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Mom has more drs than that. Not quite 20. I started collecting biz cards and using two sided tape to put them in the back of the daytimer i bought just to track her appts, episodes, illnesses and medical conversations.

Comes in handy when a nurse, facility or whomever asks for all her dr info or a specific dr.

For those she doesn't see regularly, but has a history with, I still keep this info. If she has to see a specialist, she usually already has one at my fingertips.

Also, I've liked some of her drs, so I kept the info for my future use.

Neuro vs psychiatrist: Some neuros are stroke or physical damage specialists and do not handle mental issues such as depression or anxiety. My mom's stroke neuro would not handle or prescribe the psych meds.
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why the sleep Dr? and what is a neuro ophthalmologist- what do they do? why a derma surgeon unless he has skin cancer? why a sleep medicine neuro, what do they do? I can't imagine your father needs to see these all that often, the eye people maybe 1 time a year, the dentist 2 times a year.......Get a calendar and mark things down, both in your purse and on a wall calender (maybe a white board) Are you taking your father to all these appts or do you have other siblings that can help? IF he is in AL, do they have transportation that can take him to appts and all they need to do (the doctors) is update you with progress, etc IF you are POA. wishing you luck.
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I’m a big fan of firing doctors. My experience caring for my dad and going to sooooo many various appointments was that many weren’t needed, especially those labeled “follow up” My dad went through a horrible surgery, including a skin graft, for a skin cancer. The recovery was awful, he struggled for months. When I took him back to the dermatologist my dad said to him “my daughter doesn’t think I should have done this surgery” with me standing there. The doc got all flustered and replied that dad could have died without the surgery. Dad asked when that “could” have been and the doc said “maybe in 20 years” to a man in his upper 80’s, how ridiculous! I quickly talked my dad into never going back. Same with urologist who had nothing to offer. The primary care doc can handle many of the issues and meds that the specialists do
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