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Good to hear from you Maximus!

They could meet at a restaurant. Or local cafe for lunch or coffee even better.

Yes they risk getting fleeced & left with the whole bill.. or they may make some wonderful new acquaintances.

I'd skip home visits for way down the track. After MUCH trust has been established. Brand new acquaintances do not need to know personal details such as income or home environment.
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If they are competent to make their own decisions, let them make their own decisions........poor or wise, in your eyes.....or move in with them and try managing their lives for them 24/7/365. Which is where this is all leading ANYWAY, right, based on your prior posts?

People from Brooklyn who relocate to other parts of the country love hooking up bc they speak the same language. I doubt these new friends are going to kill your folks or chop their bodies up, but likely share a meal and a few laughs together. People meet online all the time and form friendships and even this all that much different? It seems insane to you but it feels ok to your folks, so maybe trust their gut on this one. Repeat the suggestion to meet in a restaurant instead of in moms home for the first meeting, just in case they need to make a hasty retreat for some reason.

Good luck.
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If you are posting this, you already know that this story is weird. This is not the way to meet people. They should join a senior center if they are lonely. I absolutely would insist that they not have these people to their home and discourage them from meeting them for dinner too.
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Ok - so I found out the man gave them his address. I told them if you have them over you should have a cop for dinner too because that's insane what you're doing. My Dad's neurologist said he has no dementia and neither does my mom. They still cook and are able to drive. They are very mentally stable and my Dad is very mobile. They are amazing at their ages. Anyway, I think they miss being around people that have more in common with them then their friends they have now - but this is crazy! My mom said she wants to have their neighbor over too because I think she would feel safer. My mom then wanted my husband and I to visit again and we just left a week ago. Remember everyone what was happening to me a few months ago? That's insane too! Miss you guys! Maximus
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BlueEyedGirl94 Jun 2023
The man gave them "an" address. I mean honestly, in this day and age how sure are you that he gave them HIS address. Or that he is even who he says he is? I'm sorry, my daughter is a Criminology major and this kind of stuff is her jam. This would scare me half to death.

While this is somewhat similar to online dating - it's also not really. It is more inline with much younger teens meeting predators online - at least it feels like that. It may be perfectly harmless. But it may not be.

While it is certainly a "meet cute" - wrong number and all - it just seems too good to be true to me.

And did your dad's neurologist tell you directly that he has no dementia? Or did THEY tell you that? Mom too?

My FIL has so far told us that he passed his hearing test and his cognitive assessment in the last week. We don't even have the results back on either yet. AND he took the hearing test WITHOUT his hearing aids. So there is literally NO way he passed. That's what he would LIKE to be the result.
Pretty solid sign of impaired judgment and poor decision making skills. Consider where else this can apply to them being on their own
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Old person here: Wow, I definitely would think twice before doing that! These days you just never know. . .Unless there's more to the story (like maybe mutual acquaintances or organizational ties that can be checked out), I'd be VERY cautious. A restaurant would be a safer option, but it may be difficult for 90 Y/Os to get out to a restaurant (driving/parking/walking?). I would want to be sure the couple are who they say they are--in whatever way that could be determined.
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This sounds like step one of a multi-step series of events that leave your parents bound and gagged with everything of value stripped from their homes. Either that or dead.

Sounds like they shouldn't be living alone anymore if their judgment is this impaired.
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