As I have stated in the past....I'm in charge of mom's meds and try to stay on top of this the best I can. I call in refills as necessary since auto refill caused too many problems. Mom has been on Xanax for the past five months......taking one every evening. When she was down to five pills I called in for refill. I found out today that her PC would not refill the prescription and I am concerned about possible withdrawal. Doc is not in office tomorrow, so I'm at a loss until Monday. Just curious if anyone else has experienced stopping this med abruptly? Am I overreacting by being concerned about potential withdrawal?
Personally, until you have walked in my shoes and felt MY anxiety and insomnia and pain, you don't KNOW what I'm feeling. Sometimes you have to dr shop to find one who is willing to help you and do so in a compassionate manner.
My KIDS were super, super judgmental about my need for a mild benzo, until THEY started having anxiety problems. Shoe on the other foot changed it all for them.
We do not know another's person's pain and problems. Don't judge.
No suggestion on what doctor or specialist in town I should go to for them. She acknowledged I should not just stop after 10 years at same dose.
I'm a retired MHP, and I know the danger. This is hurting patients.
Not a do-it-yourself project.
Most DEA controlled substances need a doctors script every month. They can not be called in and at one time they could not be faxed, but that may have been changed. I worked for a Pharmaceutical company. Pharmacies would have to send in DEA forms for certain Drugs. Their records had to show what was ordered had a prescription to fill. No stocking the item.
I cannot find out what you are supposed to do if your provider is not available to be talked to. You can't call the doctor's office, today, now, and keep ringing until you get an answer from somebody qualified as to what you're supposed to do?
Can you speak to the DR. About putting your Mom on something non-addictive & with little side effects before just quitting cold turkey?
I would Google "xanax withdrawal" and check Mayo Clinic and Web MD for accurate information.
Does mom's insurance company have a nurse line you can call?
Put a call into the doctors office tomorrow and talk to her or him about what needs to happen to get a new script.
I bet the refills were only for 4 or 5 refills. That is how my primary doctor has my prescription. Thus, it makes me need to go see her for a check-up.