
I am my mother's DPOA. I have signed for everything at the Assisted Living center where she is residing. I know what her wishes are regarding life support and feeding tubes. My brother is in agreement with whatever decisions I make on Mom's behalf. Do I need these legal documents?

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Here4her, I just did a DNR for my Mom, shes completely incompetent. I had no problem as her DPOA and on her Health Care Proxy. Hospice drew it up for me and her Dr signed it, so it is okay. I also did her caregivers contract as she was unable to,no problem. Just some FYI for all that it absolutely can be done.
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We all need these documents. If we name someone to be our caregiver, POA or trustee to our estate, we must discuss our wishes w/ them way up front. Have someone as a backup besides your first choice, too. Life happens and surprises are common. Plan now for later.
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I should add if you can get an attorney or someone to notorize even if she is incompetent, it could bite someone in the butt if there are any conflicts. Its a risk that I would not want to be a part of.
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You cannot do a Living Will or DNR with DPOA. If she is incompetent it's too late.
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As her DPOA you should be able to draw these up without her, get to a lawyer and have it done, also a DNR if you dont have one. IF she doesnt want to be on life support or be recussitated, you need to do this asap because she could end up with a feeding tube for years, who wants that. Good luck.
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I have had the legal documents mentioned in your question . That's the first thing I am asked when I enter a drs office or to do a surgical procedure. I take this Dpoa very seriously. when I had to make the decision of long term care in nursing home. my signature was on all documents for my mom. She couldn't decide, because living by herself was not safe. Whenever there's new meds discussed, I am the one who decides. Of course, with the suggestions of the NH dr on staff. It's can be an easy choice to decide and not so easy. I am not always alone on my decisions. I always ask her sister and drs. My choice of NH was not mine alone. It was agreed with her sister, and drs. it was not an easy decision, without a day that goes by that I don't feel guilty. it's easier now, than 8months ago.
When my mom decided to assign me as her Dpoa, she was of sound mind and body and it was her idea. Thank god cause she made the correct decision. If your mom can sign and agree on her own that makes you feel better. Good luck.
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I may be too late to get these. She cannot sign if she is incompetent. If family is in agreement and your doctor cooperates, you don't necessarily need one, but if anyone balks, there could be issues. So talk to her doctor to see if she is competent to sign anything.
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