
My recently took 5 weeks to get back to me (she was on multiple vacations). Another time it took her three weeks, but she had covid. In your experience is this normal or do you hear back more quickly.
I enjoyed working with her but recently discovered she does not do litigation if needed.

I don’t know that there is a norm . But considering your attorney was on vacation and then sick , I don’t know why you would expect anything faster .

The elder attorney my husband used ( over 3 years ago ) for his Dad was awful . 7 months to get POA papers and a will drawn up .
My husband is now using an estate attorney to settle his father’s estate.
The elder attorney who drew up the will called and left a message the other day for my husband to call her, no clue why . My husband is not calling her back .
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Reply to waytomisery

If you are using a solo attorney (someone not in a multi-person firm) then I think this just goes with the territory. Does this attorney have a paralegal or office assistant/manager there too? If not, maybe find someone else.

Attorneys must pass the bar exam and practice law in court.

Lawyers have also taken the bar exam, and may or may not practice law, and do not represent clients in court.

All attorneys are lawyers, but not all lawyers are attorneys.

Is she an attorney or a lawyer? Maybe this is why she doesn't do litigation?

People tend to use these terms interchangeably but I recently found out there is a difference.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

SummerHope, a lot depends on what you are having the Elder Law Attorney prepare. I know when hubby and I went to a new attorney to set up a Revocable Trust, Wills, Power of Attorney, yada, yada, yada, it took over a month for the legal documents to get ready, as one size doesn't fit all. There were several in person meetings.

I used a large law firm which has a half dozen Elder Law Attorneys, that way if for some reason our Attorney moves or retires, we can assign another Attorney from the group to help. This law firm also deals with many other aspects of law, so if something that isn't directly related to Elder Law, we can conference with an Attorney that deals directly with that subject.

When my parents had passed, the law firm was great with helping us with my Dad's probate, even though it took two years to close (the County was back logged big time). It was worth every dime we paid, as Probate had so many hoops to jump through. My parents had all their legal documents with the same Elder Attorney that I have.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to freqflyer
SummerHope 22 hours ago
thank you so much. Your response really helps.
So you don't like your attorney EITHER? You have a lot of trouble with a lot of entities, Summer. Your POA brother, just about any hospital or care center, and now attorney as well.

You note that your attorney has been on vacation. I guess they happen. If you are unhappy with your attorney you should likely find another.

I would say for attorneys it perhaps varies. What relevance how long it takes MINE to get back to ME, I cannot imagine in terms of your own concerns. But if you think it might help you, my own attorney when I settled my bro's estate was not great about getting back to me in a timely manner. UNLESS I said something was urgent or kind of "timestamped" if you will. She then did get back if I left a text as to urgency. And wow, pleasant? She was that. GOOD? She was that. And even reasonable in cost.

I seem to have lucked out. I liked my brother, liked the MDs in care overall, liked the Hospital overall tho wished had palliative care, liked rehab center overall AND LOVED LOVED LOVED Pacifica Senior Living in Palm Spring. They were best of the best.

I think this may be more reflective of your overall tendencies to desire absolute excellence. I find the world fails to deliver it. Over 82 years I have learned to cut the world just a bit of slack when I am able, to lessen my overall dissatisfaction with life in general. The center just DOES NOT HOLD.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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