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I live in NC, and had to call 911 many, many times for them to come get my husband off the floor, when he fell. They were always very kind, and never once was I charged for their service. They told me that they do it as a service to the community, and will only charge if the patient has to transported to the hospital.

So please, if your husband is a fall risk like mine was, don't hesitate to call them.
Helpful Answer (8)
PeeWee57 Apr 2021
I also live in NC (Currituck), and was never charged. Mama fell six times while she lived with me, and she always refused transport. Our EMTs are fantastic people, and our county looks after its elderly. 😊
"In the US and Canada, when you call 911 for an emergency you will usually not get charged just for calling. Police and firefighter services are usually paid for by taxes and do not bill you for responding. However, in many areas, you will get a bill for ambulance transport services."

Helpful Answer (4)
rovana Apr 2021
Just have to state that many, many fire departments are volunteers, not paid government employees. Thanks to all those great people!
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