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Yes, to the doll idea.
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I think a doll is a wonderful idea AbbyRose~
My Mother had a little stuffed rabbit that she named Teege.
Mother had broken her neck and she said that little rabbit just fit perfectly in the crook of her neck and she slept with it every night.
To look over at her asleep with that bunny,was the dearest sight.
I think a doll or a stuffed animal would be good.Anything to hug and hold.
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No pun intended...but something just popped into my head...recalling a story where someone's parent was given bubble wrap and the parent believed it was their job to pop all the bubbles...daughter "paid" him (i.e. the company did) every so often...
Helpful Answer (2)
Isthisrealyreal Nov 2019
My niece used to ask for rolls of bubble wrap for all birthdays.

Glad I didn't live with her.

I think that I would ensure that any roommates don't have PTSD from war or violent crimes. I think that it could cause an episode.
True story. Somewhere in the late 1940 when I was a small child my father would make his annual trip to the (then) " Old Folks Home " . He played Santa Claus and every resident got a gift. He contacted the staff ahead of time to get their gift wishes. One year this lovely black lady who was bedridden only wanted a black baby doll. She was insistent that was all she wanted in the whole world. Now sadly back in those days finding a black baby doll was extremely difficult. My father worried and fretted over this task. He succeeded after much searching. I went with him on the big day. I will always remember how that lady cried happy tears of great joy as she cuddled and kissed her baby. Whispered sweet words to her. Yet there is another blessing to this story. A small little girl learned the Daddy she so loved was a great man.
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Isthisrealyreal Nov 2019
What a special man your dad is.
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I Love your story Rebecca & Bless your Dad's heart~
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Rebecca1033 Nov 2019
Thank you!
Dearest Dementia Caregivers,

Thank you all very much for taking a moment to help me decide how to best handle this doll dilemma. I think what I am going to do is get a doll and tell Mom that I got her a baby to decorate her bed with. Mom recently had to have a smaller bed (I brought her queen bed from home when she moved into AL and now the PT suggests that a twin bed will be better, as it is safer if she falls out and less bulky.) I bought new bedding for Mom's new bed, along with a pretty throw pillow for the center. I'm hoping that a sweetly dressed girl doll will be an added attraction that will become a comfort and a distraction for her.

Again, all your ideas are wonderful! Thank you.
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Excellent ! We all need someone/something to love :)
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AbbyRose Nov 2019
Betsysue2002, Indeed, we do!
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