I can’t get in to see the elder care attorney until January but placement must be before the end of December to take advantage of incentives. The cost gives me heartburn but I feel confident the timing is as right as it’s ever going to be. Maybe I’m pulling this out of thin air but the way this has fallen together seems almost providential. I doubt that getting DH in and settled will be nearly as smooth.
Neuro-psyche evaluation was this week so diagnosis is pending but my feeling is that he is not ready for Memory Care. That will have to be confirmed by the intake interview, of course.
This all sounds so businesslike and clinical. I am doing everything possible to push down the emotional stuff until afterward. That’s giving me heartburn too.
Consider giving DH anti anxiety meds a day before the move and on move day as well.
Don't announce the move ahead of time.
You can use therapeutic fibs to say you're taking him to lunch at the MC and then afterward, take him to his new suite.
Ask the intake coordinator at the MC his or her recommendations for a smooth move in. They normally suggest you don't visit for a week or two to allow him to adjust. That's up to you.
Best of luck with a difficult situation.