds like she should be. In some states, that step can even get you a little respite care. Unfortunately, that isn't true everywhere. I agree that you should talk with the doctor about options. It seems to me that your mom may need nursing home care. You can't do this forever all alone.

Please keep checking back. We could help more with additional information.
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In answer to your question, A Place for Mom is a good place to start for referrals on places that your mom could go. If your mother is on Medicare, surely there are nursing homes that would take her. The only stipulation is that in order for Medicare to pay for her skilled care, she would need to spend three nights in the hospital where a doctor would determine that it is medically necessary for her to go to a nursing home. Then Medicare would pay up to 100 days of her skilled nursing and therapy services. Otherwise, she would have to be private pay. In your post you don't really indicate what kind of care she currently needs other than she is having balance issues. If a nursing home is inappropriate, there is also independent living, assisted living, and home health care. If a doctor deems it necessary for her to receive home health care such as physical therapy for her balance issues, then Medicare would cover the costs of home health nursing and therapy services she could receive at home for a time. Granted, the services would only be a couple of times a week rather than every day, but at least Medicare would cover as long as they are medically necessary. However, you are correct in saying that Medicare will not pay for your mother's stay in an independent or assisted living setting as these are private pay. Also, was your mother a veteran or the spouse of a wartime veteran? If so, she might qualify for Veteran's benefits which would help to cover the cost of her care. A Place for Mom might be able to assist you with finding more information on that if she qualifies. I hope this helps!
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Has she seen a doctor? Surely a doc could sign off that it is medically necessary (for her and for you).
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Have you considered applying for Medicaid for her?
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Talk to her neurologist...they should give you some options and/or people to call to get answers.
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Medicare does not pay for longterm care only for rehab services. Your state must have some sort of "state home care" services. Consult your local Senior Center or your Area Agency On Aging. You can research this online for any state.
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Ditto re MediCare--they do not pay any type of long-term care, only rehab (with 3 nites hospital stay not observation, read the regulations on medicare website). And they must be making adequate progress or they get d/c. As for Home Health paid for by MediCare, these too are for PT/OT and most certainly NOT for companion care, help with bathing, dressing or fixing meals--the MediCare paid home health workers will be exceptionally careful to NOT perform any of these. Sounds like you should investigate MedicAid-- take a community ed class, read a book, and/or visit with an elder care lawyer to see if there needs to be POA/Will drawn up, and don't forget about Health Care Directive. Parkinson's is a progressively worse terminal disease--she should make her wishes known now, as to end-of-life care (does she wish every intervention possible, or just palliative care? ). I had a close relative with Parkinson's and it is no fun, I'm so sorry that your Mom has this frustrating disease. Please keep us posted as to what things have worked for you & your mom. And if things are not working, too, we can offer a lot of "virtual" support and hugs.
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Yes, the two posts above are correct in saying Medicare does not pay for long-term care in the nursing home - only rehab until she is no longer making progress and therapy has to discharge her. Also, make sure if you are checking into placing your mom into a skilled nursing and rehab facility that the doctor admits her as an inpatient during her 3 night hospital stay and not just on observational status.
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If you have a community senior center they maybe able to help. There is adult daycare too. My dad who is 77 has had parkinsons for 9 years. Unfortunatelt between ss and medicare and his secondary he makes just enough to not be able to have the adult daycare or respite care paid for by insurance. So we will have to pay somehow for respite care. My husband and i need it so we will scrape up what we can to do it. I am in same sorta bind because i cannot get affordable help. Great answers above. Try your senior center and see what they say too. Good luck and hugs to you.
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