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Movie reference for today. This reminds me of a scene in the movie Backdraft. Someone parks their BMW in front of a fire hydrant and the firemen break both side windows to pass the hose thru the car...
Helpful Answer (7)

If, in your book who ever made the mess needs to clean in up - I'd take a page from your own book and get to work. EMTs are in the business of saving lives not clearing pathways to have to do so. I imagine they see and deal with a lot in their job and right or wrong get a bit frustrated. From what you discribe your house was in an unsafe condition for having a senior at risk living there. What if there had been a fire? No time for moving boxes and tables - and naked dolls from the floor. When you are living alone and/or with completely functioning adults living with clutter is your business. When you bring a vulnerable senior to live with you and one that may need emergency assistance it ceases to be so. I'm sorry if I sound harsh but I kinda think a reality check is in order here. Expecting EMTs to save lives is in line - expecting them to tidy up afterwards is a bit much - jmho. Sorry.
Helpful Answer (7)

I have the same questions as FF - why was there so much stuff that clearing it was an issue? Your reference to an end table that hasn't been moved in 50 years, lots of dust bunnies, hamper/footstool in a doorway ...this tells me that the situation in the house lent itself to the necessity of the EMTs moving stuff in order to get to your mother, and that the specific room wasn't easily accessible, inferring to me that the paramedics had to move some of the stuff to get in.

Providing a clear pathway is far more important than doing dishes or laundry.

It's also been my experience that EMTs are very, very professional, as well as courteous, considerate and helpful. And they have to go into often unsafe situations and deal with a wide variety of patients. I admire them for their professionalism and dedication.

You wouldn't be the only one living in an overly cluttered house, but it's better to recognize the situation in the house than blame EMTs for mistreating some of your possessions. Let this be a lessons learned and focus on providing clear pathways in the event your mother falls again. CWillie's advice is insightful.

If you want to file a complaint, think about what would happen if they report you to APS and you're visited with a mandate to clean up the house and get rid of all the extra clutter. Frankly, I would suspect that the EMTs may already have done something like this, because the clutter could have contributed to your mother's fall, and the dust bunny accumulation would affect her respiratory system.

I'm sure they're mandated reporters, and if they see an unsafe situation, they're probably obligated to do something about it, which would likely mean a report to APS.

And BTW, why did you post this same question 5 times? Even if it doesn't post right away, wait a minute or two, but 5 times is really overkill.

CWillie, good points about being prepared, and that applies to anyone of any age.
Helpful Answer (5)

They were definitely rude and insensitive, which should be brought to someone's attention.
As for the stuff... I suppose it is asking a bit much to expect someone in crisis mode to be prepared, but they really couldn't be expected to wait half an hour while the hallway was cleared and the furniture rearranged, and although they might have been big strapping men it isn't in their job description to move it for you.

You, and everyone reading this thread, need to learn from this lesson and be better prepared going forward. If there is someone in your house that may need to be carried out they must to be in a room that makes it possible, clutter, stairs, narrow doorways are all barriers to care and could waste precious minutes in a real emergency.
And although everyone keeps talking about big men coming to help lift someone off the floor or carry them off to hospital, you must know that EMS employs lots of women, sometimes even two women working together, so you can't rely on their brute strength to get you through.
Helpful Answer (5)

rwarren, if it took all day to clear off the top of the bed, then the house is in a serious hoarding condition. Especially since you wrote "very little effort was made to help me clear the hall completely of stuff, in order to get the carrier down the hall." If there is an elder in the home, why on earth have things sitting in the hallway? That's an accident waiting to happen.

Now what about the 3 hours to get to your home.... do you live way out in a rural area where the nearest ambulance service is 200 miles away, or did the weather play a part in the time?

What caught my attention, and I don't wish to be rude here, you mainly wrote in detail about the house and its content. How about why did your Mom fall? What is her age and medical issues? Does she use a cane or a walker? Does she live with you or you with her? Has she fallen before? Often or rarely?

As for the EMT's joking around. In all the 911 calls I had to make for my parents, not once were any of them unprofessional.
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If the home was in disarray to the point of being unsafe, filing the complaint might be the least of your concerns. I would think that EMT's are mandatory reporters of elder abuse, unsafe living conditions, etc.
Helpful Answer (6)

sorry for the multiple posts, the site is very slow for me and did not respond when I clicked the post button initially. and NO this is NOT an April Fool.

Mom may be a packrat, but she is not a hoarder. Yes we do have a lot of clutter -- we both enjoy books; we get involved in activities that generate memorabilia, paper and doodads, all of which we like to have around. Yes there was a filing box in the hall that I did not get to deal with while Mom was in the hospital, because I was too busy doing dishes and laundry and other things. (two out of three boxes was an accomplishment) And yes, fragile items should not be on or near the floor -- then again, clowns with big feet shouldn't be kicking stuff around without paying attention.

In my books, whoever makes the mess should clean it up. However I wouldn't want any of these clowns back in our house again -- even if they learn to say sorry.
Helpful Answer (1)

(a naked Michael Jackson doll??? the mind reels!)....I don't know who you would complain to, but they didn't behave very professionally at all! The ambulance guys that came to my mothers house half a dozen times were very calm, professional, and helpful. I would say something, definitely.
Helpful Answer (2)

Big question and we may not get an honest answer -- were the people coming into a hoarding situation where things had to be cleared to attend to the patient? To tell the truth, I would be ashamed if EMTs saw my mother's bedroom right now. It would fail every safety check, since she has blankets on the floor and clutter all about. I wouldn't blame an EMT at all if he/she chewed me out for the condition of the room. They wouldn't know how I had tried and how I felt ashamed of the condition. They would just know what they saw.
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You only need to post a question once then be patient.

Or perhaps this is an April Fool?
Helpful Answer (4)

No, file a complaint!
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