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His mind must be getting confused about what is clean and what is dirty.
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If everyone will read back through the comments, you'll find that I have resolved this issue. I was given a perfect solution. And for those who think I should just "be glad" this is my only problem (which I never indicated it was a problem, just an oddity) please also read the comments regarding some of his past behaviors. He has excellent hygiene. He is very NEAT. He simply does not wear the same piece of clothing twice, no matter how long he wore it whether it was hours or minutes.

I did see one person remark about not using dryer sheets...I don't use them either! They clog the screen on the dryer and eventually cause the dryer to run less efficiently. So, I make a mixture of half water, half fabric softener, dunk a wash cloth in it and throw it in the dryer. It smells SO much better than those dryer sheets! And also seems to cut down on static electricity more than the sheets.
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Just sounds like he wears a fresh set every day of each: street clothes, workout clothes, pajamas. At least he's not changing his underwear 3x a day! Encourage a location to keep clothes that have been worn but are not yet dirty. Men used to keep a wooden valet and hang their suit on it at night.
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